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My Real Life * 2*
Please enjoy!! I love this story, it's kind of sensitive like me. I dedicate this to Michael, God, Friends, and MJSite family. Thnks guys for being the best. - leila *aka me* * the next morning* I woke up happy then kind of sad too. I didn't really think of how I was gonna explain this to Dad. Unless Mama talked to him already. I was watching TV when someone knocked on the door. Me: Who's there? ???: Javon Me: Javon who?? Javon: *comes in with his brothers* Javon and his brothers. Me: *jumps on Javon* OMG!! Hey guys!! What you doing here? Javon: Well, your Mom told my Dad that you were moving so I- Brothers: *looks at him* Javon*second oldest*: Well we, decided to come and help you pack and say goodbye. Javeon*youngest*: We brought you something. Monte*oldest*: We don't suppose to give it to her yet. And plus it's not from us. Dae-Dae*fourth oldest*: *smacks monte in the back of the head* Dude!! Monte: You better watch your hand midget. Me: Guys please. Okay so first let me get dressed and I'll be with you momentarily. Ok? Boys: Okay. *silence* Me: That means get out! Boys: Oh!! okay well we'll just go... downstairs. Me: Silly. I took me a shower then I got dressed. I'm wearing a yellow skirt with black tights underneath it, a black and yellow stripped shirt, and black baby dolls. I put my hair in a side ponytail and went downstairs. FYI: Javon and I are close buds, he's the closest one to me than any of his other brothers. I sat beside Javeon and Javon was saying something about me. Javon: She's beautiful even though she's stocky but I really like her. Me: Ooooooh who is she Jay???? Javon: *turns around* Umh, uh, it's it's it's.... Me: Well who is it?? Javon: It's you. Me: Oh. *blushes* I I didn't know you fel- Javon: *stands up* You know what, you didn't have to know. Im sorry I have to go. Me: WAIT!! *grabs his arm* Javon: Leila let go of me. Me: Im not gonna let my bestest friend aka my brother walk out on me like that. Look at me. Javon: *leans against the wall* Me: * lets him go* I love you like my own sibling and if you freaking think im gonna let you walk out on me and your brothers like that you a got damn lie. *serious* Javon: *pulls me to a spot where can't no one can see us* I'm sorry Leila*holds my waist* I- I didn't mean to hurt you or make you mad. Me: You okay Jay. * lays head on his shoulder* You're just fine. Go to my room. Javon: Okay. Me: *goes back to the guys* Now, that is settled, we can get some stuff done. Afterwards, we'll have banana splits, k?? Guys: Yeah let's get to work. Me: Y'all go ahead and start I have to do something right fast. Guys: Okay. I went upstairs and went in my room and shut the door. I looked at Javon and he was holding my Miss Piggy stuffed animal. I cleared my throat and he looked up then put the animal back where he found it. Javon: Sorry. Me: You're fine so stop worrying so much. *sits beside him* So tell me, do you like me?? Javon: Yes I do, alot. Do you like me?? Me: I've always liked you, your hugs and your advice it gives me butterflies. I mean you're cute, kind, a gentleman, and- *interupted with a kiss* Javon kissed me and it was magical. He layed back and I was kind of ontop of him. We kissed and I was in Heaven. We stopped and I blushed. Javon: You're blushing. Me: Yeah I've noticed. I can't believe Im making out with you. Javon: Believe it Lae-Lae. Come on let's go downstairs with the others. Me: Umh you might wanna put your shirt back on. Javon: Oh yeah. *puts shirt on* Okay come on. * 7:30 am* We were packed up and about to leave. I was putting my suitcase in the backseat. Javon and Walter were tearing up. Monte, Dae-Dae,and Javeon were holding their tears in. Me: I love you guys!! Them: Bye!! We love you too Lae-Lae!! Javon: *blows me a kiss* Me: * puckers up my lips and gets a unexpected kiss from him* Wow Javon: *tear falling down his face* Bye Lae. Me: *touches his face* Love you. Javon: Love you too. Me: Bye. I rolled up the window and he started to tear up worster. I started to cry but I have to stay strong. He was screaming out something but I couldn't here. When we got farther down the street, I cried myself to sleep. * @ the airport * I woke up and I saw someone hovering over me. Whoever he was he was cute. I couldn't really see 'cause I had cold in my eyes. There was one thing I could see..... His winning smile.. Million dollar picture!! TBC................................................PLZZZ VOTE! I WONDER WHO DAAT PERSON WAS?? HMMM? - ME
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