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At Last (Part Twenty-two)
Would like to dedicate this to everyone!!! Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- *Six Months Later, August of 1993* It was then the late summer, in the middle of August, when the sun shone as bright as could be. This blazing summer afternoon, I was in the house all by myself, since Mikey and Natalie spent the night with Uncle Marlon, Aunt Daisy, and Cousin Jimmy over there in Pasadena. I was treating myself to a nice, ice cold glass of lemonade, when my phone rang, and to my suprise, it was Daisy. I wondered why she decided to call me then. The reason why she called me was one of the worst. Me: Hello? She didn't say hello back. She immediately gave me an order to follow. Daisy: Turn to channel 3 on the TV. Me: Why? Daisy: Uh...would you get mad if I told you? Me: (getting worried) Daisy, just please tell me what's going on. Daisy: Okay, okay. (sighs) Some kid says that Michael... Me: (getting even more worried) Michael what? Tell me. Daisy: Gosh, it's so hard to tell you. Me: Just tell me. I really wanna know. Daisy: Look, just go to channel 3 and you'll find out. Me: (growls) Fine. Since Daisy was too chicken to explain to me what was going on with Michael, I turned the TV on channel three and I found out for myself. This was the sickest thing I had ever heard. Anchor: Pop icon, Michael Jackson is in deep water right now. A thirteen year old boy, by the name of Jordan Chandler accuses the singer of sexually abusing him. Once my ears came in contact with those horrifying words, my mouth dropped in the shape of a huge oval, and I dropped the phone out of my hand sucker-flat. I wanted to cry, throw up, and even faint. I couldn't believe this was being said. I just knew that Michael would never ever do that to anyone, let alone a child. He loved children and it would be a cold day in hell whenever he did that. After I saw that the phone was on the floor, I picked it up, out of panic. Me: Oh my... Daisy: I know. Marlon's going crazy right now. he's coming off as a maniac. Me: Hell no! He better not be around my kids acting like this! Daisy: Don't worry. They're at their grandma's house. Me: (sighs of relief) Thank Goodness. I have to go to Neverland. Daisy: Alright. Well, tell Michael that I'm sorry. Me: I will. Right after I got off the phone, I rushed immediately to Michael's. All over the house, he was nowhere to be found. I went inside his bedroom, and I finally found him. He was in his bathroom, kneeling by the toilet, and I heard his endless gags fill up the air. The room looked absolutely a mess. Loads and loads of STUFF where scattered throughout the room, and I even saw VOMIT embedded on his bedsheets. It was disgusting! Michael's coughs, dry heaves, and gags were so disturbing, I had to get him a glass of water to help him calm down. I just knew that he had heard the news. I gently held his hair back as he was coughing and gagging in the toilet, and in between were sobs. He didn't look like himself: He looked pale and frail, his hair was in black tangles, his eyes were extremely red from crying, and his breath reeked of vomit. He also looked like he was dehydrated and starved. I wanted to cry seeing him like this. Me: Michael... He looked up at me with this helpless look on his face. He had a "I need a hug" look, and I sure did give it to him, because he sure needed a hug. I held him with such comfort as he was silently sobbing and my arms were wrapped around him with such security, like a mother holding her child or a momma bear protecting her precious cub. I kissed his forehead gently and as I did, a few tears came out of my eyes. I whispered in his ear,"It's okay, Michael. I'll take care of you." He apparently needed to be taken care of, since he was such in a bad state. I could just tell he needed my help. I just couldn't leave him behind; I had to help him. After a tender five minutes of sweet, comforting embrace, he looked up at me and said: Michael: Can you spend the night here, please? I'm very lonely here. Me: Yes. I'm staying here for you, and I want to take care of you for a while, until you're strong enough to do it yourself. (rubs his hair back with tears in my eyes) I'm here to help you, and I will never leave you hanging. Michael contined to hold me like a lost son, as I held him so gently and warm as a mother. A couple weeks had passed and during those weeks, I stayed with Michael to take care of him. I did everything just to make him feel alright. I cleaned for him, I cooked him his favorite meals in the entire world and I was there for more embracing whenever he needed it. No sexual relationship was going on, whatsoever. I was just helping my friend get through a tough time in his life. Sure, I kissed him on the cheek, but kissing, touching, fondling, stroking, and sex certainly did not happen and no clothes were ever slipped off. But every night, I would share a bed with him, just in case he had a nightmare or if he couldn't sleep, and he needed me to help him through the night. Anyway, he went back on his "Dangerous" Tour, but I was so worried about him, so I originally decided to come with him, but Michael convinced me that he was just fine. I gave in to him. That was a big mistake, because on August 30, I suspected something was wrong, because when I mailed his birthday present to him, he didn't respond in a letter. Everytime I gave him a birthday present when he was overseas, he would immediately respond to it, and that time...he didn't. I thought that something was wrong, but I just shook it off. He's very busy. Maybe he would get my present later, I thought. It only took a day for him to recieve it, so I thought that it probably was mailed late. I went on with my business, thinking that he would send me a letter later on. But on the night of August 30, I got a phone call from his manager, Frank. Me: Hello? Frank: Felicity, it's me, Frank. He didn't sound so happy. He sounded panicked and frightened, actually. Now, I was getting panicked also. Me: What's wrong? Frank: Michael collapsed. Me: (gasps) OH MY GOSH!(voice cracking, battling tears) W-Where is he? Frank: He's in Singapore. Me: I'll be there tomorrow. (hangs up) I think that caught Frank a little off-gaurd. I quickly packed my bags, and the children were at their grandma's house, so I called my adoptive brother, Nicholas to drop me off at the airport. I got a plane ticket and flew over to Singapore. Right when I got there, I ran immediately to the hospital. No hotel, no eatery, nothing was more important to me than the hospital at the moment. I had to get to Michael. In the pouring and soaking rain, I sprinted inside the hospital, not caring that I got my hair, my clothes, and my bags wet. I didn't give a care about that. All I cared about was seeing Michael. Nothing was gonna stop me from being close to him. Once I entered Michael's floor, a couple bodyguards were in front of his room, blocking Michael's hospital door. Bodyguard 1: I'm sorry, Miss...but you can't see Mr. Jackson. Oh, I wasn't havin' that! Me: Sir, I know Michael, and I have to see him... Bodyguard 2: Ha! Nice try. You're just an obsessed fan! Get outta here and go join the rest of his crazed fans out there! (points to the waiting room) There were tons and tons of fans screaming, begging the bodyguards to let them see their longtime crush and idol. And they were all female! They were all in a Michael Jackson shirt, and they were holding signs saying, "Let us see our 'Man in the Mirror!" and "We're not stoppin' 'til we get enough!" One obsessed fan was screaming, "LET ME SEE MY HUSBAND!" while physically getting carried out by a couple other bodygaurds. It was crazy! I knew damn well that I wasn't one of those crazy broads. I started to get angry and snappy, because I really knew him. Me: Look! I'm not one of these crazy chicks! I know him, and you better let me see him or I will beat yo ass! I didn't want to use threats of violence, but I had to. It was the only way to get me close to Michael. Bodyguard 1: I'm sorry, Miss. So long. Um, Pedro, take her outside. Another bodyguard, named "Pedro" tried to grab me, but before he could I slapped him dead-shot in the face. I tried to make a run for it, but the other ones caught me just in time. I fought with all three of them, trying to get to the man that I loved. If I had to knock some suckers' teeth out, just to get to him...so be it. If that was what it took, I had to do it. I was a pretty strong woman, so I figured I could get through. I kicked one guy in his manhood, I busted another's tooth out, and I violently elbow another's face, and I did it so hard and forcefully, that his face started bleeding. The fight continued, until Frank rushed out and he rescued me. Frank: Hey! What are ya doin' with Felicity? (takes me) Bodyguard 1: (grabbing his manhood in pain and out of breath) Why, sir...she says she knows Michael Jackson, but she doesn't. Bodyguard 2: (holding his face) She's just a crazed fan. Frank: She's not. Felicity is telling the truth. She knows Michael. She's a very good friend of his...All three of you are fired! All three bodyguards: WHAT?! Once Frank put those suckers in their place, we walked into the room Michael was staying at. Me: Man! Frank...you saved my ass. Thank you, Frank in the Bank. (my weird nickname for him) Frank: You're welcome, Lis-Miss. (his weird nickname for me) Once we walked in, I saw Michael in bed, laying there, looking like he was peacefully asleep. Me: (strokes his cheek) Hey there, Michael. I just want to let you know that I flew all the way here, sprinted in the rain, and brawled with three bodyguards just to see your face again. (starts to cry) Michael...I did all of those things, because I need you, and I can't stand it if I'm not around you. (strokes his hair) Baby, I love you. Just when I said those words, his eyes slightly opened, and a smile gradually appeared on his face. Michael: (weakly) Is...Is that y-you, Felicity? Me: Yeah, it's me. (grabs his hand and holds it) Michael: You came all the way over here for me? Me: (nods head) Mmm hmm. (smiles) I needed to see you, darling. I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't. (kisses his forehead) Michael: (caresses my cheek) Wow. Just now, I learned something new. Me: (softly) What did you learn? Michael: That heaven's certainly missing an angel. (smiles) That touched my heart to the lightest touch. I had never had anyone ever say that to me. Me: You're so sweet. (looks at him) Look at you. You're not healthy. (starts to cry) You had me worried, Michael...I thought you were...were...dead. (tears rolling down my cheeks) Michael: Aw, don't say that. I'm not going anywhere. (holds me) I'm not going anywhere at all. And I am certainly not going anywhere if you can't come with me. (wipes away my tears) We spent the whole time, holding each other tightly. I didn't want to be separated from him and I knew that he didn't wanted to be either. TBC... Vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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