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Don't Say No Tonight (Pt.6)
Hi all, glad to be back, been drowning in school work but me and cousin Kim have a little time to spare before our next class. First I would like to acknowledge the passing of the beautiful Elizabeth Taylor, I know it's a bit late but, forgive me.May she rest in peace, she'll be greatly missed. And I also want to warn you about the story, my cousin Kim will be heavily involved with the last two parts because, let's just say I'm the good girl out of the two of us. There will be sexual content, maybe stronger than the previous parts. If you don't like reading that sort stuff then this is not for you and just to let you know, by NO means is this intended to be disrespectful toward Mr. Michael Jackson, we both love and miss him dearly and this is just a figment of our own wild (mostly her own) wild imagination...well okay, mine too. Hope you Enjoy;) Michael and I are in the living room getting ready to talk. "Where do we start?" I ask him. â??I donâ??t know," he says. â??Just ask me the first thing that comes to your mind.â? â??Okay,why did you ask me if I still love Diana?â? â??Itâ??s somethin thatâ??s been in the back of my mind for a long time and a question that Iâ??ve been wantinâ?? to ask you so when you asked me if I still loved Andres, I felt that it was the right time to ask if you still love her.â? â??Yes, I do.â? â??Are you serious?â? Iâ??m like what, did he just say what I think he said? â??Yes, Iâ??ll always love her, just not the way you think.â? â??So what are you sayinâ???â? â??Diana was the first woman outside of my family that Iâ??ve ever loved, Iâ??ve always had a crush on her and I did fall in love with her but I knew that those same feelings I had for her werenâ??t being returned back to me when she went off and got married. I thought that was suppose to be me. I was angry but I had to move on. Iâ??ve dated a few girls after that but not one of them has cared for me and been as sweet and understanding as you have. You asked me, if Diana ever came to me and said she was in love with me and asked if she and I could run off and be together, would I forget about you and leave with her?â? "What would you do?" â??What do you think Iâ??d do?â? â??I donâ??t know.â? â??I wanna be with you, sheâ??d just be out of luck. Iâ??d say to her, Diana, Iâ??m sorry but you had your chance, Iâ??ll always love you but Iâ??m in love with another girl, her name is Tyesha Jacobs and Iâ??m not leavinâ?? my baby girl, no way.â? â??You would really say that?â? â??I would proudly say that, you have my heart, I can't just walk away from you. I want you to be in my life, maybe be even one day be my wife, if you say yes.â? "Your wife?" "Yes, I'd love to make you Mrs. Michael Joseph Jackson." Omg, he wants me to be his wife one day. I wouldn't pass that up for anything in this world. I feel really good inside and now I have confidence in knowing that all his love is for me and not another woman. â??Michael Iâ??m sorry I didnâ??t tell you about Andres.â? â??Wait, before you get into that, I wanna apologize for what happened in the car, I hated it when you cried. I donâ??t know what came over me. I donâ??t believe that youâ??re cheatinâ?? on me and I never thought you were.â? â??Iâ??m so happy to hear you say that because I was shocked that you would even think that and when you asked me if I was foolinâ?? around, I only said maybe because I was upset. But the truth is, I do still love him.â? â??What?â? he says with a worried look on his face. â??Just not the way you think, got chaâ??!â? He lets out a sigh of relief, â??Thank God, you had me scared for a second." â??Thatâ??s how I felt when you said you still loved Diana. I was like, did he just say that?â? We both laugh. â??But like you said about her, Iâ??ll always love Andres and will always care about him. When I see him Iâ??ll say hi, maybe make a little conversation but youâ??re the man Iâ??m in love with and wanna be with.â? He smiles that beautiful smile, I move closer to him, he puts his arm around me then we kiss and make up. Oh my gosh, heâ??s such a great kisser. I didnâ??t want him to stop, I was lovinâ?? the feel of his soft, tender lips and his warm, wet tongue on mine, but then he slowly parts from my lips. â??I could kiss those soft, sweet lips of yours all day,â? he tells me. â??Whatâ??s stoppin you?â? â??I wanna do more than just kiss you.â? I scoot away from him because I know where heâ??s about go with this. This is the talk the we were supposed to have, I thought I was ready but I was wrong. â??There you go again,â? he says. â??What?â? â??Honestly baby, this is both confusing and frustrating for me.â? â??Iâ??m sorry, I know it seems like Iâ??ve been trippinâ??â?¦.â? â??Seems like?â? â??Okay, Iâ??m trippinâ??.â? â??For what reason, I mean youâ??re startinâ?? to make me think thereâ??s somethin wrong with me. â??Thereâ??s absolutely nothin wrong with you.â? â??Then whatâ??s up with you scootinâ?? away, what are you scared of?â? If youâ??ve (the readers) read the previous parts of this story, yaâ??ll know exactly what Iâ??m scared of. â??If I tell you, I donâ??t know how youâ??ll react.â? â??Is it bad?â? â??No.â? â??Then tell me.â? â??I canâ??t say it.â? â??Why, whatâ??s the problem?â? â??If I say it, you might laugh.â? â??Why would I laugh?â? â??Because youâ??re a man.â? â??What does that have to do with anything?â? â??Just hold on,â? I tell him before runninâ?? to my bedroom to get my notepad and a marker. â??Where are you goinâ???â? â??To get somethin, be right back.â? I grab the notepad and marker off the night stand, then I walk back to the living room. â??Whatâ??s that for?â? â??Since I canâ??t say it, Iâ??ll write it on here for you.â? â??Ooookaaayyy,â? he says with a confused look on his face. I wrote what I had to write on the paper and handed it to him face down. â??Alright letâ??s see what it says.â? He turns it face up, after about five seconds he looks up at me, then down at his crotch. â??Youâ??re scared to have sex with me because my dick is too big?â? he asks,tryinâ?? to hold in his laughter. â??You wanted to know, thatâ??s been the reason.â? His attempt to hold in his laughter failed, he starts laughinâ?? so hard that he has to hold his stomach. â??I knew youâ??d laugh.â? He puts the paper down, calms down and apologizes. â??Iâ??m sorry baby, Iâ??ll take this as a compliment but I just wanna know, when have you ever seen my dick?â? â??Stop sayinâ?? that word.â? â??Why, thatâ??s what you call it.â? â??Because, Iâ??m feelinâ?? really strange and embarrassed right now.â? â??Okay, well let me rephrase the question, when have you ever seen my penis?â? I laugh a little then asks, â??You donâ??t remember?â? â??Refresh my memory.â? â??You were on tour in Australia, I flew out to see you, it was after the show when we arrived back to your hotel room. You were drenched in sweat and you wanted to take a shower. You got in the shower and forgot the shampoo so you yelled for me to bring it to you. When I got in the bathroom, I tripped over your clothes and when I fell I pulled the shower door openâ?¦â? â??Oh, now I remember. That fall knocked you out for a minute, I felt really bad. I knew it was my fault. I shouldâ??ve picked my clothes up off the floor.â? â??Yeah you shouldâ??ve, that crap hurt but then again I am clumsy.â? â??Yeah you are.â? I suck in my teeth, â??Be quiet.â? He smiles then says, â??Itâ??s true though.â? â??Anyway, do you remember what happened after that?â? â??Yeah, I got out of the shower, picked you up in my arms tryinâ?? to see if you were okay, tryinâ?? to get you to respond.â? â??Then I regained my conscience and I realized that you were naked and well I had to look.â? â??You dirty girl.â? â??What, itâ??s human nature.â? Starts singin', "Why, why, tell em' that it's human nature." "Michael, you're so silly." We both laugh. â??So thatâ??s the real reason why you had that look on your face.â? â??What look?â? â??You looked like you were startled or somethin. I thought you were still in shock from your fall.â? â??I really didnâ??t believe in the what my cousins would say about you all the time.â? â??Whatâ??s that?â? â??You have big feet and big hands so you must have a bigâ?¦, you know where this is goinâ?? because thatâ??s what they say about men with big feet and hands. To me that was just somethin somebody made up but for you it turned out to be true. I was a bit shocked that youâ??re packinâ?? like that and you were uh..â? â??I was still what?â? â??Still hard.â? â??I was?â? â??Yep.â? â??I donâ??t know why but for some reason that happens often during concerts and it lasts awhile even afterwards. I guess itâ??s the excitement that rushes through my body when I perform.â? â??I guess so but I know one thing for sure.â? â??What?â? â??After that I could never look at you the same, you werenâ??t even embarrassed.â? â??Why would I have been?â? â??Because at the time we werenâ??t dating. Thatâ??s why when we started dating I did what I did.â? â??Youâ??re still doinâ?? it.â? â??Weâ??re talkinâ?? about it arenâ??t we?â? â??Itâ??s a start and now that I think about it, we werenâ??t together, so you saw me naked and Iâ??ve never seen you before or after we started dating, this is the first time Iâ??m seeinâ?? you with no shirt on.â? â??Funny but true.â? â??Yeah funny to you.â? â??Donâ??t be getting smart Michael,â? I say jokingly. â??Iâ??m not getting smart baby.â? â??You better not be.â? â??Let me ask you this.â? â??Whatâ??s up?â? â??Did you like what you saw?â? he asks givinâ?? me hella sexy look. I donâ??t say anything I just look away with an embarrassed smile on my face. â??Answer my question girl.â? â??Yes,â? I say with my eyes wondering up at the ceiling. â??Look at me and say it.â? I fix my eyes on him and say, â??Yes, I liked what I saw.â? â??Wanna see it again?â? he asks with a devilish smirk, puttin' his hand on his belt buckle. â??Is he really about to do this?â? I think to myself as I just sit there like I donâ??t even hear what heâ??s sayinâ??. â??Do you think Iâ??m gonna hurt you or somethin, if thatâ??s it, I promise I wonâ??t.â? I look over at him and his eyes are just begginâ?? me to give in but I feel the fear risinâ?? like growinâ?? flames in a bad fire and theyâ??re about to burn me up. I had to think of somethin quick, fast and in a hurry. â??Um, did you hear the phone ring?â? There I go killinâ?? the mood again. â??What, the phone isnâ??t ringinâ???â? â??Iâ??m sure I heard the phone ring, imma go answer it.â? I run into the kitchen where the phone is, it wasnâ??t really ringinâ?? but Iâ??m gonâ?? front like someoneâ??s on the other line. â??Hello?â? â?¦ â??Oh hey.â? â?¦ â??Nothinâ?? just chillinâ??, what about you?â? Michael walks into the kitchen and stands very closely behind me, tryinâ?? to hear if someone else is talkinâ?? on the other line. â??Tyesha, we both know that thereâ??s no one on the other side of that phone.â? â??Yes there is.â? â??Okay then, who are you talkinâ?? to?â? â??My sister.â? â??Oh, itâ??s Machala, isnâ??t she only nine? What is she doinâ?? up this late on the phone?â? â??Maybe she just wanted to talk to her big sister, is that a problem?â? â??Nope, not at all, let me say hi to her,â? he says playinâ?? along. â??Um, sheâ??s got me on hold.â? â??Then Iâ??ll wait.â? We both stand there for about three minutes. How could I have been so stupid, itâ??s a cordless phone. If I had pushed the talk button and no oneâ??s there, then the phone wouldâ??ve made that annoying sound it makes when itâ??s off the hook. If I didnâ??t push the talk button, if someone calls, the phone will ring and thatâ??s exactly what happened. â??Hmmm, now how could the phone ring if your sister had you on hold?â? he asks sarcastically. Iâ??m feelinâ?? too stupid to say anything. Michael takes the phone out of my hand and answers it. Hello? Person: Yes, is Jaz there? Mike: No one lives here by that name. Person: Oh, I mustâ??ve dialed the wrong number, sorry sir. Mike: Thatâ??s okay it happens. Person: Hey, you sound familiar. Mike: Familiar how? Person: You sound just like Michael Jackson. Mike: Whoâ??s that? Person(surprised) You donâ??t know who Michael Jackson is?!? Mike: Never heard of him. Person: Wow man, where have you been for the past 20 years or so. Mike: Iâ??ve been around. Person: Well you should really check him out, heâ??s the best. Mike (smiles) Iâ??ll be sure to do that, thanks. Have a good night. Person: You too. He hangs up the phone. â??Well played Michael,â? I tell him. Starts laughinâ??, â??Canâ??t say the same about you,â? he says as he reaches around me to put the phone back on the receiver, before he disconnects it from the wall. â??Now theyâ??ll be no more distractions,â? he says breathinâ?? into my ear. I turn around to face him, then I put my hands on his chest to try and push him back, my push was too weak, he didnâ??t even move. So I start to slowly back up, he follows me closely, lookinâ?? me dead in the eyes while bittinâ?? down on his lip. I kept movinâ?? until my back hit the wall. He puts his arms up on both sides of me, blockinâ?? me in. â??You like to play games, so do I.â? I was trapped, nowhere to go and the look of lust in his eyes was more intense then Iâ??d ever seen before. His hands grabbed my waist, pullinâ?? me closer to him, pressinâ?? my body up against his. I could feel how turned on he was. â??Want me to stop?â? â??Um, uh.â? â??I want you girl, I want you so bad, I wanna give my all to you,â? he says kissinâ?? my neck. â??Do you want me?â? he whispers in my ear. â??Y-yes but Iâ?¦â? â??But what?â? I look down, â??Itâ??s just, Iâ?¦â? â??Are you still scared?â? I donâ??t say anything. He raises my chin up with his hand. â??Donâ??t be scared, Iâ??ll be as gentle or as rough (grippinâ?? my waist tighter) as you want me to be, you have to trust me. Do you trust me?â? â??Yes.â? â??I wanna make love to you, make you feel like a man is supposed to make his woman feel. Will you let me?â? I start stutterinâ?? again. Michael smiles then puts his finger over my lips to shut me up. â??You already got me hot and ready, all you have to say is yes and let it happen. Just donâ??t say no, not tonight.â? Finale up next...
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