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Rewriting HIStory 1
"OH MY GOD...... MOM!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. My mom ran up the stairs and into my room. She was startled "WHAT?!" She said, kinda pissed off. Then as the news settled in, I burst into tears. My mom came and hugged me tight. "Babycakes, what is it?" "He-he died.... He...." I sniffled real loud "Michael, mom...." I barely could say. She sighed. "Oh..." She was trying not to laugh. "Well, all things die..." "Your... Not... HELPING!" I pushed her away. She looked at me sideways, the looked at me lovingly. "Wanna talk about it when momma comes home?" "Please." I gave up wiping my tears away, all they did was come back. Mom smiled and went back downstairs. The one good thing about having two moms, was the fact they each understood me. But in their own ways. Momma was a HUGE MJ fan. She always told me that if she wasn't Lesbo, Michael would be her first choice. She also knew how to cheer me up. Mom was like the... Aunt, I guess. She was a great listener, and was a great chef. Hey, what can I say? I love food. Momma never got home until 5:30 in the evening. So, I had maybe two hours to kill. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I grabbed my backpack, which acted like a purse, and I went downstairs. "Mom, can I go downtown?" I asked, already at the door. "Yeah, but be careful. Remember Momma comes home at 5:30 so don't be too late! Love ya!" She called from the kitchen. I walked outside. I lived in a nice quiet town in Cali. It was by a beach, so I could walk there from my house and just get lost. Or I could go downtown. I lied to my mom because she dosen't want me at the beach. She thinks I might get some idea with a boy. I walked down my neighborhood, waving hello to my neighbor, Mr.Summers. As I walked down the path way to the beach, when I notice something new. Another pathway. It looked brand new, and me being me, I walked down it. As I walked, the forest seemed to get closer, the path got narrower, and I swear I heard laughter. The path led me to a cottage. "Huh" I thought to myself. I knocked on it. "Come in" A faint voice said. I opened the door to find a nice looking house. A little dated though. Of looked like the 70's upchucked all over it. An old woman peered out from under her covers. She was in a bed. "Please, come closer." "Umm..." I whispered. She looked like death, so I walked to her bedside. "My dear, sweet child, what is your name?" She barely breathed. "Peggy..." I said. "Peggy, reach out your hand." Her weak hand wabbled out to mine. I reached down and grabbed her hand. She inhaled and exhaled, then she opened her eyes. She smiled up at me. "Darling, you come from a different family. But, you love them very much. You recently had someone you love die. You are struck with grief, are you not? But, this person you had only met once. This person wasn't ment to die now... Maybe, you are this person's savior." At this point I was creeped out. I mean, I was Catholic! I don't believe in this kind of stuff! "In the corner, you will find a ring. Put it on your pointer finger." She pointed to the corner across the room. I walked over and put the ring on. Suddenly, everything around me swirled into a ball of color that was in front of me. I backed up, bewildered. Then it changed forms into a door. I looked arond me and saw nothing but black. So, I walked through the door. "AHHH!!!" A voice screamed as I fell onto a bed. I scrambled off the bed, and paced. "How the hell...?" I mumbled to myself. I looked at my finger. The ring had dissolved into my skin. It now looked like a tattoo. Then somebody ran into the room, and jumped onto the bed. "Mike? What's up?" A little girl asked the man in the bed. He was starring at me, looking pissed. "Dunk, I'll tell ya later. I've got company." She turned and looked at me then the man. "Huba-Huba... You gotta foxy one! Have fun!" She winked at me then skipped out. I sat down, and crossed my legs. I stared at my finger. The man got out of the bed and looked down at me. "What? Not gonna try and have sex?" He said, sounding like this had happened before. I looked up at him and frowned. "What the hell?! No! I don't even know you! Besides, I'm only sixteen." I looked back at my finger. The man sat down across from me. "Ah, the 'I have no fucking clue who you are' trick. Well, what do you want? I won't have sex." He said. I stood up, and looked at him in the eye. I glared at him. "Listen, I dont know what kind of a pervert you are but, I don't wanna have sex. And I don't know who you are." "Are you for real?" He asked, seeing my sincerity. "For real?" I said trying not to laugh. He smiled "Well, then, Im Michael Jackson." Hope yuz liked it! If I get like, three votes I'll post the next part. Thanks!:)
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