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Will I Ever Love Again part 3
Please Enjoy - Me We were walking down the street like a young couple. His hands in his pockets, my arms are crossed. The walk was mostly silence but when we got to the beach, we were full with conversation all of a sudden. He asked in curiousity: Ashton: Do you like me?? Me: Yeah. Do you like me?? Ashton: Last time I checked, you were sweet, and a very good kisser so yes. Me: You're crazy. Ashton: What?? How?? Me: You just are. Ashton: So does this mean we go out now?? *holding my waist* Me: I don't know, does it???? Ashton: Yes. Me: Good, because I wanna get this off my chest.... * kisses him* Ashton: Ooooh is that a kiss from you?? I thought you don't kiss. Me: I didnt say that. I said I don't kiss certain boys. Ashton: Well kiss me again then. Me: *kisses him* We kissed beautifully on the beach with the sunset waving over us like a sea. We had dessert and it was very good too. Apple pie, whip cream and vanilla ice cream. Then I layed on his chest and we star gazed. * Back At Home * The lights were dimmed downstairs with a note saying: Dear Jamie, Cut the lights off when you come up and we have to talk in the morning. Love, Dad I cut the lights off and strolled upstairs. I put on my pink heart pajama pants and a white v-neck shirt, and took my curly black hair and put it in a messy ponytail.I got a call from Ashton and I was talking with him when I strolled back downstairs. Ashton: Did you enjoy?? Me: It was the best ever Ash. *walks to the kitchen door and sees the light in the danceroom on* I would never think you would do such a thing. Ash: It was for you. Me: Aww how sweet....Can I call you back?? I have to check out somethin. Ash: Sure. Me: Bye.*hangs up* I walked out to the danceroom and I heard Billie Jean playing. I opened the door and went in and watched. It was Dad with the glove and hat on with the v-neck shirt on, the black little sweater or jacket whatever you wanna call it, the white socks on and the shoes with the black track pants with the white line on each side. I decided to get my fedora, and glove, and I got on stage with Dad. He didn't even notice. I started to dance like him. I know how to do each and every move correctly. He saw me and he giggled while dancing. Us: *moonwalking* When the song stopped, I grabbed the bottles of water that I bought for us. Dad: Good job. Me: Thanks.. SO what did you wanna talk about?? Dad: I wanted to know how the date with your boyfriend went. Me: It was so magical. We had apple pie ice cream with whip cream. Then we star gazed. I had lots of fun. And dad I was a very good girl. He was a very good boy too.Just to let you know. Dad: Look at you, My baby girl all big and stuff. Got her a boyfriend that's a gentleman to her. God you've blessed this girl, well all of us. Thank you. Remember when I first took you to Disney land with me and Emanuel?? Me: Yeah. Dad: That's when you first met Ashton. Me: Seriously??? Dad: Seriously.. Y'all played and played then when we got back we had a water balloon fight and you hit me in the back with one. Caught me off gaurd. Me: I remember that. And when you came back for revenge on me, you threw it and it hit the ground and busted on my foot. Dad: *chuckles* Yeah. I was just telling Faith * my mom* that when we blink for a second, you would probably be grown. * hugs me* Me: Daddy???? Dad: Yeah?? Me: Can I ask you a question?? Dad: Yes. Me: What does Moscow look like. Dad: You've went with me once before. Me: I did?? Dad: *thinks about it* But that was when you was about 6 though. Shoot you did so much when you were 6, you probably don't remember half of the stuff. Me: *looks up at him* You know what? You are sooo truu dad. Dad: I know. Say what comes on Disney channel tonight?? Me: Disney Channel???? Dad, you still watch that?? Dad: Yeah, don't you? Me: Yeah. Dad: So a 37 year old man can't watch disney channel?? Me: Yes. Does mama do that?? Dad: Heck yeah she does. She could watch it all day. She knows every song for each show. Me: *looks at TV guide* Edgar and Ellen is on right now. You wanna watch it with me?? Dad: Yeah I guess. We watched Disney Channel and I fell asleep on daddy. I woke up the next morning to shouting. I heard daddy fussing. Dad: They not gonna do this to my daughter. Mama: Sweetie calm down. Dad: How can I?? Our daughter and her boyfriend is in the newspaper as the cutest couple. I mean the headline aint so much of a deal, it's what it's about and the picture. They deserve privacy their teens. Their not gonna be stalking my daughter like this. As long as I'm alive and a angel of God's. She will not live like this or you either. Mama: Michael quiet down before she hear you. They don't know that I was in the shower getting prepared to head down to papparazzi headquaters. I know Imma teen but I have the mind of my father and a 1 fourth piece of it is my mother's. Now they combined and what you get?????? Me! I got dressed in dark blue skinnies, a shirt that said I'm dangerous and on the back it had a caution sign. I let a curl fall infront of my face and then I put the rest in a ponytail like dads hair. I put on my shades he gave me that he use to wear back in the thriller era. I was going downstairs and mama stopped me. Mama: Where you going???? Me: To go take care of some business. Dad: Where at?? Me: Papparazzi headquaters. Dad: Take someone with you. Me: I am. I called Ashton and we're going down there when he gets here. Mama: You sure you wanna do this darlin?? Me: Yeah. Dad: Faith she has my mind, your mind mixed together. She'll be just fine. My prayers are with you child. Remember no violence. Doorbell: Ding- Dong Me:Okay, Bye. Good morning dear. Ashton: Good morning. How are you feelin?? Me: A little heated. TBC...................... PLZZ VOTE....... WHAT WILL HAPPEN?? WILL WE GET OUR PRIVACY?? - ME
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