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At Last (Part Twenty-three)
Wanna dedicate this to all of the mjsite peeps out there, MJ, and the people over in Japan experiencing tragedy and pure hell. I'm praying for you guys, and I hope things get better. Enjoy!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------- *Four Months Later, December of 1993* Four months slowly went by and this was when the allegations of child abuse against Michael roughly intensified. More allegations have been introduced by the public, some fans were abondoning him, and there was even a postponement on Michael's next studio album. Poor guy. He went through all of this pain and suffering for no apparent reason at all, and it makes me sick. Such a gentle man shouldn't endure all of this craziness that goes on. A week after I arrived in Singapore, I headed back for the states, while Michael continued to tour, but in November, he ended his tour earlier than expected to go to England for drug rehabilitation for a dependency he had on pain medication, as a result of the burning of his scalp in a Pepsi commercial nine years earlier. I was aware of him doing prescription meds, and I kept on telling him to stop, to try to convince him that the road he was going on was unhealthy, but he would just call it "preaching." He would always tell me to stop preaching to him about that and that he was perfectly healthy, but I just knew that he wasn't. So, when I found out he went over to England to battle this craving for the medication, I was so proud of him. My "preaching" did pay off. Whenever he was over there, he would send me loads of letters, and he would call over everyday to see how the children and I were doing. Anyway, one December day, I was on the couch, watching "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air," and the doorbell rung. It was my other adoptive brother, Damon. He was in his uniform, so I figured that he was on his lunch break. My older brother, Damon, was a part of the LAPD, and he had that job ever since I could remember. I was happy to see him, because I hadn't seen him in a long time. Me: Hey, Dame! (hugs him) Damon: Hey, Lis. He didn't sound like himself. It was as if he was nervous or fearful. I just knew this wasn't going to be good news. Me: What's wrong, man? Damon: Um...I know that you're gonna be pissed at me when I tell you this...In a week, I'm going to do a strip search on Michael. Me: (in shock and angry) What? The hell is your problem? Damon: It's my job. I have to do it. If I don't, I'll get fired. Me: Damon, you know how much Michael means to me! You can't do this! Damon: Lis, I'm sorry, but what am I supposed to do? We have to find evidence to see if he is a child molester. I blew off. Me: HE IS NOT A CHILD MOLESTER! Damon: Calm down... Me: NO! I'M NOT GONNA CALM DOWN! Those people are liars! Don't believe what those money-hungry leeches say! Then the question inside my head came out. Me: (fighting back tears) D-Do you think he's a child molester? Damon: To be honest...yes. Me: (starting to cry) I-I can't believe you! If you think that he is, you're stupid! You're a dumbass! Damon: (getting angry) Who you callin' a dumbass? He hangs around kids all the time! What do expect me to think?! Me: Those people made this up, because they knew Michael was a gentle soul and that he had money, so they felt they could make a quick break! All about the damn money! I know how Michael is! I've known him for six years and I have two children with him! You've only met him THREE TIMES! Damon: I DON'T GIVE A F***! Me: You know what?...GET THE F*** OUT OF MY HOUSE! (pushes him out)...AND DON'T COME BACK! (slams the door) I couldn't believe that I had a blow-out with my very own brother over this...but it broke my heart. I bent over and sobbed tears of misery, agony, and despair. A few hours later, with this heated argument still on my mind, I decided to call Michael, just to see how he was doing and to somewhat make me feel better, since I needed someone to talk to and since he was back at home. I expected to hear his voice, but I heard a different voice. ???: Hello? Me: Um...may I please speak to Michael Jackson? ???: Uh, who's this? Me: I'm his very good friend, Felicity Banks. Don't mean to be rude, but who are you? ???: I'm Lisa Marie Presley. Michael has told me all about you. Me: Oh, are you friends with him, too? Lisa Marie: Nope. I'm his fiancee'. Me: FIANCEE'?! TBC... Vote!
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