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Concert To Love ^ 2^
Hey y'all!!!! I came back with back with part 2 for you!!! I hope yhuu enjoy it!!! Gonna be lots of fun!!!!! - leila Previously......... Michael: Y'all have some nice names!! Us: You too!!! Michael: So uh umh tell me a little 'bout yourselves??*sits down* Me: Taylor you go first, I wanna go last. Taylor: What?? No! You go first,I wanna go last. Me: *sits at bar * Why you guys do this to me, why!!!*smiles a little and laughs to myself* Micahel: Don't worry. *sits down beside me * I don't bite. * smiles* We stared into eachothers eyes for 5 minutes.Our faces were getting closer. Taylor: *whispers* Let's leave them two alone. Girls: *tiptoe out the door* Michael: You were saying?? Me: *looks down* I uh should go. *gets up* Michael: Oh please don't go. I really wanna get to know you. Me: You sure?? My life is kinda deep. Michael: Not deeper than mines. Me: You sure?? Michael: yes now tell me. Me: Okay so I was born in the little town Portsmouth in Virginia. Life was hard and very loud. When I turned 2, I found something that could sooth me which was singing and making new stuff. When I got in school, everything was cool. Then I started to get over weight slowly. It wasn't like I gained it all like in the snap of a finger but it came. 'bout in 3rd grade, I did a concert at school. It wasn't just me but others and I sung a solo of "I saw mommy kissing santa clause". Everyone loved it dearly. They were yelling encore. The more I got popular in the school, the more the so called cool girls joked on my weight. I was plump then. I still was growing up gettng in grades but in 7th grade I buckled down on my weight and just flew with it. I lost weight and I looked awesome. I love to dance now, but not really your average dancer. More like girly type. I got into cutting clothes into something awesome Like cutting jeans and putting designs on them. I wore them and people loved them. I made more and this woman came and approached me and said would I like to design clothes. I said yes and now I design clothes and still look great. Michael: Wow!!!! You design clothes!!! That's pretty awesome you know. Me: Yeah. I'm here designing with my friends because we all work together and our boss wanted us to do a model show here and wanted us to make the clothes more fashionable than what it already was. Sooo, yeah it's all good though. Michael: You look awesome... I mean like real great!! Me: Thanks Michael.* blushing* Michael: You stand out in that outfit too. *bites bottom lip* Me: Michael please you're making blush. * looks down* Michael: I wanna see that happen. * leans in to kiss me* When we kissed it was different than any other love I've ever felt in a lifetime. The very best. We started to get more intimate. He got closer to me as I took his shirt off. Then I stopped. Michael: Why you stop? Me: I can't do this. I'm sorry, I just can't. I have to go. Michael: Don't leave me please. We don't have to make love I just want you to stay with me. Me: *turns around and looks at his face* Michael: *puppy look* Pwease?? Me: okay okay i'll stay. Me and Michael sat on the sofa conversating. He had his head on my chest and I was caressing his hair. He was telling me about his childhood. I told him he didn't have to but he insisted on doing so anyways. Michael: He slammed me to the wall all because I didn't do what he said. I couldn't spend anytime with Jessie or James none. Just to play once outside. With friends!!! I loved them like brothers. true brothers to me rather than the nuthead ones I have now. *little smile then looks up at me* Leila?? Me: Yes?? Michael: Do you have any siblings??*sits up* Me: umh yeah. 3 brothers and 6 sisters. I'm the a.k.a. Toddler outta all of them. It's 4 sisters that close to me in age and 2 brothers. Well I'm close to them in age. Michael: Okay. That's awesome. Me: Umh yeah if you wanna put it that way........ Michael: .........Would you mind if I kissed you right now???? Me: No. We kissed again and I could tell this time love was in the air. I tried to stop but he just so good. He started to kiss my neck. I looked at my watch and it said 3:00 a.m. I knew I just couldn't break away from the love I was feeling. He started to rub my thigh as he kissed me. I moaned softly and said "stop Michael" in his ear. Michael: I can't. You're soo apealing to me. *gets ontop of me* Me: Michael please it's late I have to go home. Michael: Stay with me. Me: The girls will worry. Mchael: *stops* Okay. Come on. We got in his car and he took me home to my hotel room. Michael: Your room's here?? This is where my room is. Me: Really?? Michael: Yeah. *looks at me* I mean we don't have to tonight I'm just letting you know. This was the last place I had to hit before I headed back to home. But I wanna stay here in Bucharest for a little. In L.A. Just too much drama. Me: Drama eh?? High 5 brother Michael: *high5's me* Come on let me take you in. We got in there and I went to my room. Michael's room was two doors down from mines. Me: Good night Michael. Michael: *holds me in his arms* Good night. Nice being with you. Me: You know what you wanna do so do it. Michael: *kisses me* We had a nice romantic kiss in the hallway then we went in our rooms. I sat on the bed and sighed. I was in love. Jennifer texted me and said am I home yet? Me: *texts back* I'm in love. Jennifer: Whom!!! Me: I'll tell yhuu in the morning. ttyl. Jennifer: sw.(sw means sleep well) I went to sleep that night thinking of Michael. TBC................................................ PLZZ VOTE... 4+))
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