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Don't Say No Tonight (Pt.5)
What's up folks, I'm back. I finally got some free time from a busy schedule to post the next part. I want to apologize for my spelling mistakes, it's not that i can't spell, you know when trying to rush type sometimes we hit the wrong keys but as always, this is for you and Michael, love you and let's continue to pray and have hope for Japan. God Bless, Enjoy! After the game we all go back to the locker room, coach throws us towels and tells us how proud she is of us and what a great job we did. â??Each and everyone of you did your thing out there, Iâ??m very proud to be your coach, now yaâ??ll know Iâ??m getting old so Iâ??m ready to go home and lay down. Iâ??m going to give you all the rest of the week offâ?¦(we all get excited)â?¦youâ??ve worked extremely hard practicing long hours for that performance and youâ??ve successfully carried it out and I think you deserve some time off, I love all of you like youâ??re my daughters but mama is tired.â? We all start laughinâ?? then we give each other hugs after that everybody leaves. Iâ??m always the last to go because I lock up. Iâ??m just sitting here on the bench thinkin about how Iâ??m gonna face Darell. I donâ??t hate him but I canâ??t stand him if that makes any sense at all, it probably doesnâ??t but seeing him again after so long is makinâ?? me so confused. And to think that was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, yeah right. He played me, broke my heart and left. I never will forget what he did to me but I had to forgive him because if I hadnâ??t, Michael and I wouldâ??ve never become what we are now. I really wanna just leave, go home and crawl in my bed but I canâ??t. I canâ??t keep runninâ?? away from everything. I take a deep breath put on my Lakers jacket, grab my gym bag and walk toward the door. I turn out the lights and lock up. â??We were wondering when you were gonâ?? come out of there,â? Kim says scarinâ?? the daylights out of me. Jumps, â??I thought yaâ??ll were gone.â? â??Girl, you are so easy to scare and we told you we would be here to make sure you donâ??t try to run off,â? Ashley says. â??Iâ??m not runninâ?? anymore, nothingâ??s ever gonna get solved that way.â? â??Thank the heavens above, she finally gets it,â? Kim says. â??So we donâ??t have to baby sit you no more?â? Ashley asks. â??No you donâ??t, I can handle it.â? â??Good but before we go we would just love for you to introduce us to Michael,â? Kim says. â??Alright just donâ??t ask him any crazy questions.â? â??Iâ??ll behave Ty, trust me.â? â??You better.â? â??You know I will,â? Ashley says. We walk back to the basketball court and people were still out there. Michael was signing autographs and takinâ?? pictures. â??Aw, thatâ??s so sweet,â? Kim and Ashley say. â??Thatâ??s my baby, no matter where he is he always makes time for his fans.â? â??Hey!â? I turn around and see Andres standing behind me. â??Heeey,â? I say back. â??Hello again ladies.â?? â??Hi,â? Kim and Ashley say. â??Tyesha, I just wanted to thank you for inviting me to the game, I had a great time and yaâ??ll killed it but I gotta get going, my plane leaves at 10 oâ??clock. I need to get back to the hotel, pack, and head to the airport.â? â??Iâ??m glad you had a good time.â? â??Me too, I wish I could stay so you could introduce me to Mike but I really gotta go, itâ??s been so good seeing you again.â? â??You too.â? â??I have somethin for you.â? â??Really, what is it?â? He reaches into his pocket and pulls out an envelope. â??Just somethin to remember me by,â? he says handing it to me. â??Donâ??t know what it is but thank you,â? I say with a smile. â??I think youâ??ll like it,â? he says smiling back. We hug then he kisses me on the cheek. â??Goodbye Tyesha.â? â??Goodbye Andres, enjoy your flight.â? â??Thank youâ?¦(looks at Kim and Ashley)â?¦bye ladies.â? â??Bye,â? Kim and Ashley say waving goodbye. I put the envelope in my coat pocket and watch him as he walks away. â??Girl he is fine, you sure do know how to pick emâ??,â? Kim says. â??Heâ??s iight.â? â??You know that man is fine,â? Ashley says. â??Excuse me ladies but are yaâ??ll talkinâ?? about me?â? That voice, I know exactly who it is. We all turn around at the same time. â??Oooh, hello,â? Kim says. â??How are you beautiful women doinâ???â? â??Where doinâ?? fine,â? she says. â??Whatâ??s your name?â? Ashley asks. â??Darell, Darell Reese, and yaâ??ll are?â? â??Iâ??m Kim, this is Ashley and thatâ??s our home girlâ?¦â? â??Tyesha, Tyesha Renee Jacobs a.k.a Ty.â? â??You two know each other?â? Kim asks. â??Why yes we do, we were engaged a few years ago.â? â??Um, could you excuse us for a second there Darell?â? Ashley says as Kimâ??s pulling me to the side. â??Sure,â? he says. â??What is your ex fiancée doinâ?? here?â? Ashley asks. â??How was I supposed to know that he was gonna be here?â? â??Does Michael know about him?â? Kim asks. â??Yes and they really donâ??t like each other.â? â??Uh oh, itâ??s bout to be some soap opera drama up in here,â? Ash says. â??I hope not, could yaâ??ll give me some time alone with him for a sec?â? â??Iight,â? they both say. They walk over the chairs to have a seat, I walk back over to Darell. â??Who was that clown?â? he asks. â??Who?â? â??The dude you were just talkinâ?? to?â? â??None of your business nosey, what are you doinâ?? here?â? â??Come on girl, are you not happy to see me?â? â??No, Iâ??m not.â? â??Ouch, why you gotta be so mean?â? â??Thatâ??s not being mean thatâ??s being honest, somethin you donâ??t know anything about.â? â??Iâ??ve changed.â? â??Is that right?â? â??Yes and I have some things I need to say to you.â? â??Iâ??ll assume thatâ??s the reason why youâ??re here.â? â??That and some other stuff.â? I look over to where Michael is then I hear the security guard telling the people that Michael is done signing autographs and takinâ?? pictures for the night because the arena will be closing in a few and itâ??s time for them to leave. When all of the people are cleared out Michael walks over to me and Darell. â??Hey baby girl, you did a great job out there tonight,â? he says givinâ?? me a hug. â??Thanks baby,â? I say before givinâ?? him a peck on the lips. â??Sup Mike?â? Darell says tryinâ?? to sound tough. â??Darell,â? Michael says soundinâ?? not too pleased to see him, â??Any particular reason why youâ??re here?â? â??Yes, my brother just got drafted to the team so I came to support him.â? â??Oh yeah, well you canâ??t support your brother if you over here talkinâ?? to my girl can you?â? â??Look here partna, donâ??t be questioning me, I got some things I need say to her and I was about get to it before you came over here and interrupted.â? â??First of all Iâ??m not youâ??re partna and second you ainâ??t got nothin to say to her after you played her, left her broken hearted and ran off like a little punk.â? Darell gets loud, â??Hold up son, who you callinâ?? a punk! I will straight drag yoâ?? lil ass all up and down this court homie, the fuck you sayinâ???!?â? Iâ??m getting worried that a fights about to break out and I donâ??t know what to do. I can see it in Michaelâ??s face, heâ??s highly pissed right now. Then Darell just called him little. Michaelâ??s just as tall as he is. He might be slight in stature but heâ??s strong as hell and will kick somebodyâ??s ass if he has to. I look over at Kim and Ashley and theyâ??re lookinâ?? worried too. None one of us would know what to do if they started fighting. All the security guards are outside makinâ?? sure everybody gets to their cars safely. â??Hold on baby, stand back,â? he says pulling me to the side so he can stand face to face with Darell. â??Iâ??m not your child, Iâ??m not your son, I ainâ??t your homie, so donâ??t ever call me son or homie ever again and if you really think you can drag me up and down this court, I dare you to try it.â? â??Michael just let it go.â? â??No baby I canâ??t just let it go. If he thinks he can take me I wanna see him try it.â? Darell starts laughinâ?? â??Nawl Mike, you donâ??t want none, Iâ??ll been done broke you in half. I saw â??Badâ?, I saw how you got all up in Wesley Snipes face but this ainâ??t no video, this real life lilâ?? homie. You canâ??t just start singinâ?? a song talkinâ?? bout you bad and think imma just back off, Iâ??m tellin you right now, you betta chill out partna.â? â??Are you stupid or somethin, I just told you that Iâ??m not your partna, I ainâ??t your lilâ?? homie either so stop callinâ?? me that and yeah youâ??re right this is real life and you donâ??t really know me so I think youâ??re the one who needs to chill out before you get messed up.â? â??You know what Mike you got a point, I donâ??t know you, you probably think that you could whip my ass but I doubt that.â? â??Oh really?â? â??Yeah, I donâ??t think youâ??re capable beatinâ?? somebodyâ??s ass.â? â??Thatâ??s what you really think?â? â??Thatâ??s what I saidâ?¦(starts laughinâ??)â?¦Mike you a trip boy, why donâ??t you just drop this bad boy act, I know you trynaâ?? show off for your girl and all but I ainâ??t buyinâ?? it so why donâ??t you just go sit down somewhere.â? While Darell is laughinâ?? his butt off Michael backs up, balls his fists and a takes a hard swing at his mouth. He falls straight to the floor. I just stand there like, daaammmnmm! Darellâ??s in more shock than anybody, he honestly thought that Mike wasnâ??t gonna do anything. â??Maybe thatâ??ll teach you not to run your mouth so much,â?? Michael says standing over him as heâ??s laying out on the floor. I grab Michaelâ??s arm, pulling him away from Darell before he gets up and starts swinginâ??. â??I know he was out of line but you didnâ??t have to hit him?â? â??Why are you defending him?â? â??Iâ??m not.â? â??He deserved it, he talks too much.â? â??Baby do me a favor, just stay right here, Iâ??m gonna go talk to him, make sure you didnâ??t break none of his teeth.â? â??You still wanna talk to that big mouth fool?â? â??It seemed like he really needed to get somethin off his chest.â? â??Iâ??m not leaving you alone with him, I donâ??t trust him.â? â??Babe, you need to calm down, youâ??re still heated, the vending machine is right through those doors, go get you some water and cool down. I wonâ??t be alone, my girls are right over there.â? Michael looks over at Kim and Ashley. â??I saw them before but I thought they left, Iâ??m so embarrassed now that theyâ??ve seen me act like this.â? â??Donâ??t be embarrassed, theyâ??re cool and it just shows that you donâ??t take no crap, now I need you to go over there and let me talk to him.â? â??No, I told you I donâ??tâ?¦â? â??I know you donâ??t trust him but do it for meâ?¦(gives him a sexy look)â?¦please?â? â??Why are teasing me like this?â? â??Iâ??m not, Iâ??m just trynaâ?? get a yes.â? â??Yeah by teasing.â? â??How about this, give us ten minutes after weâ??re done here you and I can go have that talk, I say smiling. â??You promise that weâ??ll talk?â? â??Have I ever broken a promise?â? â??Not yet.â? â??And I still wonâ??t.â? â??Alright ten minutes and if he doesnâ??t say what he has to say during that time itâ??ll be too bad because thatâ??s all the time heâ??s getting.â? â??Thanks baby. I turn around and see that Darell finally got up off the floor, he was sittinâ?? in one of the chairs. I go over and sit beside him. His lip was bleeding and a bit swollen. â??Are you okay?â? I ask handing him some of the Kleenex that I carry in my pocket. â??Your boyfriend busted up my lip but other than that Iâ??m good.â? â??Sorry about that but you were runninâ?? yoâ?? mouth.â? â??Yeah I admit I was but I didnâ??t see that coming.â? â??I kind of knew he was gonna take a swing at ya.â? â??He caught me good too.â? There was a couple seconds of silence. â??So what did you want to say to me.â? He takes the tissue off his lip and positions himself in the seat so he could be facing me. â??Tyesha, I just wanted to apologize for all the games, the lies, everything I did to you when we were together. I didnâ??t know what I had until I left you. I knew I wasnâ??t ready for marriage, I was too selfish. I need you to forgive me, these past couple years, itâ??s been hard for me to move on because I know how wrong I was, Iâ??m sorry.â? â??Darell I forgave you a long time ago, if I hadnâ??t I wouldnâ??t be in such a great relationship with a wonderful man but if you really need to hear me say it I will. Darell, I forgive you but the thing you really need to do is forgive yourself, Iâ??ve moved on and you have the freedom to do the same.â? He nods his head in agreement, I stand up and stretch my arms out for a hug. â??Itâ??s all good, no hard feelings D.â? He stands up and we hug each other. â??Thank you Ty.â? We pull away from each other then I say, â??The Lakers won, shouldnâ??t you be celebrating with your brother?â? â??Yeah, he told me to meet him at some club but I had to talk to you first.â? â??Iâ??m glad you did.â? â??Me too, is it okay if I go talk to Mike?â? â??Youâ??re not gonâ?? hit him are you?â? â??Nawl, I donâ??t want him to knock me out again.â? We both start laughinâ??. â??Go ahead.â? He walks over to Michael. â?¦MICHAELâ??S P.O.Vâ?¦. Iâ??m standing at the vending machine drinking a bottle of water, tryinâ?? to cool myself down. I look up and see Darell walkinâ?? towards me. I gulp the rest water down, crush the bottle and throw it in the trash can beside me. As he gets closer to me I prepare myself for action just incase he wants to try somethin slick. â??I come in peace bruh,â? he says holding up both his hands. â??What do you want?â? I ask him. â??I deserved that hit, I shouldâ??ve never underestimated you.â? â??Wait, is that an apology?â? â??Yeah.â? â??Wow, Darell Reese is apologizing to me, you were the one who had somethin against me from the moment we met, what was that all about?â? â??Look man, I was jealous, I knew Tyesha liked you and it intimidated me because I knew you liked her back and couldâ??ve at any time made her leave me for you.â? â??Thatâ??s what this was all about, I was the one who was jealous of you, I wanted so badly to be in your place but Iâ??ve never been the type of man steal anyone elseâ??s woman, if she wouldâ??ve left you for me it wouldâ??ve been entirely her decision but in this case you were the one who left her.â? â??I know, things didnâ??t turn out too good in the end.â? â??Things turned out good for me, I jumped at the opportunity to make her mine.â? â??I see it worked out pretty good.â? â??Itâ??s way better than just pretty good, sheâ??s best girlfriend a guy could ever ask for.â? â??Sheâ??s a great person, I know I hurt her, thatâ??s why I needed to talk to her, I had to apologize for all the wrong I did to her,â? â??That was the right thing to do.â? â??You and Tyesha are good together, I know that you treat her better than I did.â? â??Thanks man.â? â??So uh, me and you, can we be real men and squash the beef?â? â??Donâ??t sweat it, weâ??re cool.â? We shake hands. â??Ay yo Ty!â? Darell screams. â??What?!?â? â??Come here girl.â? She walks over to us. â??Whatâ??s up?â? â??Me and Mike squashed it, weâ??re cool now.â? â??Never thought Iâ??d see the day.â? Darell laughs, â??Well everything is good now,â? â??Yeah, we had a little man to man talk,â? I tell her. â??Thatâ??s good.â? â??Iâ??m glad I got everything off my chest now I can go celebrate with my lilâ?? bro, see yaâ??ll later, I gotta party to get to.â? We both say goodbye after Darell leaves Tyesha tells me that her friends want to meet me so she calls them over. â??Michael, this is Kim Robinson and Ashley Harris, Kim, Ashley, meet Michael Jackson.â? â??Itâ??s such an honor to meet you, youâ??re amazing,â? Ashley says. â??Yes you are along with gifted, talented, beautiful, handsomeâ?¦â? â??Kim, come back down to earth,â? Tyesha tells her. I smile, â??Thank you and itâ??s nice to finally meet the two of you, I heard that you girls are the Three Musketeers.â? â??Yep, thatâ??s what they call us, weâ??re close like that,â? Ashley says. â??I can tell.â? â??Iight chicas, we gotta get goinâ??, less than five minutes till they lock this place down,â? she looks at me, â??Baby could you go start the car, Iâ??ll be out there in a sec, kay?â? she says givinâ?? me her car keys. â??I parked out back, third row.â? â??You want me to leave so you can talk about me, right?â? â??No.â? â??Yeah okay.â? I know their gonna talk about me. â?¦TYESHAâ??A P.O.Vâ?¦ â??Lawd have mercy, how could one man be so fine and why does he have to be such a tease with them tight jeans on,â? Ashley says. â??Ty you were right, I saw it up close and personal, heâ??s packinâ?? alright and he ainâ??t packinâ?? light either and heâ??s got a nice butt too.â? â??Watch it Kim,â? I tell her. â??No disrespect, you my home girl and all but that man is sexy beyond explanation and I definitely believe that he will not disappoint you once he gets in between them legs once he gets you home.â? They both start laughinâ??. â??You are so crazy, we gotta go.â? â??Alright Ty, call you tomorrow,â? Ashley says. â??On three way,â? Kim says. â??Kay.â? I walk outside and Michael pulls up to the door. I get in and he drives off. â??So what did you girls say about me?â? â??We were not talkinâ?? about you.â? â??You donâ??t expect me to believe that do you?â? â??Why not?â? â??Every man knows that when a woman gives them somethin to do to leave the room, theyâ??re gonna talk about him, itâ??s what women do.â? â??Alright, we were, well they were talkinâ?? about you, I had to tell Kim to watch herself.â? â??So what did they say?â? â??They were just like heâ??s so fine, Ashley thought you were being a tease with your tight jeans on, Kim said that youâ??re packinâ?? heavy and that you have a nice butt, thatâ??s when I had to tell her to watch herself, then she says, no disrespect, Iâ??m her home girl and all but youâ??re sexy beyond explanation and she believes that you will not disappoint when you get in between my legs once you get me homeâ?¦hm, thatâ??s funny.â? â??Why is it so funny?â? â??Because.â? â??What?â? I donâ??t say anything. Michael looks at me and bites his bottom lip, â??That last part could be true if you just let me give my love to you, I can make you feel things youâ??ve never felt before.â? â??Like what?â? He grabs my hand and places a gentle kiss upon it, â??Iâ??d rather show you than tell you.â? He looks at me with those deep, dark, beautiful eyes thinkin heâ??s got somethin goinâ?? but he of all people should know that Iâ??m not that easy. As soon as he letâ??s go of my hand, I nudge him in the shoulder. He start laughinâ??, â??Ouch, girl, what was that for?â? â??Trynaâ?? be slick, thatâ??s what that was for, keep you eyes on the road Doctor Love.â? Iâ??ll admit he got me a little hot with his words and Iâ??m but I still have my guard up, I might let it down tonight, weâ??ll see. â??Baby are you hungry?â? he asks. â??Why are you?â? â??Iâ??m not starving but Iâ??ve got a taste for somethin sweet, wanna go grab some ice cream?â? â??Sounds good.â? Michael drives us to the ice cream shop. â??Do you have in mind what you want?â? he asks. â??Uh, not yet.â? â??Youâ??ll figure it out once you get inside.â? â??Do you know what you want?â? â??Yep, two M&M ice cream sandwiches and a bubble gum swirl pop.â? â??All that?â? I ask surprised. â??Yeah.â? â??Are you cominâ?? in with me?â? â??I canâ??t.â? Sometimes I forget that Michael is a superstar because to me heâ??s just Michael, a beautiful silly, lovable person. â??Iâ??m sorry baby, I forgot.â? He smiles and says, â??Itâ??s okay, I wish I could go in with you but we both know whatâ??ll happen if I do.â? Michael always has to sneak in and out of places, he never gets to just go into the store and shop or go to the movies or the park just as himself and he really wants to but his fame and popularity will never allow him to. At least there are disguises for him to wear when he wants to go out, thatâ??s the only way for him to see what the real world is like. â??Let me make sure I got it right, you want two M&M ice cream sandwiches and a bubble swirl pop?â? â??Yep thatâ??s it.â? â??Be right back,â? I say getting out of the car. When I get inside the ice cream shop I was noticed right off the back, people asked for my autograph and I even got the ice cream free. â??Baby guess what just happened?â? I say while getting back in the car. â??What?â? â??People have been startinâ?? to treat me like a celebrity or somethin, they asked me for my autograph and then I got the ice cream free.â? â??In a way you kind of are a celebrity.â? â??Why, because Iâ??m dating you?â? â??Well thereâ??s that and you work for one of the biggest teams the NBA.â? â??I guess so but all this didnâ??t start until the news got out about you and me.â? â??I just hope youâ??ll be able to deal with it.â? â??Why do you say that?â? â??There are gonna be some people that arenâ??t so nice like reporters, photographers, people that make a living by trashing my name, those who a good story and will do almost anything to get, you know what I go through.â? â??But you donâ??t ever have to go through it alone, you know that. You got me, your family, close friends, and your fans. Iâ??d say you have the most loyal fans of any other entertainer, we got your back.â? I look over at Michael and heâ??s lookinâ?? sad. â??Donâ??t be sad, we know those things arenâ??t true.â? â??I just donâ??t want you to get to the point where you feel like you canâ??t handle the heat, cause the heat is on and people are watching closely through a microscope and the spotlight is beaming. I know youâ??re not use to any of that and Iâ??m scared that youâ??ll get fed up, throw in the towel and leave me.â? â??Aw, Michael Iâ??ll never leave you as long as you continue to love me, Iâ??ll be right here with you and I know theyâ??re gonna be times when people arenâ??t so nice but like I said before I donâ??t give a damn.â? â??Iâ??ll never stop loving you because I canâ??t stop.â? I smile at him and he smiles back. â??The ice cream is gonna melt if we donâ??t eat it so letâ??s dig in.â? â??What did you get?â? â??A cherry pop.â? Michael starts laughinâ??. â??Whatâ??s so funny?â?? â??Itâ??s called a what now?â? â??A cherry pop.â? He laughs harder. â??What, I donâ??t get it.â? â??Pop goes the cherry,â? he says still laughinâ??. When he said that I finally figured out what was so funny. â??Your are a nasty, silly boy, why would you say that?â? â??Itâ??s not my fault they named it cherry pop.â? â??Boy, you so crazy.â? After weâ??ve had a nice laugh, especially Michael, we eat our frozen treats. As Iâ??m lickinâ?? my popsicle I see Michael starinâ?? out the corner of my eye so I decided to mess with him. â?¦MICHAELâ??S P.O.Vâ?¦ I was takinâ?? a bite out of my ice cream sandwich when I heard slurping noises. Tyesha was suckinâ?? on that cherry pop. I couldnâ??t help but watch. I know she feels my eyes on her because she started getting a little creative, tryinâ?? to tease me and boy is it workinâ??. My body temperatureâ??s getting warmer, my heart rateâ??s rising, and my manhoodâ??s getting harder by the second. Iâ??m so lovinâ?? this right now but I would be better if she was doinâ?? that to me instead. â?¦TYESHAâ??S P.O.Vâ?¦ I knew I had gotten him good, I see that huge bulge in pants thatâ??s screaminâ?? to be let free but heâ??s gonâ?? have to suffer because even if I wanted to, I would not be doinâ?? anything in a car. By the time I was finished, Michaelâ??s ice cream sandwich had melted in his hand and he didnâ??t even notice. â??Baby, youâ??re ice cream is melting. He looks at his hand and the melted ice cream is just rollinâ?? down his wrist. â??Aw man, this a mess.â? I reach in the glove box a get him some napkins. â??Here take these.â? He takes the napkins and cleans up the melted ice cream. â??I canâ??t eat is now.â? â??Well if you werenâ??t starinâ?? at me so hard maybe you wouldâ??ve noticed that you ice cream was melting, thatâ??s $1.25 down the drain.â? He gives it to me, I get out of the car and throw in the trash can thatâ??s sittinâ?? outside. â??Iâ??m still good, I got another one and a bubble gum pop,â? he tells as Iâ??m getting back in the car. â??You better eat those before they melt.â? We sit there and talk, while heâ??s eating his ice cream, when heâ??s done he cranks up and drives off. â??You need some gas baby girl,â? he says lookinâ?? at the gas meter. â??It should be a gas station up the this road.â? We pull into a gas station. â??Could you bring me back some Skittles please, the big pack?â? he asks. â??You just ate two ice creams, youâ??re still hungry?â? â??You know I have a sweet tooth.â? â??Skittles, thatâ??s all you want?â? â??Mmm hmm.â? I get out of the car, go into the gas station, pick up Michael some Skittles and pay for the gas. â?¦MICHAELâ??S P.O.Vâ?¦ When Tyesha got out of the car an envelope fell out of her pocket. On it said, â??From Andres.â? â??Who is Andres,â? I think to myself. I know I shouldnâ??t open it because itâ??s not mine so I wonâ??t. Iâ??ll just wait for her to come back. When she comes out of the store she pumps the gas then gets in the car. â??Hereâ??s your Skittles.â? â??Thanks, so whoâ??s Andres?â? â??Huh?â? â??Whoâ??s Andres, an envelope fell out of your coat pocket and it says, â??From Andres,â? whoâ??s that?â? â??Just a guy I know from high school.â? â??How come you never told me about him?â? â??Um, I donâ??t know.â? â??Can I read it?â? â??I havenâ??t even read it yet.â? As I start the car back up, she open up envelope and starts reading it. When sheâ??s done she smiles and giggles a bit, that caught my attention so I pulled into the parking lot of a corner store. â??Whatâ??s wrong you need somethin else?â? she asks. â??Uh yeah, Iâ??m thirsty, could you get me an orange juice?â? â??Sure honey.â? She gets out of the car and goes into the store.. Iâ??m really not thirsty, I just needed an excuse to get her to leave the car so I can read that letter. She was giggling and smiling, I wanna know what all of that was about. Inside was a photo of what looked like their high school prom picture, the letter reads: Dear Tyesha, Seeing you again has been both a surprise and a joy. I remember and cherish the time we spent together both in the past and earlier today. I felt like I was in high school again. When I went back to my hotel room, I reminisced on our past. Do you remember? The first time we kissed, our first date, our first argument, it was about something stupid, I thought you were two timing me with that guy who turned out to be your distant cousin. I know youâ??re with Michael now and as I said before, heâ??s lucky but I want to ask you, do you remember our first time? How scared you were, how I put my arms around you and told you not to be afraid, how we kissed with so much passion, how it only lasted for two minutes but felt like two hours, just to be clear I last way longer than that these days. Do you remember? I do and Iâ??ll never forget, you were my first love, thatâ??s unforgettable and Iâ??ll always love you. Love, Andres. When she gets back in the car she could tell that my mood was completely different. I was upset, she knew it was because I had read the letter. She hands me the orange juice, I put it in the back seat with the Skittles. â??So uh, did you read the letter?â? askinâ?? me like she didnâ??t already know. â??Yes.â? â??Are you mad?â? â??This Andres guy, was he really your first love?â? â??Yes, he was.â? â??How long did you date him?â? â??Three years in high school, sophomore through senior year.â? â??Did he really take your virginity?â? â??Yes.â? â??I told you about all of my girlfriends, the only guy I even know about is Darell, are their any others I should know about?â? â??No, Iâ??ve only ever had two serious relationships in my life, of course I had friends who were guys and I dated around but I didnâ??t think that was important.â? â??Why did you hide him from me?â? â??What, I never hid anything from you.â? â??Then what would you call it, did you sleep with him, is that it?â? â??No! What ever gave you that idea?â? â??In this letter he says he says you spent time with him earlier today, what were you doinâ???â? â??Do you think Iâ??m cheatinâ?? on you?â? â??I have reason to believe so.â? â??What reasons do you have, I wanna hear this.â? â??Weâ??ve been dating for over a year and youâ??ve never even touched me in a sexual way, youâ??re always pushinâ?? me away and avoiding have sex with me, Iâ??m thinkin if youâ??re no screwinâ?? me then you must be givinâ?? it to someone else.â? â??I canâ??t believe that you would even think that I was foolinâ?? around.â? â??Are you?â? â??Maybe I am.â? I felt my blood pressure rise. â??Do you still love him?â? Sheâ??s quiet for a minute or two so I repeat the question. â??I asked you, do you still love him?â? â??Do you still love Diana?â? It went silent for a moment. I couldnâ??t believe she asked me that question. â??No you did not just go there.â? â??I went there, you never told me about your feelings for her, I had to find out from your mother, Diana was your first love and you never told me that, matter of fact I donâ??t even believe that youâ??re over her.â? â??What?â? â??I said, I donâ??t even believe that youâ??re over her, are you?â? I donâ??t answer. â??Thatâ??s what I thought.â? â??Tyesha, baby, Iâ?¦ She cuts me off. â??Shut up, donâ??t even speak, do you know how that makes me feel. Iâ??m constantly beatinâ?? myself up thinkin, Iâ??ll never compare to her. That scares me, there have been nights I would cry myself to sleep over this, how do I know that if she ever came to you and said, â??Michael, Iâ??m in love with you, letâ??s run off and be together, that wonâ??t forget about me and leave with her.â? She starts cryinâ??. â??You know what, to hell with it, if you still love her, whatâ??s the point, why am I even in your life?â? She opens the door getting ready to get out of the car. â??Where are you goinâ???â? I ask. â??Iâ??m walkinâ?? home.â? â??No, youâ??re not!â? â??You donâ??t tell me what to do.â? I grab her arm and pull her back in the car and shut the door, â??Iâ??m not letting you walk home out here by yourself, itâ??s dangerous.â? â??What do you care.â? â??I care about you.â? â??Pssh, whatever, I getting in the back seat.â? I crawl to the back of the car, dragging my gym bag behind me, it hit Michael in head. â??Ouch!â? â??Oh, Iâ??m sorry did that hurt?â? â??Yes.â? â??Good.â? â??This is childish Tyesha.â? â??Oh you want childish, well while Iâ??m back here Imma eat your Skittles and drink your orange juice too.â? I crank up the car and drive off, I cannot believe what just happened. Everything was goinâ?? fine then all of a sudden, weâ??re arguing. During the rest of the ride there was complete silence. â?¦TYESHAâ??S P.O.Vâ?¦ When we pulled into my driveway I was so relieved, I just wanted to get away from him. I canâ??t believe he would ever think that I would cheat on him. Just because Iâ??m not sleepinâ?? with him doesnâ??t mean Iâ??m cheatin.â?? â??Maybe you should just call someone to pick you up so you can go home,â? I say before getting out of the car. â??No, Iâ??m not goinâ?? home, you promised weâ??d talk, so weâ??re gonna talk.â? â??Yeah, well that was before, this is now.â? â??It doesnâ??t matter, you said youâ??d never break a promise.â? I think about it for minute, Iâ??m not the kind of person who breaks promises. â??Fine, weâ??ll talk.â? We walk toward the door. â??Can I carry your gym bag for you?â? I hand him the bag, even after what happened he still manages to be such a gentlemen. He gives me back my keys and though I was hurt, I knew that this Diana thing was also somethin that we would have to talk about. I open the door and we go inside. â??I wanna get out of this uniform so take a seat, chillax, Iâ??ll be out in a few minutes.â? â??Take your time.â? â??Oh and Iâ??m sorry for hittinâ?? you in the head with my gym bag.â? â??Itâ??s okay.â? I go into my room, walk straight to the bathroom, turn on the shower, get in after fifteen minutes Iâ??m out. I dry off, moisturize, deodorize, and put on a red Mickey Mouse bra with matching pajama shorts. I walk into the living room where Michael had gotten quite comfortable. Jacket hanginâ?? up on the coat rack, shoes and socks off, layinâ?? on his back on my couch with his eyes closed, asleep. Since he didnâ??t hear me walk in I got an idea. I sneak over to him, â??MICHAEL!â? â??Huh, what?!?â? â??Boy if you donâ??t get up off my couch.â? â??Oh sorry, I dozed off for a minute.â? he says rubbing his eyes. When he regains his vision and sees what Iâ??m wearing his mouth drops, his eyes are glued to the girls, he mumbles under his breath, â??Damn.â? â??Um, excuse me, I say snapping my fingers, â??Iâ??m the one youâ??re supposed to be talkinâ?? to, not them.â? â??What, no, I was just lookinâ?? at Mickey Mouse.â? â??I bet you where.â? Heâ??s never seem me without a shirt on, I know suprising right, I thought his reaction what cute and funny. â??Iâ??m sorry about falling asleep on the couch.â? â??Itâ??s okay, I know youâ??re tired, are we gonna talk or what?â? I ask taking a seat beside him. â??Or do you need a little more time to nap, you still sound like youâ??re sleepy.â? â??No, itâ??s fine that was actually some of the breast restâ?¦.â? â??Say what?â? â??I mean that was some of the best rest Iâ??ve gotten since Iâ??ve been home.â? â??Oh okay.â? â??Iâ??m sure Iâ??ll get more rest later, right now this is more important.â? â??Where do we start?â? Only God knows where this is goinâ??, niether one of us has a clue. TBC...
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