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Better Than What Thought part 3
Recap: I was heading downstairs and Anaya was sitting at the table. I went in the kitchen with guts and ready for her to tease me as usual. Anaya: Well, Well, Well. Hello Twinkie. Or should I say Mrs. Michael Jackson? Me: You know what Anaya I canâ??t believe I got the guts to tell you this but SHUT UP!!!! She was instantly quiet and then I sat at the table with silence until Nathan came downstairs. Nathan: Hey sis! You have fun with Michael? Me: Yeah it was fun. Nathan: Where did yâ??all go before yâ??all came to the party last night? Me: Well remember when we went on that walk? Nathan: Yeah. Me: Well we walked to this tree in the park and he wanted me to climb with him but I had on a skirt and I couldnâ??t. So we went to a cave that was owned by him if you want to put it that way. And we talked and then we ran to his house. Thatâ??s it. Nathan: Cool. Me: Heâ??s so nice and kind and a full gentleman. Nathan: Your type right? Me: Yeas. Nathan: So be happy with the guy you got because there might not be another one good like him out there for you. Take your brotherâ??s advice. All you have to do is ask Dad and heâ??ll tell you. * Ding â?? Dong* Anaya: Iâ??ll get it! * opens door* Hi Michael. Michael: Hi is Sweetness home? Me: Why would I not be? Michael: Can I come in? Me: Anaya let him in. Michael:* hugging me* whatâ??s up sweetness? Me: Chilling actually, just about to eat some breakfast. Michael: What did you want to have at the picnic today? Me: I donâ??t really care. What did you want? Michael: Well I was thinking about it but canâ??t put a finger on it. Me: *seeing dad coming downstairs* Good morning father! Dad: Good morning Sunshine and Michael. Whereâ??re the others? Me: They went in the backyard. Dad: Oh okay, just checking. Michael: Mr. Carter what can Janiyah and I have for a picnic? Dad: Well Michael, thereâ??s lots of things. Letâ??s see you got sandwiches, salads, hotdogs, hamburgers, anything. If you let me cook, Iâ??ll show you a true picnic. Michael: Okay you can cook if you want. Oh and can I borrow my girlfriend this morning? Dad: Sure why not? I ran upstairs and took a shower. I came out the bathroom and Michael was sitting on my bed watching television. Me: Michael! Michael: What? Did I do something?* finally taking his eyes off the t. v.* okay Iâ??m going downstairs. Me: Thank you. He went out the door and I saw a note and a bag on my bed. I wonder who itâ??s from and what it is. I read the note first and it said this: Dear Janiyah, You left this in my room at the party last night. I hope you enjoy it. I also threw in a little something from me and the guys. Love you! Love, Michael J. P.S. The outfit is from Janet and the girls including Tashayla. You can wear it for the outing today. My heart raced like it wanted to jump out my chest or something. I looked in the bag and the first thing I grabbed was a pink short sleeved blouse and the second thing I pulled out was a blue and pink skirt that came to the knees. I tried it on and it fitted perfectly. So I decided to keep it on. I pinned my hair up and let my bang hang in front of my face. I put in some ear rings and slipped on some pink flats. I looked nice. I went downstairs and Michael was talking about me. I just listened in on their conversation and this is what I heard: Michael: Sheâ??s just so cute. I love her seriously Nathan. Sheâ??s the one for me. I get excited when I hear her name. Nathan: I can tell yâ??all had something because she use to always talk about Michael is so fine and look at the star shirt he got on and those pants, OMG! Thatâ??s what she said every time she saw one of your music videos on television. She loves you Mike. Whatever you do, keep her forever yours, ok? Michael: Oh trust me I will. I canâ??t believe she talked about me liked that. Did she talk like that when we use to live in Gary? Nathan: Of course. But it was different then. It was this* acting like Janiyah* Michael is so adorable and his afro is so beautiful. His beautiful big brown eyes! Oh my god their so cute! Michael: *laughing* How sweet of her. That just makes me love her more. Me: *coming downstairs* and I love you more. Michael: You look beautiful as always. Me: Thanks. So whereâ??re we going? Michael: Youâ??ll see. Me: Michael did you eat this morning? Michael: No. Why? Me: Because you got hungry written on your forehead. *smiling* Michael: Oh, you got jokes? *walking to her* Me: Even better ones. Michael: Alright then. Well I got tricks. * picks her up* Me: Whoa Michael! OMG Van Diesel man you better put me down before I bite your afro. Michael: Go ahead. Michael knew I wasnâ??t going to bite his afro. I would never do anything like that. Me: Alright you got me. Michael: No way, itâ??s too late now. I got some tricks for you. Meet me at 3:00 no 4:30. I got something for you. Be sure to wear a bathing suit. Me: Okay. Iâ??m curious now where are we going? Michael: I was going to take you out for breakfast at this place that my friendâ??s mother owns. Me: Okay. We got in the car, well Michaelâ??s car and drove off. While on the ride we were talking. Michael: So how did you like the gift me and the guys gave you? Me: Michael when I went through the bag I didnâ??t see it. Michael: What!*stopping the car and checking his pocket* Here it is. Sorry. Go ahead and open it. I opened the little rectangular shaped box and inside was a bracelet that had â??P.Y.T. Is what you areâ? on it. I looked at him and he smiled. Michael: I kind of had to pick that saying because the guys all agreed that you are a P.Y.T. and I donâ??t blame them, but I was going to pick a different one. Me: What were you going to pick Michael? Michael: You are everything in my life. Me: That is so sweet! Iâ??ll love you forever, no matter what. Michael: Iâ??ll love you forever no matter what. He started to drive again and we soon were there. The place was called â??Breakfast Paradiseâ?. We went in and this beautiful woman was standing behind the counter. She saw us and came over to us. Woman: Michael how are you Hun? Michael: Iâ??m fine Mrs. Swan, I would like for you to meetâ?¦â?¦. Mrs. Swan: Janiyah? Me: Isabella!? How are you!? Isabella: Iâ??m good, and you? Me: The best I could ever be. I just hope my mother could be here to see me and the others. Isabella: Sweetie your mother is back in Mexico. I saw her when I went on my vacation. Michael: I guess you two know each other? Me: Yeah she was my momâ??s best friend. How is she Bells? Isabella: Well sheâ??s p- pregnant again. Me and Michael: WHAT!!!!* looks at each other and covers our mouths* Isabella: She told me not to tell you but I felt that you should know. Well what are you guys ordering? Michael: Iâ??ll take blueberry pancakes and orange juice please. Me: Iâ??ll have the same but with eggs please. Isabella: Okay coming up. I and Michael took a seat and we looked at each other and said the same thing. Me and Michael: I canâ??t believe sheâ??s pregnant!! Michael tried to get my mind off of it by talking to me about Arizona. Michael: What is it like in Arizona? Me: Hot, very hot. Not like over here kind of hot, hot as in burn your foot on the dirt kind of hot. Michael: Whoa, thatâ??s dangerous. Me: I burned my hand once when I went on the front porch and touched the rail and it burned me. Michael: Was you okay? Me: Yeah of course! I was perfecto. Michael: Okay just asking. We soon received our food and ate and conversated a little. Then we left. I was in the car and in my head it was playing â??Blame it on the Boogieâ?. Most of the times when my mind is playing a song, I got to come out and sing it. Donâ??t get me wrong I got a blow you away voice. Donâ??t judge before you hear. I was in the car with Michael and just started humming the beginning of the song. Me: *singing* my babyâ??s always dancing, that wouldnâ??t be a bad thing but I donâ??t get no loving and thatâ??s no lie. We spent the night at Frisco and every kind of disco from that night I kissed our love goodbye. Michael:*singing* donâ??t blame it on the sunshine, donâ??t blame it on the moonlight, and donâ??t blame it on the good times blame it on the boogie. I looked at him and he looked at me. Michael: What? Why you stop? Me: I thought I was singing it in my head. Michael: You know you can really sing. Me: I know. I know. When we got back to my house it smelled good. Michael: it smells so good in here. Me: I know my father is cooking his famous shrimp fried rice. Dad: Hi guys. Me: Dad it smells awesome in here. Dad: I know. Me: Well Iâ??m going to watch television. Dad: Okay. Michael and I went upstairs to my room and watched T.V. We were watching Sanford and son. Michael: Your dad looks like Red Fox. Me: I know. Michael: Is that Red in a disguise? Me: Who? Michael: Your dad. Me: Michael when I first watched that show I thought my daddy was Red Foxx but heâ??s not. People in Arizona thought he was him but he wasnâ??t. Michael: Okay. I was totally confused. Me: Well donâ??t be. Just relax. *Ring, ring* Michael: I got it* answering her phone* Hello? Hey Alexis! How are you? Thatâ??s good. Iâ??m with my girlfriend. Because sheâ??s my girlfriend. Me:*mouthing to Michael* Give me the phone. She is going to kill me! Michael: Well she wants to talk to you. Here boo. Me:*rolling eyes at him* Hello? Lexis: How come you didnâ??t tell me that you go out with Michael? Me: Because you didnâ??t ask. So whatâ??s up? Lexis: You nigga! Tashayla called me and told me a whole bunch of things and Iâ??m coming around there. Me: How you going to get here if you live across town? Lexis: not any more. Me: Really? Lexis: Duh you putty cat. Me:*giggling* Alright then. Lexis: Iâ??ll be there in a few. Bye. Me: Bye. Michael: What did yâ??all talk about? Me: You. Michael: You did!? What did you say about me? Me: That youâ??re the best boyfriend I ever had. Michael: Prove it. Me:*kisses him* See!? Michael: Okay you right. Me: Youâ??re silly. Dad: Jay you have a visitor! Me: Coming! Dag I know lexis havenâ??t got here that fast. Michael Iâ??ll be back. Michael: Iâ??ll be watching T.V. Me: Okay. I went downstairs and Edward was standing there at the end of the steps. Me: Ed, what you doing here? Edward: I came to visit you. Is that cool? Me: I was kind of busy. Edward: Oh well Iâ??ll just go. Michael: What is he doing here? Me: Came for a visit. Whatâ??s up with you 2? Edward: I donâ??t even know whatâ??s up with Michael. Michael: No, you know whatâ??s up with me. I know what you said too, donâ??t make me tell her. Edward: You wouldnâ??t dare to. Michael: Will. Me: Excuse us for a minute Ed. *taking Michael back in my room* what the hello is wrong with you? Michael: Itâ??s some things heâ??s keeping from you. He told me this stuff. Me: Well what is it? Michael: He likes you. He doesnâ??t want you going out with me and he said he went out with Tashayla to make you and her happy, mostly for you. Me: what!? Iâ??ll talk to him. Michael: Iâ??m going home. Come get me when youâ??re done.*kisses her* The kiss lasted for a while but I had to go talk to Edward, so I broke it. Me: Michael, come on let me go talk to him. Michael: Okay. See you later. Me: Okay. Michael went to the door and winked at me. I giggled and then he left I told Edward to come with me to the backyard. I got us something to drink and we sat on the patio. Me: Why didnâ??t you tell me you liked me? Edward: â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦. TBCâ?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦.. PART 4 NEXT!!!!
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