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Ordinary Love Affair *Part 1*
This is Kelsey...and i'm making a new part to my story...for some reason, I wrote another story, but I can't remember what it was called, so if you would like to tell me...you sure can :) buh bye Stay Mindless ;) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Mom:Jessie, get up! Me:Okay *waking up* Ahh, just another ordinary day, that'll make your head spin 'round and 'round again, My name is Jessie McFatten and i'm 14 years old and in the tenth grade, yeah, I bet your wondering, What the hell am I doing in the tenth grade? well, I skipped a grade because i'm so smart, I have brown and blonde dirty hair, and I wear hats a lot with the little strings on the side and a little fuzz ball at the top, i'm truly in love with skinny jeans and i'm practically in love with skateboarding, yeah a sexy girl like me skate boards, and I have brown eyes, to add to it. Today was my first day of school exactly, since we moved to California, I started to miss my hometown...i'm from New Jersey and i'm proud of it. Mom:Are you up!? Me:Yeah *mumbles* damn Sorry, I hate getting up, my biggest pet peeves are just, waking up in the morning, I went into the bathroom, took me a shower, put on my neon orange shirt and my blue jean skinny's and my hat to top it off...I looked into the mirror and thought that I should top it off with my black converse, i'm a converse fan by the way, I walked downstairs and saw my mom looking at me crazily. Mom:*puts hand on her hip* What are you wearing? Me:*eating* A shirt and pants, why? Mom:I'm not talk about *points up & down* that!? just talking about the hat. Me:But it matches with what I have on Mom:Well I don't care if it matches to the color of your brain, take the damn thing off! Me:*rolls my eyes* Okay *takes it off* Since I had my bookbag in my living room, I grabbed it real quick and put in the bag. I can't understand why my mom wants me to be a young lady, I just love being me, When I got to school, I seen all these preppy girls looking at me crazily and the boys whistled at me. Just being the girl I am makes me stand out, until I ran into a guy. ?:Oh my gosh *bends down* i'm sorry Me:It's okay I looked up, this guy was no ordinary guy, it was the guy of my dreams... ?:Need a hand *puts hand out* Me:*grabbs hand* Thanks ?:*pulls me up* Your welcome Me:*smiles* ?:What's your name? *smirks* Me:Um *rubbs head* Jessie ?:Ordinary name Me:*chuckles* You tell me, how about you? ?:Michael Me:Good name Michael:Yeah I was starting to have these little butterflies in my stomach that flew roughly in me... Michael:Oh, nice hat Me:Thanks Michael:Your the new student huh? Me:*nodds head* Michael:Well, your in this class with me Me:Wait, how'd you know? Michael:Our english teacher's been talking about you I walked into the classroom, and the kids were throwing things, making paper airplanes and flying them, while I was walking into an empty seat, a guys pulled me on his lap. ?:My name is Gerald, but you can call me Jerry Me:Get your fucking hands off of me *getting up* Gerald:I like them fiesty *biting his bottom lip while staring at my butt* Me:*rolls eyes* ?:Wow, you got a lot of guts Me:*chuckles* Ignorant much ?:Yeah, what's your name? Me:Jessie, you? ?:Janet This Janet girl was extremely beautiful, I looked her eyes, her hair, her smile, her skin, and her body, I didn't mean to look at her like that, but I can tell from a person that they have good personalities... Janet:And this is my buddy Reggie Mmm, Reggie was sexy, his hair was exactly like mine, his smile was adorable, and his hair was exactly like Justin Bieber( I know I know, not in the '70's lolxz) Reggie was quiet, his muscles would pop over everytime he throw's something. Me:Hi Reggie *blushing* Reggie:*smirks* Hi sweetheart I just died inside, his voice was deep and the way he said 'sweetheart' just made my blood boil. Janet:I think you met my brother right? Me:Um? who's your brother? Janet:The guy, next to you *points* Me:*looks* Michael, was her brother? no wonder they look alike, the teacher came in, yelling at the class to stop, Michael passed me a note that read: Jessie. Welcome to Spellman High! Michael. I looked at him and he winked while smirking, I think i'm really gonna love this school already. To Be Continued.. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please Vote! if you like it! Stay Mindless and 1~4~3 ;) -Kelz-
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