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Will I Ever Love Again? part 1
This is another total random again like I told you before that my stories are like they come from the sky or something. I dedicate this story to Michael like seriously and the MJFamily. Enjoy. - Me *Leila* Hello My name is Jamie Jackson. Yes I know you're like wow she's a Jackson yeah yeah there's nothin new. SO Im 14 years old and Im with my Dad at the studio. Me: *bopping my head and gives dad 2 thumbs up* Dad: *opens eyes sees me bopping my head and thumbs up but still singing* After dad finished singing his new single, Blood on the dancefloor, he came and flopped next to me and I handed him a bottle of water. Dad: You like the song? Me: Like it?? More like I totally loved it. You were hammer out there. Dad: Aww thanks cupcake. Me: You welcome. Umh, Dad can I ask you something?? Dad: Umh yeah. Me: How come you and Ma always called me cupcake?? Dad: I called you daddy's little cinderrella but she started calling you cupcake and I started calling you that too. Me: Oh. Dad: Can I ask you something?? *turns to face me* Me: Yeah sure what?? Dad: How come when you're mad at me you call me applehead or MJ?? Me: *gasps* I DO THAT!?!?!?!?? Dad: *chuckles* Yeah. Me: Umh dad to tell you I don't know but I do it with no disrespect at all. Dad: I know Sweetie, you're good. So stop trippin!! *trying to act ghetto* Me: Dad do me a favor by not trying that again.*laughing* Dad: *laughing* I can fit in all I gotta do is wear some skinnies, which you already got me wearing. Urrr at you. Me: So you mad?? *teasing him* Awww Daddy's mad!! Imma tell everyone! Daddy's mad. ???: Awww Daddy's Mad?? We turned around to see my best friend Ashton*boy* with his uncle. His uncle was the creator of Epic records, I never did grab his name though. Ashton came up to me and Dad and sat in the chair infront of us. Ashton: Hi guys. Me and Dad: Hey Ashton. Ashton: Mr.Jackson, your songs are a killer dude. Dad: *smiling* Thanks Ashton. Well my little break is over, gotta get back to work. Catch up with you dudes later. Me: Okay I'll let you slide with that one, you sound like a true rock star dad. Dad: Because I am. I rock. I'm cool. In your words I go hard, I'm dope. *smiles* Bye. Me: Bye Ashton: Y'all have a tight bond. Me: Yeah. He's cool. I just like to see him smile. Ashton:*sits beside me* So are did you tell him?? Me: About what?? Ashton: About you singing. Me: Umh no???? If I do he might just freak out. Ashton: No he won't just ask him about practicing in his personal lil studio. Please?? Me: Why you care about a opportunity that's mine?? Ashton: Because I care about you.* puts his hand on my cheek* Me: So now you decided to care?? *smiles* Ashton: I always did. * kisses me* Me: *kisses back* Me and Ashton kissed and then we looked at eachother then we were silent for a little. Ashton: I double dare you to go in the recording room and sing something. Me: Sing what?? *thinks of song* Okay this is for dad. The song I was about to sing was My dad's Human Nature.. Ashton started the beat and when the part came up I sung. Me: Looking out across the nighttime, The citie winks a sweet design, here his voice shake my window sweet seducing sighs Get me out into the nighttime four walls won't hold me tonight. If this town is just an apple then let me take a bite If they say why, why tell em that it's human nature why why does he do me that way?? If they say why why?? Tell em that it's human nature, why why does he do me that way. *sees dad and continues* Reaching out, to touch a stranger electric eyes everywhere. See that boy he know im watching he likes the way I stare. If they say why, why?? Tell em that it's human nature. Why why does he do me that way If they say why why?? Tell em that it's human nature why, why does he do me that way?? I like living this way. I like loving this way. Ohhh why Ohhh why I was singing like dad wasn't there. I know he was kind of mad at me for using the recording room without permission. After I was done singing, I got applause from Ashton and Dad. Me: *grabs bottle of water* Phew, now I know what daddy mean. In there it's extremely hot. Dad: Told you. But forget that, how come you didnt tell me you could sing so beautifully?? Me: I was scared.. Dad: Aww sweetie,Don't be. I saw everything. Me: You heard and saw too?? Dad: Duh?? Darling I'm happy for you. You're so blessed. You've had your first kiss. Me: Thanks Daddy. Dad: You welcome. Just so you know Ashton I saw you kiss my daughter, and just so you know again that I'm totally cool with it. So don't freak out. Ashton: *blushing and comes over to me and whisper in my ear* See you later, cutie. *kisses my cheek* Bye Mr.Jackson. Dad: Bye Ashton. *folds his arms* So...... Jamie's in love!!! Sooo adorable!!!! Me: DAD PLEASE!!! *blushing* Dad: *giggles* awww Im just teasing cupcake,don't get all soft on me. Us Jacksons and Carters are strong so Keep your faith. BTW: Carter is my mom's last name. Me: Oh I got my faith you got yours?? Dad: Yeah. Come on let's head home before Mama starts the worrying. Me: Okay. As you can see I gotta pretty good life, but my love for Ashton..... Is it true??? Is his true???? I NEED SERIOUS HELP!!!! I wonder will dad go crazy if I do something with Ashton* Y'all know what I'm talking about*. I don't even wanna think the negative right now. I just wanna get home and call Kayla and tell her about the unexpected kiss with Ashton. No offence he's a good kisser. Very good. but I just don't know. TBC.........................PLZZ VOTE..... WILL JAMIE PERFECT LIFE CONTINUE OR WILL THIER BE AN OBSTACLE RIGHT THERE TO TEAR IT APART?? - ME
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