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Tough Love Part 14; Part 4
Let us see if I can use my MAGIC again! `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` By now, there should be no question that the Jacksons have everything. I looked down at the amazing floor and the walls. By now Janet and La Toya loosened their arms from mine. I walked another step then another. I stopped, looked up at the ceiling and turned in a slow circle. I whispered wow and I kept walking in a slow circle. I got a little dizzy. I felt my foot step on something. I looked down and saw I stepped on a mouseâ??s white tail. â??Aaaah!â? I screamed. Basically Iâ??m terrified of them. My mind always tortured me when I thought about a rat living in my home and I didnâ??t know. The thought of their guts being splattered somewhere terrified me. Just the thought of an eagle or a hawk tearing it apart sickened me. â??Michael, get your rat,â? Janet yelled. He jogged down the stairs with an annoyed expression. â??He is not a rat. Heâ??s a mouse.â? â??Thatâ??s not what Lyric is thinking,â? she said. He bent down to pick his â??friendâ? up. â??Lyric needs to start thinking that way. Isnâ??t that right, Marty?â? He had the mouse balanced on his index finger. He kissed it softly and rubbed it gently. â??Iâ??m not a rodent fan when it comes to mice or rats,â? I said, rocking back and forth in a nervous way. â??If you hang around me long enough, that might just change,â? he said smirking. â??Oh boy, I canâ??t wait Michael.â? â??I know you canâ??t. Thatâ??s the good thing about it.â? I sighed real loud. He stayed downstairs but went into another room. â??Weâ??ve wasted enough time. Letâ??s go.â? La Toya said. She practically grabbed my wrist and it wasnâ??t long before we were running up the stairs. I only got glimpses of a picture on a wall or any rooms with the doors ajar. She led us to a bedroom. â??Make yourself comfortable,â? La Toya said as she barely motioned towards the bed. â??This must be your room,â? I said looking around. â??Yep.â? It ended up being quiet after that. After I got good looks of her room, I got out of my short daze. I looked up and got a stare from La Toya. Her arms were folded and she looked like something was on her mind. The eye contact wasnâ??t at its best. â??Whatâ??s sup?â? â??I wonder what it is Randy and Michael sees in you.â? I heard her mumble. â??Huh?â? I questioned. â??La Toya, the guys are out the way for now. We can get her in the bathroom. Why isnâ??t her dress laid on the bed right now?â? Janet said as she came in the room. â??She doesnâ??t need to see it right now. I know what Iâ??m doing, Jan.â? â??I guess that means we need to get me in that bathroom, then,â? I said with a smile. Janet brought out her hand and I took it. She led us to this bathroom and it was evident that the Jackson kids used this bathroom. La Toya was unwillingly treading behind us. â??We got this steaming water for you, L.â? Janet said. After I was trying to think all of this through, Janet finally said, â??It really is for you. Donâ??t take too long, though.â? After sitting my towel, rag, and soap out, I was left alone in the glorious bathroom. It was normal, yet it wasnâ??t. There was more room and it was fancier. I made sure the door was locked and I slowly undressed. I was taking all of this in. I mean Iâ??m about to take a bath in the Jackson kids bathroom! How often is that possible? I made sure my hair was piled on my head. I started off my bath by running water on it and covering my face with it. After that I gave myself a terrific bath and let the water out. As I wrapped myself in the maroon towel left out for me, I looked at my body. I had a pretty face but short black hair. That made me think back on what La Toya said earlier. I didnâ??t think Randy would care. He was only a year older but Iâ??m sure Michael would want someone who looked like a twenty-year-old; not a dainty sixteen-year-old. I was grateful when I saw new under-wear sitting out on the counter for me. I was also grateful for the t-shirt and slacks left for me. I wasnâ??t sure what time it was. It was probably around one something. I didnâ??t know where to go and I really didnâ??t want to go back to La Toyaâ??s room. The thing that made me WANT to go back to her room was that I saw the light on and I heard a conversation going. I knew it was none of my business, but when I saw her mother, Katherine Jackson, in the doorway, I couldnâ??t help but be nosy. â??La Toya, put a smile on your face, hon.â? â??I have no idea why youâ??re acting like youâ??re proud of what Michael is doing. But then again, he is your favorite.â? â??La Toya, stop. Iâ??ve told you this before, I donâ??t have one favorite. All nine of my children are my favorite.â? â??Why are you doing this? This is against your belief.â? Katherine spoke softer this time. â??I know it makes no sense, Toya, but Michael was very excited about this. You know heâ??s personal life has been up and down since the group left Motown. Heâ??s love-life is no better. The girl may never be with him, but he wanted to make her happy.â? â??Just because Michael is having his flight of imagination again, it doesnâ??t mean we should go with whatever he asks of us. Who is this rebel anyways?â? â??La Toya, hush up. Lyric probably donâ??t want to put up with the way youâ??re acting, but you donâ??t see her being difficult.â? I heard Janet say. She was a real trooper. I would love to have her as my inner-voice when I need guidance. I heard fast footsteps and Janet stopped when she saw me. She started smiling. â??Mother, thereâ??s Lyric.â? Her mother turned around and put on the prettiest smile. She walked up and hugged me. â??Iâ??m Katherine.â? â??Iâ??m Lyric.â? We held our gaze for some seconds. I could tell where Michael got his warmth from. I was almost one-hundred percent sure of myself when I was around his mother. â??Are you hungry?â? â??A little.â? â??Then letâ??s see if thereâ??s some breakfast left that isnâ??t cold.â? She said with a smile. I donâ??t know why these people are pretending like they care for me. The only people Iâ??m sure of is Janet because sheâ??s already defending me, and her older brother. Not Michael, but Randy. How Iâ??m sure of that is by his excitement. Michael is only trying to throw me a pity-party, and Marlon probably want something from me. I mean, hello, a five year difference here! Katherine probably wonâ??t have any tolerance for me. I probably seem like Iâ??m off to her. My awkwardness and raw look is probably unsettling. Either way, I let her put her arm around my shoulders as she led me to the kitchen. ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Life has basically backed me up, lol, but these stories and ideas havenâ??t left my mind just because I have not posted in a while. I hope you enjoyed this part; whether if it was long or short to you, I hope you enjoyed. As always, love Aariyan ;^). Vote up, vote up, and vote up!!
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