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Time Box: The Box That Travels: 2
*Hey it's Mary Cait again. And this is the new part to Time Box :) I hope you all enjoy it :)* "Time Box: The Box That Travels: Part 2" Alright, just let me get to the bottom of this. My sister and I were just in our house. The house that we were going to move into...and now we're somehow in 1980s and Michael Jackson is standing in front of us, while we're in his house. Well, his parents house. Which ever one it is, we're here. Alright...how are we going to explain how we ended up here. Michael:...well? Me: Well...what? Michael: Well, explain to me how you two are here. Halle: Um...y-you see...*elbows me in the side* tell him Alice. Me: How in the world am I going to tell him? Halle: You open your mouth, think of what your going to say, then speak! Me: Wait...wouldn't it be: Think of what your going to say, open mouth, then speak? Halle: You know what I mean, smart mouth! Me: What if I don't? Halle: Then...then...I don't know... Me: See. I win...yet. Again! Halle: You know, one of these days I'm going to win, and when you lose, Al, I'm going to be laughing my ass off! Me: Oh, we'll see 'bout that! Just you wait! While we were fighting, we had forgotten that Michael was in the same room as us. We still wouldn't have noticed he was in there, until he cleared his throat causing us both to stop our fighting. We looked at each other, then we looked back at him. We blushed slightly and rubbed the back of our necks. This is embarrassing. Michael:...so...will you tell me how you got here? Me: Well...we're not really sure how we got here actually. Michael: How do you not know how you got here? Halle: Oddly, we really have no idea how. Michael: Really? Halle: *Nods* Yeah...we have no idea how we got here. Michael: That's really strange. Me: I know right. Michael: Well...come in the kitchen with me, and we can talk about it...okay? Halle and I looked at one another, then back to Michael to give him a nod. We fallowed him into the kitchen. I was surprised that no one was in the house while we were here. Thank goodness! So, anyways, we told Michael the whole story. But we didn't tell him about how we ended up in his house in the first place. Michael: So...your telling me, that you are from the future...and you live in my old home...that I moved out of in the early 2000s? Alice and I: *Nods* Michael: I have no idea to either believe you...or just call a insane house. Halle: Wellâ?¦itâ??s true, Michael! Michael: Prove it. Halle: Alright. *Turns to me* Alice, get your driving license out. Me: Why? Halle: Donâ??t it have your birth date on it? Me: Yeahâ?¦ Halle: Get. It. Out! Me: Alrightâ?¦alright. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my wallet. I opened it up and pulled out my licenses. It had the picture I took, so that people knew it was me and also my date of birth which was September 6th, 1989 and Halleâ??s date of birth and her licenses is February 1st, 1988. I gave it to Halle and she showed it to Michael. He read it out loud. Michael: *Reading it* Alice Gwen Oâ??Neilâ?¦born in September 6th, 19... Halle, me and Michael: 1988. Me: And whatâ??s the year? Michael: 1984... Halle: So you have four and five years before weâ??re born, Michael. Michael: You knowâ?¦I woke up today thinking nothing was going to go wrong, and be crazy. Butâ?¦I go into the kitchen, then come back after dropping a plate into the living room and see two girls standing there. Me: Hey, your life isnâ??t all that strange. Halle: Yeah. We could be raving mad fans who just want to get in your pants. Michael: *Raises a eyebrow* Are you? Halle and I: No! Michael: Iâ??m just checking. Me: Right. Halle: *To me* Just checkinâ?? to see who likes him more. Me: *Giggles* Michael: What? Me and Halle: Nothing! Michael: You said something. Me: I do not know the language of which you speak. Michael: Alright then. *Starts talking another language* Me: I donâ??t understand that language either! Michael: Then what do you understand? Me: The language of Alice Oâ??Neil. Halle: And Halle Oâ??Neil. Michael: I have my work cut out with you twoâ?¦donâ??t I? Me and Halle: Yes, sir. You do. *Laughs a little bit* Michael: I donâ??t know how Iâ??m going to do it, but Iâ??ll help you as much as I can to get you two back to your own time. *Turns to Halle* And to get you back to your son. Halle and I: Thanks Michael *Smiles* Michael: Your welcome. *Smiles back at us* We talked a little more till we heard the front door open. We turned to Michael. Michael: I guess the family is back. Do you want to pay them a visit? Halle: Since weâ??re stuck hereâ?¦ Me: I guess so. Michael: *Gets up and heads to the living room* Then lets go. Me and Halle got up and fallowed him. Well, this canâ??t go wrongâ?¦can it? To Be Continued *I Hoped you all enjoyed this story :) I'll have more soon.*
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