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Better Than What I Thought part 2
Recap: Janiyah was moving in next door and we didnâ??t know it was right then. * My P.O.V.* I was taking my suitcase in the house and this boy ran up to me. I couldnâ??t see his face but he was running to me. Me: Whoa, Whoa dude slow down! Michael: I just want to hug you I miss you so much!*coming closer* Me: Michael!? OMG! Come here you! *pulling him to me and hugs him tight* Michael: I canâ??t believe Iâ??m holding you in my arms. The girl I dream about. Me: What is that suppose to mean cupid?*raising an eyebrow* Michael: Nothing at all.*thinking how did that slip out my mouth* Me: Well come help me with the stuff. Michael: I sure will.*picking up luggage* Me: What a gentleman. Michael:*blushing* Wow um thank you sweetness. I meanâ?¦. Me: Twinkie? The nameâ??s Twinkie.*blushing* Michael: Thatâ??s what I meant to say. Dad: Janiyah! Come see your room! Me: Coming Dad. Come on Michael! Michael: Okay Iâ??m coming. We get to the room and itâ??s big and beautiful. Pink walls with a sky blue color for a tracing of it. Beautiful if you ask me. I love it for life. Dad: So how you like it sweetie? Me: Dad I love it. Anaya: OMG! My favorite colors for my room! Red and black! I love you daddy! Dad: I love you too. Michael: Hello Mr. Carter.*putting luggage on the bed* Dad: Hello Michael. Jay how come you didnâ??t tell me Michael was here? Me: Because I ran into him when we was unpacking the van. Michael: Janiyah I got to go now. See you later*kisses her cheek* Nice to see you all again! Us: Yeah you too. Me:*sigh in disbelief that, that just happened* Dad: Amen. Me: About what? Dad: Never mind. Donâ??t bother yourself about it. Go ahead and unpack your clothes and stuff and Iâ??ll let you look around the neighborhood some. Me: Okay dad. I unpacked my clothes wondering why all this is happening to me. First us moving, Then me running into Michael and him bringing in my luggage, and calling me sweetness, then him kissing me on my cheek. He never did any of this in Gary? Why now? So I finished putting up my stuff and there was a knock on the door. Dad: Ok. Janiyah! Someoneâ??s here for you! Me: Coming!* getting downstairs*Hi Michael. Michael: Hello Sweetness. I was wondering would you like to take a walk with me around the neighborhood. Anaya:*doing a hand sign under her chin like cut or no* Nathan: *doing hand sign like yes* Me: *taking his hand* Of course I would Handsome.*turning around and rolling eyes at her* We walked out the house and Michael was holding my hand and it seemed very odd. He was walking kind of behind me. I donâ??t know why but he just was. I stopped and turned around to face him and he ran right into me. Michael: Hey! Me: What are you doing? Michael: Thatâ??s what I should be asking you. Me: Seeing what youâ??re doing. Donâ??t be checking me out Michael. *turns around and starts walking again* Michael:* mumbling* Too late. We were walking and came to this park nearby. Michael took my hand and took me to this tree. Michael: Climb with me. Me: Michael I canâ??t I got on a skirt and it might lift up while Iâ??m climbing. Michael: Well okay letâ??s go to my other secret spot.*pulling me* Me: Okay. We came to something like a cave but small. We went inside and it had a light and books and a table in it. In the corner it looked like a bed or couch. Me: Michael you made this? Michael: Yes. When you werenâ??t with me I stayed here after practice with the guys. That reminds me come on we got to head back. I have something for you. We ran there to his house and opened the door. It had the Jackson family, Tashayla, Edward, dad, Nathan, with my sister Anaya.*urr to her*. Anyways I gasped and looked at Michael. Me: For me? *almost in tears* Michael: For my best friend. The first one I ever had in my hometown. Thank you sweetness. Me: Come here Michael. Michael: Yes what is it? Me:*kisses him* Thank you. Michael: *blushing* Wow youâ??re welcome sweetness. Everyone:*clapping* Joe: Hey stranger! You grew up on me didnâ??t you? Me: Ha old Joe. Hey man*hugs him* Marlon: Um I think I should give my hide and seek partner a hug. Me:*hugs Marlon* Hey! Whatâ??s up? Marlon: Nothing. Me: Whereâ??s mother? Katherine: Here I am! Me: Hi Mom! Whatâ??s up? Still cooking that good chocolate cake? Katherine: Matter fact I made one for the party. Me: Thanks Mom, youâ??re the best. Whereâ??re the girls? Michael: Theyâ??ll be here in a minute. Want me to show you around? Me: Yes. Michael is showing me around and this house is the best one of all time! Better than my house and my house not even really done being made into a home! The beautiful paintings and furniture, very extraordinary! We got to this bedroom and it was Michaelâ??s. He shut the door and I sat in the chair facing the window. Michael: I love you. Me: I love you too Mike. Hold up, is that sister wise or best friend wise? Michael: Girlfriend wise. Me: Girlfriend wise? Me your girlfriend, Michael I just donâ??t know. Michael: Iâ??ve wanted you in my life more than a friend. You understand me and the meaning of me. Me: How long have you felt like this? Michael: Since I was 13. Me: Wow. Um okay. Well Iâ??m single*walking to him* Michael: I know this already. Thatâ??s why Iâ??m asking you to be my girlfriend.* wrapping arms around me* Me: And Iâ??m saying yes. Michael: Thank you a lot.*Kisses her* Janet: *walks in* Aw a girlfriend and boyfriend moment! The perfect couple for breaking news! Iâ??m going to tell. Michael: Dunk, weâ??ll tell them when weâ??re ready, right Janiyah? Me: Yeah. Janet whatâ??s that in your hand? Janet: A little gift for you. Here*hands it to me* you are now part of this family even though you already was part of it. Iâ??m going back downstairs, see you guys later. Michael: Did you want to tell them now? Me: Yeah if you feel comfortable with it. Michael: The guys might go insane because they all like you. Me: Trust me I can handle them. Michael: Okay well letâ??s go. We went back downstairs and everyone was talking and laughing and having fun. Michael stood at the bottom step and called out for attention. Michael: Everyone I would like to give you all good news. Janiyahâ??s my girlfriend. Everyone: Congrats guys! Me:*giggling* Thanks everyone. This party isnâ??t just for me, itâ??s for my family and all of you guys too. I love you all so much and I want to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you, for everything. Jacksons: Youâ??re welcome. I turned around and Michael wasnâ??t there. Then all of a sudden Marlon came into the room said that everyone report to the studio room. The lights were off and then they flicked on. Michael was standing on stage with a microphone in his hand sitting on a stool. This is what he said: Michael: Guys I wanted to do something real special for Janiyah since I didnâ??t get her a gift. I want to dedicate this song to her. Would you come up here for me Janiyah? I walked up there while everyone took seats.* I know this song wasnâ??t out then but I love this song*. He took my hand and said this song is called â??speechlessâ?. He sung these lyrics: Your love is magical, Thatâ??s how I feel. But I have not the words here to explain, gone is the grace for expressions and passion But there are worlds and worlds of ways to explain to tell you how I feel But I amâ?¦ Speechless, Speechless Thatâ??s how you make me feel though Iâ??m with you I am far away and nothing is for real. When Iâ??m with you Iâ??ve lost the words I donâ??t know what to say, my heads spinning like a carousel, so silently I pray. Helpless and hopeless thatâ??s how I feel inside Nothing is real but all is possible, If god is on my side. When Iâ??m with you Iâ??m in the light where I cannot be found. Itâ??s as though Iâ??m standing in the place called hallow ground. Speechless, Speechless, thatâ??s how you make me feel though Iâ??m with you I am far away and nothing is for real Iâ??ll go anywhere and do anything just to touch your face, thereâ??s no mountain high I cannot climb Iâ??m humbled in your grace. Speechless, Speechless thatâ??s how you make me feel, though Iâ??m with you I am lost for words and nothing is for real. Speechless, speechless thatâ??s how you make me feel though Iâ??m with you I am far away and nothing is for real Speechless, speechless thatâ??s how you make me feel though Iâ??m with you I am lost for words and nothing is for real. Speechless. Your love is magical, thatâ??s how I feel But in your presence Iâ??ve lost the words. Words likeâ?¦â?¦ like I love you. When he was finished singing I was in tears. He hugged me and kissed me on my forehead and said I love you forever and ever. Me: I love you forever and ever too Michael. Everyone was clapping because the song was beautiful. My sister and Nathan were in tears. Dad was holding in his and the Jacksons were all in tears. After the party I was about to head home until someone pulled me to the side. Michael: What are you doing this Friday? Me: Nothing. Why? Michael: I wanted to have a picnic in the park if that was okay with you? Me: Of course. Good night Michael. Michael: Wait!* Kisses me* Okay good night. Me: Bye everyone! Jacksons: Bye Janiyah! Michael: Want me to walk you to your door? Me: Michael I live right next to you. You can watch me from your door, Duh? Michael: I know. I was just asking if that was cool missy.* moving his finger like a girl* Me:*mimicking him with finger motion* Well you donâ??t have to get an attitude. Michael: Okay you won the Diva contest of 1973. Me: Yay! Well Iâ??m kind of tired so bye- bye Mike. Michael: Alright bye dear. I went to the door and he walked me to the gate and watched me go to the gate of my house and head in. I text him as soon I got in the house. Me: I love you. Michael: I love you too. I went to bed thinking how could I be Michael Jacksonâ??s girlfriend? It didnâ??t add up to me. Did he really love me like he said? I woke up the next morning happier than an angel. I got up and to eat and my pest was sitting there, Lord help me!!!! TBCâ?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦.. Part 3â??s next!!!!!
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