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Probably Wouldn't Be This Way: 12
*Hey guys. This is part 12 to this story. I hope you all like it :) ~Mary Cait:3 Part 12 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ~Andy's Point of view~ I at my house visiting my parents. They knew about Becca and that's why I wanted to visit them. I told Tom if he and the others went back to the hotel to tell Lexa I would be there later on, I had to do something right fast. I was in the kitchen with mother, going over some old family photos. I flipped with her till I saw a picture of Becca in a raggy looking outfit. I pointed to it and asked mother what it was. "Oh, Andy," She said laughing a bit. "How can you not remember the first play your sister actually wanted to be part of? This was when she did "The Diary of Anne Frank". You have to remember this. You're the one who helped her out more with her lines." I was thinking for a moment, oh yeah, now I remember. This is the play I told her to remember one very important line out of it all. *^* I was in Becca's room helping her out with her lines for her school play, which was "The Diary of Anne Frank" and oddly, she got to be the part of Anne. We were going over her lines, and she was pretty good till it came to one part that Mrs. Van Daan says that I liked. "Remember Mr. So-and-so, remember, I'm a lady." Becca said as if she was mocking Mrs. Van Daan. I chuckled some and told her to come over to me. When she did, I pulled her onto my lap and started talking to her. "Now, Becca," I started. "Someday a boy is gonna try and come up to you and do things you really don't want, and I want you to tell them, what you are saying in this play. The thing Mrs. Van Daan just said that you said." "The whole, 'remember Mr. So-and-so, remember, I'm a lady' thing Andy?" She asked me. I nodded and said, "Yup. You tell them that, okay?" She nodded and smiled. "Okay." "And if they still don't listen, you come to me and Bubba will tell them personally to leave you alone. Kay?" "Kay." "Good girl." I smiled and hugged her, having her hug me around the neck tightly. I hugged her back never wanted to let her go. I wonder why they have to grow up, I use to think of myself as a old man because i thought that actually, but with parents...I guess it was the same with me. *^* "Andy?" Mom said bringing me out of my thoughts. I turned to her to have her ask me am I alright, I told her i was fine and we both continued to look at the pictures and talk. I finally had to leave when Lexa texted me saying we needed to talk. And that would go either good or bad...lets hope it's something good. I left and went back to the hotel room to see her sitting ont he couch, I guess the others must be asleep. I bet Tom and them got drunk and I'll have to deal with four drunken idiots tomorrow. I sat next to her and asked what was wrong. She turned to me with a sad face. "Andy...please don't leave me..." She told me. I was shocked she would think I would ever think of leaving her. "What on earth would make you say that?" I asked her. She looked down, and I picked her head up seeing the tears in her eyes. "Remember when we had sex about a month ago...well, I haven't had my period in about a few weeks...and I've been throwing up every morning...i've been moody and well, today, Bill and I made a plan to get you and the others out of here while he went to go get me something. When Tom got you to leave, Bill came with that item...and baby..I'm so, SO sorry...I'm going to ruin your career and everything..." She rambbled on. "Baby...nothin' you do is going to ruin me...now, what is it that got you all work about?" I asked her yet again, feeling worried now. She sniffled and looked at me. "I-I'm...pregnant..." I stood there shocked and happy, but mostly happy. I smiled some at her and leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips and placed my hand on her undevolped belly and asked her, "So, what are we going to name it?" I've got to tell Becca this when we go visit her tomorrow, speaking of Becca, I hope she's going alright. ********** ~Rebecca's Point Of View~ Today was the day, Motown 25: Today, Tomorrow, Forever. The Jackson had just performed their hits from their old songs. I'm surpirsed Berry and I got Michael to go, well...Berry was suppose to be the only one, but sicne I was there helping Michael go over the sounds of his record "Thriller" I was there to help Berry persuade Michael to do the show with the others, only there was one little thing Michael wanted out of this. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard "Billie Jean" playing and everyone in the crowd going crazy. I was so glade I was back stage with the others. Michael danced like the same old Michael he always was. When he did the moonwalk, I've already seen him do it a thousand times, but something about this being the first moonwalk he ever did, just something always makes me wanna cheer along with the crowd, and that's what I did. I cheered loudly to him as he started moonwalking. When the song was ending, I could help but sing along with the ending of the show. Just one thing didn't come clear to me on this...Michael asked ME to come out on stage. I nervouslly walked out on stage wondering what he was up too. As I walked over to him, he started talking about what happened to me and how I was staying with them for a while till I could handle everything. I actually felt bad for lying to him...but would he actually believe me if I could tell him the truth. I looked up at him...and then out of no where, I fainted. As the darkness was going around me...I could see Michael looking at me with concern, his lips were moving...but no sound was coming out of them. I could only make the words "You'll be alright, Becca..." and then I passed out. What in the world is going on... *I hoped you all liked this part. I'll try to make the next part later on. Till then, BYE :D*
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