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Don't Say No Tonight (Pt.4)
Hey everyone, I'm back with Pt.4! This goes out to everyone on the site and Michael. Hope you all enjoy it;) ...TYESHAâ??S POINT OF VEIW... The Next Morning-The Day of the Big Game: I was sound asleep until I heard loud baginâ?? on my front door. It scared the hell out of me. I jump up out of bed almost fallinâ?? on the floor tryinâ?? to get to the door to see who these idiots are. Itâ??s 9 oâ??clock in the morning, for me this is too early to be wakinâ?? up. â??Who the hell is beatin the damn door like they ainâ??t got no sense?â? I think to myself. I reach in my drawer and get my taser gun, my dadâ??s a cop and he gave me one for protection. I walk to the door and yell, â??Who is it?!?â? â??Open up, itâ??s Kim and Ashley!â? they yell back. I open the door, â??What are yaâ??ll doinâ?? here?â? â??Good morning to you too,â? Kim says. They both walk in and sit on the couch, Ashley spots my taser. â??What were you planning on doing with that?â? I hold it up in my hand, â??I was gonna taser somebodyâ??s ass, I thought there were some crazy people baginâ?? on the door.â? â??Girl, you wasnâ??t gonâ?? really use that, you just like yoâ?? man, youâ??re a lover not a fighter.â? They start laughinâ??. â??Real funny Ashley,â? I say while walkinâ?? back toward my room to put the taser gun back in my drawer. As Iâ??m walkinâ?? back to the living room Kim says, â??We called you like ten times before we came over, you didnâ??t answer the phone.â??. â??At first we rang the doorbell but I guess you didnâ??t hear that so we started beatinâ??on the door and we were out there doinâ?? that for thirty minutes, we were startin to get worried,â? Ashley explains. â??What you up in here doinâ?? that you couldnâ??t hear all that, you got Michael in here hidinâ?? or somethin?â? Kim asks. â??Thereâ??s nobody in here but me, I was just in a deep sleep.â? â??That figures, you gonâ?? drive that man crazy.â? â??If she ainâ??t done it already,â? Ashley says. â??You better give that man some lovinâ?? before some other chick step in and do it, then yoâ?? ass is screwed.â? â??Yep, like I told you before, you better take that shit like a grown ass woman...(starts laughinâ??)...Ty, you the only chick I know with big dick phobia,â? Kim says. Ashley starts laughinâ?? her ass off and I admit that was kind of funny so I crack a little smile. â??Whateva, anyway relationships arenâ??t all about sex.â? â??Yeah but they involve sex,â? Ashley says. â??Letâ??s flip the script, put yourself in Michaelâ??s place, just think about it,â? Kim says. â??Obviously he loves you, heâ??s been dealing with you for this long but Ty seriously, youâ??re torturing the man for real,â? Ashley says. â??Itâ??s not that I donâ??t want to, I mean I really want to butâ?¦â? â??See thatâ??s the problem, quit sayinâ?? but, stop depriving yourself of somethin you really want just go with it. Iâ??m sure heâ??s not the only one sufferinâ??.â?? True that, thereâ??s been times when we would be kissinâ?? and heâ??d give me that hungry look and I knew he was ready but because of my fear I always find a way to kill the mood. â??When was the last time you had sex?â? Ashley asks. â??Itâ??s been a while, like two years ago with my ex.â? â??Two years! Damn Ty, Mike must got that King sized Kung Fu Pow for yoâ?? ass,â? Kim says. Me and Ash bust into laughter. â??Why does crazy stuff constantly come out of your mouth?â? I ask her. â??I just say whatâ??s come to mind but on the real Ty, you have to communicate with him. Iâ??m quick to let Charles know if heâ??s hurtinâ?? me or goinâ?? too fast, too slow or whateva, you gotta let him know whatâ??s up,â? she explains. â??Thatâ??s right,â? Ashley says. â??I feel what yaâ??ll sayin Iâ??ve never thought about that. Michael and I have great communication but when it comes to sex I donâ??t know, I just shut down. Itâ??s somethin I canâ??t explain.â? â??Think about this, what if youâ??d never seen him in the shower that night, you wouldâ??ve never known that he was packinâ?? like that and the first time he lays you down would be the first time you saw it, yaâ??ll are in the heat of the moment and heâ??s getting ready to stick it in, would you stop him?â? Kim asks. â??I donâ??t know, maybe not.â? â??Okay, letâ??s just say you donâ??t stop him, you would have to communicate with him so that both of you could have a pleasurable experience right?â? â??Yeah.â? â??Now letâ??s stop with the what ifâ??s and deal with actual situation. You saw his dick, heâ??s packinâ??, you got scared, am I right?â? â??Why you gotta say it like that?â? â??It is what it is Ty, now you just said that you want to get it on with him and by the sound of yoâ?? voice when you said it, you desperately want him to put it down.â? â??Tsss, I did not sound desperate.â? â??Um yeah Ty, ya kind of did,â? Ashley says. â??You did Ty, for real and all Iâ??m tryinâ?? to do is put it all out on the table cuzâ?? girlfriend, you got a serious problem. So we need to find out what stops you from getting intimate with yoâ?? man besides fear.â? â??Nothin, just fear.â? â??Just fear! Tyesha girl, you gonâ?? have to come up out of that because it shouldnâ??tâ?? be about his size that youâ??re worrying about itâ??s all about how he works with what he has and judging by the way he moves it looks like he knows just what to do. Heâ??s the type of man thatâ??ll have yoâ?? ass addicted.â? â??He might turn you into a sex addict,â? Ashley says. I crack up laughinâ??, â??Yaâ??ll are a mess.â? â??But you get what we sayin though, right?â? â??Yeah, I get it.â? â??Alright now, donâ??t let it go through one ear and out the other.â? â??Trust me, it hasnâ??t. Anyway whatâ??s the real reason yaâ??ll here?â? â??Now you trynaâ?? change the subject.â? â??No Iâ??m not.â? â??Weâ??re here because we wanted to see if you wanted to roll with us, we goin to get our hair done and sweetie you really need to get somethin done to that head, bad.â? â??Kim you got jokes, okay well at least mine is real.â? Ashley starts laughinâ??. â??See, you lucky we girls and this is my hair, I paid for it.â? â??Well itâ??s time to buy a new weave because that oneâ??s lookin tore up.â? â??Imma let you have that one. Go on and get ready and donâ??t take too long, weâ??ll be back.â? â??Where yaâ??ll goin?â? â??Waffle House, you want somethin?â? Ashley asks. â??No not really, just bring me back some orange juice.â? â??Alright, be back in a few.â? When they leave and I go and get ready. I go into the bathroom and wash my face, brush my teeth, and put on some black sweats, a purple tank top, my purple and gold Nikes and my Lakers fitted cap. Kim and Ashley are also wearinâ?? purple and gold, we gotta get in the team spirit. Forty-five minutes pass and Kim and Ashley are just getting back. I was wondering what was takin them so long, Waffle House is just around the corner. I open up the door to let them in. â??Waffle House was packed, donâ??t nobody cook breakfast no more these days?â? Kim says. â??We had to wait twenty minutes before they took our order,â? Ashley explains. â??Dang.â? â??Hereâ??s your orange juice,â? she says handing me the cup. â??Thank you, what did yaâ??ll get?â? â??I got me a waffle, some eggs, bacon and a small coffee.â? â??Kim, you know you donâ??t need no coffee, you already be too hyper, remember what coach said.â? She looks at me and gives me that you better not tell look, â??Coach ainâ??t gotta know, itâ??s just a small cup.â? â??Whateva you say, what you get Ashley?â? â??Nothin much just some french toast and eggs.â? â??Looks good.â? â??Can I get a glass of water?" "Sure." â??Why didnâ??t you want anything?â? she asks walkin' into the kitchen. â??Iâ??m just not all that hungry right now.â? â??Yeah cuz you got a big sexual appetite for Michael, thatâ??s why you ainâ??t hungry for food.â? I smirk a little bit, â??Kim, why are you always messinâ?? with me?â? â??Cuzâ?? itâ??s fun.â? I suck in my teeth, â??Eat so we can go.â? She starts laughin, â??Donâ??t be rushin now, turn on the T.V. letâ??s see whatâ??s on.â? â??Letâ??s watch MTV,â? Ashley says walkinâ?? back from the kitchen with a glass of water. I turn on the T.V. and put on MTV. I shouldâ??ve seen it cominâ??. â??Oh my gosh, why?!?â? â??There he go Ty,â? Kim says. â??Thatâ??s your man,â? Ashley says. They were playinâ?? concert footage from his tour, he was singinâ?? â??Dirty Diana.â? Kim and Ashley were jamin but I was just like, oh my gosh, please donâ??t let them start up again. Sure enough thatâ??s exactly what they did. â??Girl, look at them faces heâ??s be makin, just imagine the faces heâ??d make if he was fuckin you. All that sweat drippinâ?¦.girrrlll,â? Kim says. â??Damn, look at what heâ??s doinâ?? to that mic stand, if he can do all that to an inanimate object, just think of the things he could do to you.â?? Ash says. I was getting so embarrassed but at the same time watchinâ?? him, I was getting kind of hot. â??Yaâ??ll need to stop, this is so embarrassing.â? They both look at me and can tell that Iâ??m really embarrassed. â??Alright Ty weâ??ll stop, we know you a good girl, at least thatâ??s what we think.â? While Kim and Ashley enjoy their breakfast, I sip on my orange juice and we all enjoy the rest of the video. I managed to control myself, it wasnâ??t easy but I did it. After it ends and they finish eating we leave my house and go to the salon. When we got there, getting out of the car I hear some guy call my name. â??Tyesha!â? I turn around and see that itâ??s my high school sweetheart, my first love, Andres Braxton. Remember Andres: http://b5audioloverz.webs.com/photos/B5-and-Patrick-Breeding/FOINER%20Patrick.jpg Iâ??m so surprised to see him because I havenâ??t seen him since we graduated and he went off to college in Michigan. That was seven years ago. â??Andres Braxton?!?â? I say with a shocked look on my face. â??Yeah girl, itâ??s me,â? he says with a smile. â??Oh my gosh, Andres itâ??s so good to see you, itâ??s been so long.â? â??Yeah, itâ??s been about seven years now...(looks me up and down)...an old friend canâ??t get a hug?â? â??Yeah.â? We hug. â??You lookin good,â? he says. â??You too, what are you doinâ?? out here in Cali?â? â??Well, Iâ??m out here on businesswith some co-workers, we had to fly out here to close a deal with some big shot executive.â? â??Howâ??d it go?â? â??We got it done.â? â??Thatâ??s great.â? â??Yeah and now Iâ??m just roamin around the city, itâ??s my last night in town and I really donâ??t know what to do. My colleagues are all much older than me, married, and seemed to have forgotten what fun is. Iâ??m just a lonely loner.â? â??Thatâ??s no fun.â?? â??Youâ??re telling me.â?? â??If I remember correctly, youâ??re a huge Lakers fan, right?â? â??You know it, Iâ??m also a big fan of the Laker Girls too,â? he says tryinâ?? to sound sexy. I smile, â??You think youâ??re slick donâ??t you?â? â??What?â? he says sounding like he donâ??t know what Iâ??m talkinâ?? about. â??Why is it that youâ??re all of a sudden a so interested in the Laker Girls?â? â??One word, Y.O.U.â?? â??Me?â?? â??Yeah, a person never forgets their first love, you were the first girl I was ever serious with, the first girl I ever fell in love with.â? â??Somebody had to get you and tie you down, you were a playa gone wild or at least you thought you were.â? We both start laughin. â??Yeah that was me once upon a time.â? â??What about now, is there a special someone in your life?â?? â??Maybe.â? â??Maybe?â? â??Yeah, maybe.â? â??Oh so youâ??re not gonâ?? tell me?â?? â??Iâ??m not in a serious relationship right now but I date. Now letâ??s talk about you.â?? â??What about me?â?? â??Donâ??t think I havenâ??t heard about you and Michael Jackson, how did he manage to scoop you up?â? â??Scoop me up, do I look like ice cream to you?â? â??No, but you did use to taste like my favorite flavorâ?¦(licks his lips)â?¦mmm strawberry.â? â??Youâ??re are so nasty.â?? â??You never complained.â?? â??That was then, this is now. Anyway Iâ??m the one that should be askin, how did I get a man like him.â? â??Well I donâ??t know much about him but I know heâ??s got a good woman.â? â??Aw, youâ??re still as sweet as you were in high school.â? He made me smile, it felt like we were in high school all over again. I donâ??t know what it is about first loves but heâ??s right, you never forget emâ??. Kim and Ashley clear their throats. â??Ah hem!â?? I had completely forgotten about them. â??Oh, I forgot, these are my friends, Kim Robinson and Ashley Harris. Ashley, Kim, this is Andres Braxton, a friend of mine from high school.â? â??How you ladies doinâ?? today?â? he asks holding out his hand to shake theirs. â??Good,â? Ashley says shaking his hand. â??Fine,â? Kim says doing the same. â??Thatâ??s good. I be seeing yaâ??ll at halftime too. Los Angeles got some fine women.â? They both smile at his complement. He looks back at me, â??So why did you ask me if I was a Lakers fan?â? â??Since youâ??re lookin to have some fun, why not come to the game tonight, root for your team?â? â??Is that an invitation?â? â??Do you accept?â? â??No doubt.â? â??Alright, the game starts at 7 oâ??clock, Iâ??ll have a V.I.P pass waiting for you at the door.â? â??Cool, I canâ??t to see you show out in that lilâ?? skirt.â? â??Boy you better stop, my boyfriend gets easily jealous.â? â??What is he gonâ?? do, go all Smooth Criminal on me?â? â??Say what you want but my baby got them fast hands, heâ??ll knock yoâ?? ass out.â? â??Iâ??m so scared,â? being sarcastic. I start laughin, â??We gotta get goinâ??.â? â??Iight.â? He turns to look at Kim and Ashley, â??It was nice to meet you ladies.â? â??Nice to meet you too,â? They both say. â??Can I get a thank you?â? â??Thank you.â? â??Your welcome.â? â??See you tonight.â? â??Okay.â? â??Bye Tyesha.â? â??Bye.â? He gets into his car and drives off. I canâ??t believe we ran into each other. Heâ??s still fine as Georgia pineâ?¦(country slang)â?¦ â??I knew it!â? Kim yells. â??You knew what?â? I ask, trynaâ?? figure out sheâ??s talkinâ?? about. â??You a freak, just like I thought.â? â??Where is this cominâ?? from?â? â??Yoâ?? lilâ?? high school buddy gave it away when he said you used to taste like his favorite flavor of ice cream. Yes we heard all that and we know exactly what he was talkinâ?? about.â? â??Okay, what do you want me to say?â? â??Did you do it to him?â? â??Do what to him?â? â??Donâ??t act you donâ??t know what we talkinâ?? about Ty,â? Ashley says. â??Ash you know sometimes we gotta spell stuff out for her. So hereâ??s the question Ty and donâ??t lie, did you ever suck his...(cuts her off)... â??Whoa, iight, chill!â? â??So did you?â? â??I donâ??t think thatâ??s any of your business.â? â??She did it,â? Ashley says. â??Mmm hmm,â? Kim looks at me raising an eyebrow. â??What?â? â??You a trip.â? â??Why is that?â? â??You got Michael goin insane because you wonâ??t give him none, the least you could do isâ?...(cuts her off again)... â??Kim, chill out with all that!â? I already knew what she was about to say. â??Iâ??m just sayinâ?? you couldâ??ve at least done that to him, what man doesnâ??t like that?â? â??Yeah but then heâ??ll want more than just oral sex and besides I think sheâ??s scared of that too,â? Ashley says. â??Whatâ??s the matter Ty, you scared he gonâ?? choke youâ?¦(they both start laughinâ??)â?¦heâ??ll probably have the back of yoâ?? throat hurtinâ?? and all swollen,â? Kim says jokinâ?? around. She and Ashley are just laughinâ?? up a storm. Gets mad, â??Yaâ??ll are supposed to be my friends and yaâ??ll crackinâ?? these lame as jokes.â? â??We are and if you were on the other side of the fence youâ??d think these jokes were hilarious, we donâ??t mean to get you upset Ty, but like I said before youâ??ve got a serious problem, we just trynaâ?? get you to open your eyes and see that when two people are in love, like you and Michael, they make love,â? Kim says. â??Right and there shouldnâ??t be any fear of any kind in doinâ?? that, just passion and desire,â? Ashley explains. â??He might be thinkin that you donâ??t love him enough or that somethin is wrong with him,â? she says. â??Tyesha you better handle it before it gets too serious,â? Kim says. *sighs* â??Yaâ??ll are right, Iâ??ll talk to him tonight, first thing after the game.â? â??Thatâ??s what we talkinâ?? about, be a grown woman about it,â? Ashley says. My home girls are right, when I think about it, I am actinâ?? like a little girl that canâ??t get it together. Iâ??m gonna talk to Michael tonight. No more excuses. â??I love yaâ??ll.â?? â??We love you too,â?? they both say at the same time. â??What would you do if you didnâ??t have us?â? Kim says. â??I honestly donâ??t know.â? â??Weâ??ll always have your back Ty just like we know youâ??ll always have ours.â? We group hug then we go into the salon to get our hair done. When that was finished, we walked outside and the streets were full of photographer and people with video cameraâ??s. As soon as we stepped foot out the door all we saw were the flashinâ?? lights from the cameras and all I heard were people were askinâ?? me, â??Are you and Michael dating?â? â??Whereâ??s Michael?â? â??Howâ??s Michael doing?â? â??Is Michael gonna be at the game tonight?â? â??Whatâ??s it like being Michael Jacksonâ??s girlfriend?â? â??Whatâ??s your response to the pregnancy rumors?â? My responses: â??Yes, we are.â? â??Heâ??s probably at home resting.â? â??Heâ??s doinâ?? great.â? â??I donâ??t know.â? â??Itâ??s amazing, Iâ??m very proud to be his girl.â? â??I donâ??t know where that came from but no, Iâ??m not pregnant.â? One of them even followed us to the car. It was weird but he was nice. â??Hey Tyesha.â? â??Sup.â? â??Do you think the Lakers are gonna win tonight?â? â??I hope so.â? â??Can you smile for a picture please?â? â??Sure.â? â??Can the other two Laker girls get in the shot too.â? â??Come on yaâ??ll take the picture with me.â? We all pose with a smile for the picture. â??Thank you so much ladies, good luck tonight.â? â??Thank you,â? we all say. â??Go Lakers!â? he yells. â??Go Lakers!â? we yell back punching our fist in the air. We get in the car, Ashley on the drivers side, me on the passengers side and Kim in the back. â??Wow Ty youâ??re getting the rock star treatment,â? Kim says. â??That was crazy,â? Ashley says. â??None of us saw that cominâ??,â? Kim says. â??Where did they come from and how did they know where I was?â? â??Youâ??re the girlfriend of one of the most famous people in the world, this is somethin you gonâ?? have to get used to,â? Kim says. â??I guess so.â? Ash starts the car and drives off. Itâ??s about 1 oâ??clock in the afternoon, She drops me and Kim back at our houses so we can shower and chill solo for a while, after some time to ourselves we all agreed that weâ??d all meet back up and her house to hang together before work. A few hours pass, we meet back up at Ashleyâ??s place. We watch movies, play cards, order a pizza for lunch and have girl talk. As we were havinâ?? fun time seems to jet right pass us. â??Wow, time really flew by, itâ??s about time for us to go. Itâ??s 5:15,â? Ashley says looking up at the clock. â??We might as well leave now,â?? I suggest. â??Good idea,â? Kim says. We get ourselves together, then hop in our cars and drive down to the arena to meet up with coach and the other girls. We get there about thirty minutes later. Coach gives us a pep talk, we do our Laker Girl huddle, then we suite up. After weâ??ve all put on our uniforms the girls talk sit back watching whatâ??s goinâ?? on from the locker room on the big screen T.V. until itâ??s our time to go out. I step outside so I can focus on doinâ?? my best in the performance and try not to get nervous. Iâ??ve been doinâ?? this for awhile but I do still get nervous. ...MICHAELâ??S P.O.V... Todayâ??s the day of the big game. I woke up around 12 oâ??clock, thatâ??s strange for me because Iâ??m usually an early bird. I guess itâ??s because I didnâ??t get off to sleep till 3a.m. this morning. All day Iâ??ve been trying to sit back and relax for a change. Reading books, listening to music and watching cartoons. Now itâ??s time for me to get ready to go to the game. Iâ??m gonna take me a shower, pick out something comfortable but nice to wear, and put some smell goods on. As soon as Frank gets here, weâ??re leaving. I know Tyeshaâ??s not expecting me to be there and boy I canâ??t wait to see the look on her face when she sees me sitting courtside, right in the front. This is gonna be so good. After I shower and get dressed and fix me up a little snack and watch the Three Stooges till Frank shows up. Around 6:15, he pulls up outside in front of the door and beeps the horn. I run outside, lock the door and hop in the car. â??Hey Mike, you ready?â? â??Oh yeah!â? I say with a smile. We drive off and on the way there Frank explains to me how everything is supposed to go down when we get there. Once he explained everything and I knew what I was supposed do, I felt more ready and pumped than before. Iâ??m excited but at the same time I hope she doesnâ??t screw up her performance on the count of me. Weâ??re just alike, both perfectionist but I think sheâ??ll do her best as always. We finally pull into the parking lot and itâ??s packed. Frank drives around back and parks the car. As we get out weâ??re greeted by the owner. He appoints four armed off duty cops to escort us inside. When I saw their guns I got a bit worried. â??If things get out of hand your not really gonna use those are you?â? â??No sir, we arenâ??t usually armed. We know how people get when they see you so the boss instructed us to carry unloaded guns just to scare folks up when they donâ??t want to follow the rules.â? â??Oh, okay I donâ??t want any to get hurt.â? â??Itâ??s our job to protect you and Mr. Dileo, all the other security guards are to keep the visitors safe, we always do our job, you have nothing to worry about.â? Finally weâ??re inside, the lights are flashing, people are screaming, then the announcer saysâ?¦ â??Ladies, kids, and gentlemen here joining us at 1989 playoff game, Los Angeles Lakers Vs. the Orlando Magic, the greatest entertainer of all time...MICHAEL JACSKON!!!! The screaming got louder, I waved to everyone and then took my seat. The four security guards sat two in back, one beside me and one beside Frank. Iâ??ve never been to a basketball game before but I really think Iâ??m gonna enjoy it. ...TYESHAâ??S P.O.V... While Iâ??m outside I hear the loud roar of the crowd and the music thatâ??s playin on the loud outside speakers.It made my heart race, I hope we win tonight. The guys have worked so hard to get to where they are. Iâ??m so excited, so pumped, Iâ??m ready to kill this performance. I gotta stay on point. Iâ??m one of the front girls so if I miss a step I make everybody look bad. As long as I keep a positive attitude everything will go great,â? I say to myself. Announcer: â??Ladies, kids, and gentlemen here joining us at the 1989 playoff game, Los Angeles Lakers Vs. Orlando Magic, the greatest entertainer of all time...MICHAEL JACSKON!!!! The roar of the crowd gets even louder. â??Did he just say Michaelâ??s here?!? Oh my gosh!â? I run back toward the locker room. When I walk in coach and all of the girls start teasing me, whistling, laughinâ?? and sayinâ??, â??Yoâ?? man is here girl.â? â??Did you know he was cominâ??â? Kim asks. â??No!â? â??Are you upset about it?â? Ashley asks. â??No, Iâ??m good Iâ??m just shocked, he didnâ??t tell me heâ??d be here and on top of that my ex is out there.â? â??Ooohhh!â? everyone says. â??Not helping,â? I tell them. â??Why did you invite your ex anyway?â? one of the girls asks. â??Tonightâ??s his last night in town, heâ??s a big Lakers fan, I donâ??t have anything against him so why not?â? â??Whoâ??s your ex?â? Ashley asks. â??Andres.â? â??I knew it, the way he was talkinâ?? and lookinâ?? at youâ?¦you told us that he was a friend from high school, I know you didnâ??t think weâ??d believe that. We ainâ??t stupid.â? Kim says. â??You better hope they donâ??t run into each other,â? Ashley says. â??The only way thatâ??ll happen is if Andres walks up to Michael and tells him who he is.â? â??Girl, you better hope he donâ??t do that because earlier it sure did look like he still has some feelings for you.â? â??You know what, I just need to step back outside so I can calm down and focus on the performance, Iâ??m a leader and thatâ??s whatâ??s important right now.â? â??Weâ??ll come with you,â? Kim says. Me, Kim and Ashley go outside. â??I canâ??t believe he didnâ??t tell me he would be here. He knew that this would shock me, he thinks heâ??s sneaky.â? â??Maybe he just wanted to surprise you,â? Ashley says. â??Nawl, thatâ??s not it. Last night when we were on the phone, before I hung up on him he told me that heâ??d chase me down to get me to talk to him if he had to. I didnâ??t think he was serious.â? â??Wow, Mikeâ??s goinâ?? hard.â? â??And later on tonight heâ??ll be getting hard,â? Kim says laughinâ??, Ashley laughs too. â??Why did you hang up on him?â?? Ashley asks. â??It started with us just havinâ?? a regular conversation but then he asked me how I felt about our relationship getting out, basically I told him that Iâ??m cool with it. Then he was sayin how the tabloids and reporters and stuff can be mean and I just said, â??The tabloids can go fuck off and that I donâ??t give a damn about shit they say.â? â??Then he was all like, â??Damn girl, you're words are so aggressive, if you can talk like that why can't you act like that?â? â??I asked him what he way trynaâ?? say and he started goinâ?? on about how heâ??s be throwinâ?? hints at me for months about wanting to have sex and how Iâ??ve just been brushinâ?? him off. He asked me to let him know whatâ??s up.â? â??And?â? they both say. â??I told him that nothin was up then he asked me, why is it that every time he wants to make love to me, I ignore him.â? â??What happened?â? Kim asks. â??I rushed off the phone, talkin about how I needed to get some rest and hung up.â? They both look at me like, what the hell? â??What, I got scared.â? â??Yoâ?? scary ass,â? Kim says. â??Thatâ??s why heâ??s here, Michaelâ??s tired of playin around, he wants to talk to you and yaâ??ll really need to talk,â?? Ashley says. â??Remember what you said earlier?â? Kim asks. â??What?â? â??How youâ??re gonna talk to Michael first thing after the game.â? â??Now you donâ??t even have to wait to go home and call him, heâ??s right out there and will be waiting for you after the game,â? Ashley says. â??And we gonâ?? make sure yoâ?? ass donâ??t try to run,â? Kim says. â??Please, Iâ??m not a baby.â? â??Yeah but you be runninâ?? like one.â? â??Whateva.â? We continued to talk, twenty minutes pass, coach comes outside and tells us that the second quarter is almost over and that we need to get ready. We follow her back to the locker room exit that leads the court. Thereâ??s only 59 seconds left in the quarter. Lakers are winning by ten. The clock is tickinâ??, three seconds left, Magic Johnson attempts the long shot and scores. The crowd goes wild and so do we. Weâ??re getting ready to hit the floor, I walk up to the doorway and look out at the crowd and I instantly spot Michael sitting next to his manager with his legs wide open, he always sits like that, I guess itâ??s comfortable for him. He looked so sexy in his black and white L.A. gear sneakers, blue jeans, white shirt and black leather jacket, and his hair pulled back in his signature messy, damp lookinâ??, curly ponytail. Just to a little visual: http://www.top80s.net/wp-content/uploads/top/2009/09/michael_jackson_121.jpg I found myself starinâ?? in a daze but I snapped out of it because I didnâ??t wanna loose my concentration so I glanced over the rest of the crowd full of energetic basketball fans. As I was scanning, I also saw Andres and another familiar face from my past. As if I needed another surprise. My ex fiancé Darell was sitting not too far from Michael a couple rows up. â??Shit, shit, shit...what the hell did I do to deserve this?!?â? I think to myself. I am not happy to see him at all, what is he doinâ?? here. I look back at Darell, he stood up and walked over toward the concession stands. He was wearinâ?? some white Nikes, grey jeans, and a black sweater over a white t-shirt. Darell: http://aislinggossip.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/02-drake-aubrey-graham-070710-lgn.jpg Heâ??s still lookinâ?? pretty good but Iâ??m still not happy to see him. Just then, the announcer interrupted my thoughts. â??Everyone get ready for the BIG HALFTIME SHOWCASE performed by none other than our own LAAAKKKEERRR GIIIRRRLLLS!!!!â? They cheer loudly as the girls run out onto the court, I just stand there. Itâ??s was like my body wouldnâ??t move from that spot. Then coach yells, â??Jacobs! Whatâ??s goinâ?? on, quit the day dreaminâ??, we canâ??t start unless you get out there, get movinâ??!â? Knowing that my job might be at risk, my body regains itâ??s movement and I run out onto the court. The crowd cheers for me like Iâ??m some superstar. My heart was pounding out of my chest, standing just a few feet away from Michael, Darell and Andres. I look at Michael and mouth, â??What are you doinâ?? here?â? He smiles and mouths back, â??Surprise.â? Then I see Darell getting back in his seat and all I could think is, donâ??t screw this up. I cue the music and we start our performance. We dance to a mix of Hip-hop, R&B hits. The performance was four minutes and thirty seconds long and we all were out of breath at the end. We put in work and killed it. The crowds response was amazing, we got a standing ovation a Michael blew me a kiss, it was so sweet. After we leave the floor the game starts back up. Weâ??re leavinâ?? the Orlando Magic in the dust with a score of 102 to 84 in the very last quarter with only ten seconds left. Green passes the ball to Johnson whoâ??s wide open, he zooms the net and slams it...GAME OVER!!! The crowd goes crazy, weâ??re in the back screaming and jumping for joy. Itâ??s was a great game, they worked hard and earned it. Now that this is over I got my own personal issues to deal with. Two of my exâ??s and my boyfriend are out there, Iâ??m definitely screwed. TBC...
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