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The Geek And The Bad Boy *11*
The reason I hvaent typed this already is because I've been thinking of thoughts to start new stories. I try and set my mind just on this one and what do I get?? A brand new damn story. But Im like totally cool with it though. I dedicate this to my friends, Michael, MJSite fam, and all the haters. We want to know that Michael hated you in a way and loved you in a way. No let me change that HE LOVES YHU CRITICALLY JUST LIKE HE LOVE HIS FANS THR SAME WAY!! SO BE GLAD YOU'RE BEING LOVED BY SOMEONE SPECIAL. BELIEVE ME OR NOT HE LOVED SO THE LEAST YOU COULD'VE DID WAS LOVE HIM BACK. -CARAMEL Me: She - She's pre- pregnant???? Beth: Yeah! That's what I said to her when she told me. Me: Wow I can't believe this. Michael: This isn't none of my business so I'm going to watch TV. Me: *pulls his arm* Oh no you don't. You're family and my boyfriend so this is your business. Michael: *sits down* If you insists that I be in GIRL BUSINESS and I'm not a GIRL so.... *sigh* Carry on ladies. Beth: *looks at him* Still the same aren't you Michael? Michael: Well not really, you see according to my calculations I've changed some. Beth: Enough about my sister and Me and Dawayne I wanna know about y'all. Y'all hanging on? Michael: We doing good. *gets behind me and holds my waists* I've made my girl healthy. Me: *elbows him* MICHAEL!! Michael: What I meant to say was she eats alot of yogurt. Me: And you eat alot of ritz crackers. Michael: Those things are good. Me: Umh rrrrriight. Girl, Michael is a great man. He's very kind and a gentleman and smart and.... *sigh* I could go on forever but i wouldn't wanna do that to you though. Michael: You know when she talks about me she turns beet red?? Like is she a hot pepper? Even though she is a little fiesty. Just make me ssssss ooooh. *kisses my neck* Beth: Awwwww Y'all is soooo adorable!! And you did turn red on me there. Me: I - I did?? *goes to the mirror in the livingroom and looks at myself* OMG!!!! I did!! Michael:You're crazy. Beth: *giggling* Oh my gosh. Naomi, chill. Me: *deep breath* Okay. Michael: *breathe with me* Moosah. Me: Michael! Michael: I'm just teasing. Me: Yeah I can see that. * @3:00* Me and Beth were back in the kitchen and Michael was outside doing something. Beth: *goes to the door* Giiirrll look at your man out here. Me: *goes to the door* OMG he looks so sexy doing that. Michael was outside dancing and he saw me in the door. He told me to come to him with his finger. All of a sudden I got the hotts for Michael. Beth looked at me. Beth: Care your ass out there before I kick you there. Me: You sure? Beth: Hell yeah! I wanna see this. Me: *goes out to Michael* Michael: Dance with me. Me: Michael, you don't want me to dance with you, I can't dance. Beth: *yells out* Yes she can!! She lying!! Me: *looks at her and mouthing to her shut up* Michael: Please Baby?? Me: Okay. Michael changed to the song " Off the Wall". I got loose and started dancing. Michael got all up on me and started to grind on me. Then I threw him off when I did a split at the end. Michael: You are the unexpected. Me: That's the best I've danced in years! Michael: Well I gotta make you dance more. Everybody: Ooooooooooh. Me and Michael: Hey everybody! We saw Janet, Marlon, Beth was still there, Joe, Katherine, Jermaine, and Tito. *@ Later* Tito, Marlon, Jermaine, Michael, and Joe were talking in the kitchen where I was getting lemonade for me and the girls. I heard there conversation. Joe: Michael, I'm proud of you. Michael: Thanks Joe. Tito: Mikey then got him some woman meat. Michael: *blushing* Omg Y'all be trippin sometimes. Marlon: Dogg you got a killer looking woman, she sexy. I don't know how you can tame yourself around her. Michael: It's not me taming myself, she tamed me. Guys: *laughing* Joe: Mike you laid it on her? Michael: Joe, you thought I was gonna stay a virgin for ever. Besides she was begging for it. So I went up to her like this, *comes up to me* I turned her around like this *turns me around* And Kissed her passionately like this *kisses me passionately* Guys: Daaaamn. Joe: Michael got swagg. Me: *breaks kiss* I got you later on lover boy. Michael: Don't let me find out cupcake. * holds my waists and his dick is like right there on my butt and it's making me tingle* Marlon: I just don't know how he does it!?!?! Jermaine: He gets it from me. Michael: You trippin right now! Jermaine: You know it's true. Michael:............... TBC.................................................PLZZ VOTE! LOL CAST YOUR SPELL!! - CARAMEL P.S. THAT QUOTE WAZ WACK!
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