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My Real Life * 13 *
Enjoy- Me I was staring at the sunset out the window into a distance. I was so hypnotized by it, that I didnt notice that Michael was kissing me. He layed me down then asked me a question. Michael: You sure you wanna have kids???? Me: Yes Michael. Im serious about this. Michael: Okay. Me: I never felt you without a condom on before. Michael: Today's your lucky day. *lays beside me* Me: *gets ontop of him* When we have the baby, what do you think it will be?? Michael: *taking my shirt* A boy, maybe or maybe a girl that looks just like her mother Leila. * puts his hands on my hips* Me: Or a son that looks just like his Father Michael. *bites bottom lip* Michael: Truu.... *Getting comfortable* I just know you're gonna smile your mouth off. Me: Oh really?? Michael: Really. Me: Well let's start shall we???? Michael: *tugging on my jeans by my belt ring* Sssssss I wanna try my experiment on you. Me: Come on then. Michael: *sits up and kissing me* You don't know how much I would risk for you and my family. Me: I would risk my life for you Michael. Michael: Really???? Me: Yeah. Would you for me?? Michael: That and sooo much more Love. *unbuttoning my pants* Me: *takes them off* Michael: You know I went through alot when I cheated on you. I had to get use to you not touching me, kissing me, loving me, ontop of me, with me, beside me, all of that I had to get use to that. And now that you're in my arms, I wanna do the best to you and for you. And you will feel me. * getting real horny* Me: Do it now. Michael was getting real aggressive but I loved it. He tore my underwear off. He slid himself in me with pride. Michael: Awwwe how does it feel?? Me: *panting* Good oh my gosh. Michael: *speeds up* How about now??? Me: REAL *moans* Good. sooooooo good Michael!!! Just don't stop bae. Michael: This trick right here you're not use to but you'll get use to the tease, it makes you hornier just like how I want. Me: Well what is it?? Michael: *rubbing his dick up and down on my clit, not going in just rubbing his dick on it* Me: *bites lip* Yes! Michael: Exactly what I want. * lays down* Me: *gets ontop* Mm auu yees. * going up and down fast moaning* YES!! SHIT!!! MICHAEL, AUUUUU!!!! OHHHH FUCK!!!!!! Michael: *moaning* I didnt know it would make you that horny. But YES LEILA!!! GOOD GIRL!! YES!! OHH YES! * guiding me up and down slowing me down* Me: * moanning* M M M M M yes ohh yes Michael. *whining on him* Yes. * moans loudly* Michael: * moans* Daddy like.. Me: Mama like. You fucking this big pussy. Michael: You like daddy's magic stick don't you???? Me: Yes. Oh hell yeah. Michael: * pounding in me* What your mouth! * pounding faster* Me: *moaning* Shit!! URRRRRRRR. UGH UGH UGHH MICHAEL FUCK MANNNNN!! We did about 4 more tricks and climaxed then we fell asleep. I woke up the next morning with my leg on Michael and him smiling in his sleep. I got up and he grabbed my wrist. Michael: Please dont leave me. Me: Michael I got to go to the bedroom. Michael: Okay. * thinks about Mikey* Im going to check on little MJ. Me: *giggles* Okay handsome. * Michael's P.O.V.* I went in the room and saw Michael sitting up looking at the stuff animals. He kept poking them and they squeeked. he laughed. Mikey: *pokes it* Animal: *squeeks* Mikey: * laughing* Me: What you doing Michael?? Mikey: *looks at me then holds up a doll of me and hugs it* Me: They make those?? Havent seen them in the mall. Mikey: *hands it to me* Me: Thanks. * looks at it* It has my face features too. Looks just like me. * looks in the back and clicks the switch to on* Doll: Keep the faith. Me: Cool!! And my voice.. Doll: I love you all!! Mikey: Da da. Me: Huh?? * looks at Mikey* Mikey: Da Da. Me: Y- You called me da da !! * runs out the room* He called me dad!!! He called me da da!!!! * runs in the room* Hunny!! Leila: Yeah? Michael what's wrong????? Me: Mikey called me daddy!!!! * jumping up and down in joy* Leila: Yeah, umh about that.... It's time for me to tell you this. I knew he would say that. * My P.O.V.* Michael looked at me strangly when I said that. Michael: What you mean you knew?? Me: Michael sit down I have to talk to you. Michael: *sits down on the floor* Yeah? What is it?? Everytime Michael thinks it's something serious with us, he'll sit on the floor or stand up. Me: Well, his- his father is dead.. Michael: *stands up* What??? Me: Yeah. He's dead. He died about a year ago. Michael: Oh my gosh. Is that why he called me daddy???? Me: Yeah. Most likely. Michael: Oh my. Imma go get him. Me: Okay. I could see the sadness in his eyes he felt bad for Mikey. TBC..................................................PLZZ VOTE.... WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS???? - ME
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