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Will I Ever Love Again?? part 5
Please enjoy - Me Me: Umh well, you see.... Liz: Come on you don't have to lie to me, just tell me. Elizabeth was gonna get the answer outta me anyways. She just does for some reason. She's so good at it. Me: I umh overheard daddy and mama talking about the newspaper and it had me and Ashton on the front of it. It had for the subtitle " The Cutest Couple ". Dad was kind heated over it so I decided to go to TMZ and put in a complaint. I told them there better not be anymore bad stuff in the newspaper about anyone. Elizabeth: Really?? Me: Yeah. And scardey Cat back there was speechless the whole time. Ashton: I'm sooo offended now. Me: I'm sorry Love. Ashton: Yeah, yeah. When we got back to the house, dad was on the front porch with this big huge smile on his face like he done something greatful. Me: What's up dad???? Why you got that smile on your face like that?? dad:........... Me: okay you're creeping me out now.. Dad: Oh umh yeah umh I umh..... Can't get it out. Me: *thinks about it* Ewwww I don't wanna know just yuck umh okay Ashton come on. Dad: Wait. I wanna know how it went?? *ace lights up with excitement* Me: Well, when we went in the lead guys office, he was like shocked to see us there. Dad: Whoa whoa, you talked to the head guy?? Me: Well yeah. Dad: If that was me I would've gotten ambushed from fans. Me: Well people went crazy when they saw us but they didnt ambush us though. Ashton: Because they saw how mad you were. Me: Yeah I guess you're right. Dad: Anyways?? Me: Oh! So I was like I came to clomplain about your newspaper with me and my boyfriend on it. And he was like Oh you're Jamie Jackson and Ashton Lautner. I'll call in the girl who did it. And guess who it was Dad?? Liz and dad: Who?? Me: It was Josie Sullivan. Dad and Liz: JOSIE SULLIVAN!!!! Me: Yeah. And she was acting all innocent and stuff until she saw who I was. Dad: So then what happened?? Me: So I was surprised and I told her this is wrong for you to be spying on people like that, but the most famous people at that. You spy on your God- dad and sister?? That's wrong. I told her that, that job is a sin. I aslo said she could do better than that. Josie: Yeah you did. Me: *turns around* Josie?? Josie: Yeah I came to apologize about that. Michael I'm sorry.. Dad: You're cool. I mean you're my god daughter but I'm still a little disappointed. Josie: Well get undisappointed because I quit the job. Us:...... Wow umh... Josie: It's a good thing so y'all can jump to your feet now. Us: YAY!!!!! Josie: Yeah Yeah. Dad: *hugs her* I haven't seen you in awhile. I haven't seen you since- Me: The concert in '92 in Bucharest, when you took us Dad. Dad: Truu that. How's your mother?? Josie: She's fine. But I'm not with her anymore. I'm with my grandma Abby. Dad: Oh. Well that's cool. How's she?? Josie: she'll be 82 next week. I'm trying to plan something for her but I don't know what to give her. Me: Give her a little party. Josie: She says*acting like her grandmother* Parties are for youngsters. Me: *giggles* That's grandma for ya. Josie: She's been asking about you all. We saw Thriller on MTV this morning. Me: Really?? Josie: Speaking of thriller, have you watched it yet?? Me: I told dad that I'm- Dad: A punk. Lol but it's not even that scary. *thinks about something then puts on a mischeiveious smile* Haha. Me: Umh okay?? But he's right. Imma punk. Josie: Would you be happy if I watched it with you?? Me: Yes. Ashton you with us?? Ashton: Totally.... Haven't watched that video in 2 years. Josie: Well let's go then. Dad: Make sure it's in 3D.. Makes it look scarier. *smiles* Me: No no no no no no... Im not going now. Everyone: Awww come on. Dad: Please????? If you trust me that it's not that scary, then you'll go. Me: I do trust you. *looks at him sorrowfully* ugh okay. But you owe me BIG TIME APPLEHEAD.. Dad: Okay whatever. Me: It's okay. I got you. We went in the movie theatre and watched it. I was kinda surprised I didn't watch this at an earlier date. All about the werewolves and zombies!!! I went back in the house and dad was napping. I sat across from him and layed down on the other couch. Mom was at work so it was just us. * 3 hours Later* I woke up and dad was watching TV. Dad: 'Bout time you woke up. You slept harder than me. Me: How?? Dad: Because you was slobbing. *smiles* Me: Oh... TBC................................................ WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT?????? HMM???? - LEILA
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