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beLIEve (Part 1)
*June 25, 2009 "This just in: The King of Pop, Michael Jackson has died due to cardiac arrest. Details coming up." The newslady hurried to say. I sat forward in my recliner, my heart pounding. I fumbled to get the remote on the wooden coffee table in front of me. I changed the channel to News 4. "Michael Jackson has died. He lived a-" Click! "As strange as his life was, he will always be remembered b-" Click, tears in my eyes, blurring my vision. "Michael has died. This is really heart breaking...." I dropped the remote, my pain taking over me, and sobbed uncontrolibly. I quickly pulled it together, and stood up. I ran over to my kitchen and opened the key drawer. I grabbed my car keys and sped downstairs into my driveway. I hopped in and followed the crowds. They led me to UCLA Medical center, outside hundreds of people were crying and chanting "MICHAEL!!" I tryed to park but some bodyguard stopped me. "Ma'am Im very sorry but, there is no parking back here unless your a staff member." The tall black man grunted. "Please, Teddy. It's me." I said, he pulled down his sunglasses and looked at me. "Oh. Um, please go in, Mrs. Jackson." He stepped aside. "Thanks." I whispered as I rolled past him. The whole lot was empty, which I felt odd. I parked as close as I could to the buliding and sat there. I reached into my glove compartment an got the emergancy cell phone. I dialed up Janet. "Hello?" Janet said, she really sounded guarded. "Hey, it's me, Olivia. Um, did you hear?" My voice got shaky. Janet inhaled and suddenly the other line got all muffled. "Should I, mama?" Janet called "Did he tell her?" Mama Kate called back. "Dosent seem like it..." "Then don't. Is she at UCLA?" "Ummmmm..... Hold on." The phone was clear again. "Where are you?" "UCLA. I'm about to go see.... Him." Tears rolled down my face. "Oh, ummmmm.... Hold on." The line got muffled again. "Yep, she's there. What should I do? He is not there." "Hush up, she might hear you. Just.... Ugh..... Tell her that she needs to come see us first." "What if-" "Just do as I say. If we do this right, Michael could me able to escape." "Fine." Unmuffled. "Come visit us." "But, he needs me in there..... I need to be in there to... Say goodbye." I let out a sob. "Listen, I feel your pain but... Please come see us." "He's my husband. He's been my husband since 1994! I'm not just gonna let them take his body somewhere-" "Just get your ass here." Janet growled. I was startled, she didn't seem sad. Also, Janet rarely gets pissed. "Family compound?" "Yep." "Fine." I hung up and pulled out of my parking space. "Im sorry, love. I'll be back though." I said, looking at the buliding. I sped thru traffic, even was able to shake the police off my tail. I finally arrived at the compound. Janet rushed at me, and grabbed my hand. She was silent, as she pulled me into a room. "Janet what are you do-" I began to ask. "Listen and listen very closely. You are to never go in public again. You are to never speak to anyone outside of this family. You are to never cime out of this compound unless told to. Olivia? If you really love Michael, you will do these things." She said, urgently. "But Janet-" "Please. You are to play a very important role in... This. The public knows you, they have seen you. Now, they will think you have disappeared. You gotta make them believe that you are gone." "Can you explain what "this" is?" "This never happened." She then smiled at me, and gave a big bear hug. "Im so happy to see you! You have to visit more often." Janet held my hand, and pulled me to the living room. Mama Kate walked out and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. "Hows my favorite daughter in-law?" She sat down on the couch and patter the spot next to her. As I turned to sit, Mama Kate flashed Janet a sign. All I saw was Janet nod and ran upstairs. "I don't think Im doing too well." "Aw, why's that?" She said lovingly, putting her hand on my forehead. "Well... My husband died. We have been married for 16 years...." I began to cry. Mama Kate patted the side of my face. "I think he's closer than you might think." Giving me the face. Let me explain, the face is what the Jackson family does to eachother when they know a secret but, can't say anything. So, they give out a small clue and the face. "Well, I think Im gonna go sleep this off.... My regular bedroom, right?" "Um... Yeah." She smiled at me. "I think that would help." I got up and walked upstairs. I went two hallways down, and turned right into my bedroom. It was our bedroom. The smell of the lavender and roses brought back happy memories. The red bed, the white walls with the random wooden patches, the open window with the drapes, flowing in the summer wind. I slipped off my shoes and walked over to our bed. I laid down, and the phone rang. I let it ring 8 times, then picked it up. "Hello, Jackson residence." "Um, hi. I'd like to speak with Olivia. Please." "This is she... Who is this?" The voice.... "Michael.... Listen I know this is hard to exploan but-" "Michael?"
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