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Better Than What I Thought part 7
Better Than What I Thought Part 7 *Reminsing back to the year of 1968* I was walking down the street when there was a tap on my shoulder. Me: Hey Michael. Michael: Hey Twinkie. Me: What's up? Michael: Um, um,well. Me: Spit it out Mike. Michael: *deep breath* Okay. I know today is Valentine's Day and stuff. And all my siblings have Valentine's even little Janet. So I was wondering.... Would you be my Valentine? Me: Of course Michael.* hugs him* Michael: I'm glad I got that off my chest. Me: Yeah you did. So what are we going to do? Michael: Well my mother and I was about to go to the store. Me: Well okay. I'll see you when you get back then. Michael: Okay then. See you when I get back. Me: Okay. I went in the house to watch TV until Michael came back. I ended up taking a miniture nap. I woke up when I heard my father's voice. Me: Daddy who are you talking to? Dad: Your Valentine. He's here. Me: Oh God, tell him to hold up. Dad: Michael go sit in the livingroom she'll be with you momentarily. Michael: Okay. I went upstairs changed my clothes to a pink shirt with hearts on it with red skinnies and white babydoll shoes. I redid my hair and came downstairs. Michael: Hi Valentine. Me: Hi.*sits down*So what's up? Michael: I brought you these things. Michael pulled out a teddybear, a box of chocolates, and roses. Michael: My mother told me that this would be a good gift to give you. Me:*hugs him and kisses him on the cheek* Thank you. Michael: You're welcome.*blushing* Me: I got you something too. Some of your favorites. I gave Michael a box of his favorite chocolates and his favorite cologne or body mist. Me: My sister said this might be a good thing to get you. Michael: Jay you didn't have to get me anything. Your hug that you gave me brightened up my day. Me: You brought me something so I wanted to be even. Michael:Thank you.*kisses my cheek* Me: *blushing* You're welcome. We went out and played then we went to his house. Michael: Mother wanted me to bring you over. Me: Okay. We went inside and all the others were watching TV. Michael: Hi guys. Look who I brought. Me: Hi guys.*shyly* Them: Hey Jay! Janet:Hi. Me: Hey there Janet how are you? Janet: Me good. Me a big girl. Michael: Yup it's true.*nodding* Me: Well if that's true, then this big girl can have this. *gives her a bracelet* Janet:*gasps and takes it* Thank you Michael Vawentime.*hugs me* Me:*giggling* You're welcome. Michael: That was very nice of you. Me: I know. Where's mom? J,J,T,J,R,R,L,M:*points to the kitchen* Me: Thanks. Come on Michael. We went in the kitchen and saw Katherine putting cool whip frosting on a heart - shaped cake. Then we saw Joe sitting at the counter. Me and Michael: Hi Mom.*looks at each other and giggles* Katherine: Hey children. Michael did you give her the gifts? Michael: Yes Mom.*pulls me out a stool and him one then sits beside Joe* Joe: Michael making a girlfriend? Go son. Michael: She's not my girl Dad. Just one of my bestest friends ever. Me: Michael please. Michael:No i'm cereals. You're pretty. Me: *blushing* Thank you. You're cute too. Michael: *blushing*Thank you. Me: You're welcome. Katherine: Cake is ready guys!! Them: Good. Janet: Wadies fist. *moving Jermaine and Tito out the way* No. Mickey fist and his vawentime. Michael: Thank you Jan. Janet: You weltome. Katherine: This cake is to my little young couple Michael and Jay and the rest of you too. We was eating the cake and little Janet said something to me. Janet: Mickey wikes you.*whispering* Me:*looking at him* Michael:*catching my eye* What are you 2 talking about? Us: Notin. Michael:Mhm. Me:*whispering to Janet* I know he does. Janet:*smiling* Michael: *mocking me* We not talking about notin. Me and Janet: Hey! Michael:*giggling* When we got out the kitchen, Janet went to Michael. He picked her up and asked her something. She started to laugh. I walked over to them. Janet: It's a secwet. Michael: See you just told her what we was talking about. Thanks. *puts her down* Janet: Weltome.*walks away* Me: Mhm.*walks away* Michael:*grabs my arm* Does mhm have a meaning? Me: In this case, no. Michael:*lets me go* Okay Miss Mhm. Me: Mhm. Michael: See! Me:Haha Michael. Michael:*crossing his eyes* Me:*looking at my phone* Michael my dad want us to take some pictures so he can have them when we're older. Michael: Okay come on. We went back to my house and Dad was listening to Jazz. He saw us and he jumped. Dad: Y'all know how old I am? Michael and I: We're sorry. Dad:Mhm. Michael: why is everyone saying mhm? Me: I don't know to tell you. There was pictures of Michael and I hugging, me kissing him on the cheek and he's smiling, then him kissing me on the cheek and I'm smiling, Us looking at the stars, me holding the balloons, and chocolates and Michael blushing hard, my head on his lap looking up at him and him looking down at me, and one of me and dad being silly. It was getting late so Michael had to head home. Michael: I had fun with you today and thank you for being my Valentine. Me: Anytime Michael. I had too and thanks for the gifts, I really appreciate it. Michael:*hugs me* You're welcome. Bye. Me: Bye. *closes door and slides down it then sighs in a happy way* *snapping out of it* Michael: You okay Jay? Me: Umh, yeah. Just had a flash back. Michael:*sitting beside me* Really? About what? Me:*puts my head on his lap and looks up at him* Of us when you asked me to be your Valentine when we was 10. Michael: Yeah I remember that. The cologne you gave me and my favorite chocolates. Me: Speaking of your favorite chocolates, I have some here. Their not just your favorite chocolates, my father and Nathan like them too. Michael: Oh I see. Me and Michael sat in the kitchen and got to pieces of chocolates each. The chocolates are called Rochelle. A german choclate; the kind you don't get fat off of.*lol milk and dark chocolate* Michael: I love those. You can't never find those in stores no more. Where did you get them? Me: You'll find out when you're older. * 4 years later* Michael and I have been together ever since. No arguments, no misunderstandings, nothing negative. We was having a walk down the street when there was a flick of light. Like from a camera or something. Me: Hold up. *stops walking* Michael: What? What is it? *stops too* Me: You didn't see that. Michael: uh-oh. Papparazzis!!! RUNNN!!!!!! Me:*grabs his arm* Oh no you don't. I made a promise and i'm gonna keep it. STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Papparazzi: *stops everything* TBC..................................... Part 8 next! >3
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