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At Last (Part three)
Hey, hey, hey! It's me, and I hope that you guys enjoyed parts one and two. This is now part three, and again, I want to dedicate this to all of the folks here, and of course, Michael Jackson. Sit back, relax, and enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- It was the day of February 13, and I was so freakin' nervous! My stomach was seriously twisted into a pretzel and I kept figeting and biting my fingernails, just wondering what if he didn't like me. We were on the bus, driving there and I was shaking like a maniac. Me: (shaking) Oh my God! What if he doesn't like me? Daisy: Oh, don't worry, Lissie. He love you. You're the best dancer in our crew. He would be a fool if he didn't pick you. Then the bus stopped. Me: Oh, Lord! (tugs on Daisy) We're here! When we entered the auditorium, it was as if we entered another world. Man, they don't have nothin' like this back in Jersey. Straight up, yo! Debra was askin' about MJ, like she knew him or whatever! (scoffs)Her and her stupid games. Debra: Where's Michael? (checks her fingernails) Gloria: Now, as I was saying-- Debra: (cuts her off) Oh my Gosh, where's Michael? She was near me, and she was very irritating. She seriously got on my nerves, and I was about to pop. She put me on the last straw. Me: SHUT UP!! She gasped and looked at me in a suprised way, but still an evil look. I gave her one back. She didn't intimidate me. Gloria: Okay. As I was saying, the auditions start at 1:00 pm. You have more than an hour to go over the dance number one more time. Remember, do your best, and just relax. Let's get to it! Right then, we swarmed like bees. While I was waiting for my audition, I looked all around for Danny, but he was no where to be found. I was peeking outside and then I saw a man walk to the door, wearing a fedora, some Ray Ban sunglasses, a red polo shirt, and black pants. He had long black hair, and light skin. He was going through the entrance where MJ was supposed to walk in. I got really suspicious, because I just knew that that man shouldn't been in there. "Number 23A," I heard someone call my number. I sighed a deep breath, just thinking about how my audition would go, and who that strange man was. I walked in to see that same man sitting right in front of me. What the liverjuice was goin' on?! (lol, made it up) Man: (greets me with a smile) Hello, Miss. I'm Michael Jackson. At that, my mind went blank and confused. I felt as if my head was spinning around in tons and tons of circles. How could this man actually be him?! The Michael that I expected would have dark, chocolate skin, a nose on the larger side, shorter hair, and his white glove in hand, but instead, I saw a Michael with light, vanilla skin, a nose on the smaller side, longer hair, actually in a long ponytail, and he had some band-aids or tape on his fingers instead of a glove. I was so confused. He looked a bit like this: http://blogs.citypages.com/gimmenoise/michael%20jackson.jpg It really shocked me. It felt as if I was sleeping. Me: *In my head* You cannot be him! *out loud* Um...hello. He shook my hand, and I still couldn't believe this at all! He asked me about myself before we got on with the audition. I was going to mention about his difference in appearance, but I didn't want to be rude. Me: Um...I'm Felicity Banks. I love your music. Michael: Thank you very much, Felicity. Just then, he bit his bottom lip, and it reminded me of the guy I met earlier. Michael: Well, let's get on with the audition, shall we? Me: Uh...sure. My audition did pretty well, because Michael was pretty much smiling at me the whole time, and his eyes were glued to me, but I wondered why Michael looked so different. Daisy: (grabs my arm) So, how did it go? I just kept silent and stared onto the floor, wondering why. Daisy: Are you alright? Did anything go wrong? Me: Michael...he looks light. Daisy: (sighs) I know. I was pretty suprised, too. So, how did your audition go? Me: I could tell he liked my dancing a lot, but I don't know if I want to be in this video anymore. Daisy: (shakes me) Snap out of it, woman! Me: I know, I know. I'm being stupid. Daisy: Uh...ya think? Me: (sighs) Yeah, well, either way, he still looks hot. Daisy: (laughing) Got that right, girlfriend! Both of us: (laughing) Just then we saw the she-devil herself, Debra. She had a really sneaky smile on her face. I just knew she had more crap to spit out at us. Debra: Guess what, rejects? I made my way into success. Let me describe Debra to you: She was tall, she had long, blond hair almost down to her butt, he had blue-green eyes, and thought she had curves and thought she was sexy, but she sure as hell wasn't! She actually stuffed her bra with toilet paper, like Daisy said. Me: Well, you didn't get the results yet, so...(smirks) Debra: Well, I already know. I have my ways. Daisy: Oh, boy! Here we go. What are your ways? Debra: I have my curves, basically.(looks down at herself) Daisy: What curves? You're a freakin' toothpick! you put toilet paper in your bra and your mom makes homemade pads for your butt! Debra: (gasps) At least guys don't run away when seen with me, you gap-toothed whore! Daisy: You better take that back, you maggot-infested slut! Debra: Why should I? You don't have any better combacks! You have nothing to say, you squirrel-lookin' bitch! Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw Daisy's hand come in contact with Debra's face. She slapped the gut brains out of her! They were really getting into it, so I tried to break it up. There were tons of cussing, hitting, and Daisy even attempted to spit in Debra's face, but I grabbed hold of her as she almost did that. It was getting so out of control. After ten long, terrible minutes, I broke it up, along with this chick named Michelle, who was Debra's friend. Daisy and I walked away from the situation, pretending like it never happened. And from there, we didn't even said a word about it ever since. TBC... OOH! I think that part was awesome in my opinion! Just let me know what you think of it! Vote ya'll!
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