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me and michael friend love pt10
hey it's ciara im so sorry that hav't been on to wite the story a all it's my fult plz forgiv me.this is detacted to michael lv you,and my friend. so michael has gone on tour and lil mike has gone with him and im at home with bubbles and now were going out side bubbles is on my back and we are walk down the street when i look to my letf i see a magazine i went in the store and got it for free i don't know why couse there was the person gettin a magazine she had to pay for it so i walk out the store with bubbles and we started walkin down to the ice cream place we went in the tv was on in there so i watch it and it was all about michael and the new man said this. steve:omg did you hear about michael jackson is cheating on ciara?. jane:no??. eve:no. steve:well he sure did the peperazzi chougt him with lisa marie and even lil mike know's this is what lil'mike said. lil'mike voice:im ganna tell mum on you dad. eve:wow michael is gonna be in truble again. so i was so freckin mad so i bought me and bubbles some ice cream and then we went to stideo and i went into the booth and qwinsy came in. me:hey qwinsy. qwinsy:hey cici wanna start on tender kisses. me:yeah and oh put this on the rideo ok couse this song mean that im brackin up with someone. qwinsy:ok(turn it on and turn on the music). me: Aahhhh Ooohhhoohhh Yeahhh I'm so confused And I think I wanna cry tonight What must I do, baby? You don't know what you mean Oh tell me something Tell me could this really be You're so unpredictable Why must you treat me this way? I want you to love me for who I am Whatever happened to the dreams we used to share? Where did our love go? (Boy don't you even care?) Chorus: Tender kisses, (blown away) Tender kisses, (gone tomorrow, gone today) Tender kisses (Bye baby, bye baby) Don't leave Leave me here all alone I want someone I can call my own I may be young but I'm ready Ready to fall in love I'm so confused You're so unpredictable Trust in me as I trust in you Put our hearts together There's nothing we can't do Whatever happened to the dreams we used to share? Where did our love go? (Boy don't you even care?) (Chorus) (Blown away) I wonder if you ever loved me Tell me was I so blind that I could not see? Holding on to the memories of the way you used to kiss me All I ever really wanted was someone to call my own I'll never know You'll never know We'll never know All those tender kisses blown away (Repeat Chorus) Goodbye.... my love.... I'll say goodbye............(bye baby bye). then i fell out of my seat and cried then qwinsy come runing twords me to cheer me up. qwinsy:i geuss you saw the perview. i nod my head upin down. qwinsy:he said if soon you would find out he knew yall would brack up and he will never see lil'mike again. me:(still crying)but why?. qwinsy:i don't know cici. then qwinsy let me go and i stand up and started ran twords the door. me:im ganna get him and her. the qwinsy came runing after me couse he knew what i was about to do. ....next day michael came home.......... so it was 8:30 in the morning and michael was already home he just sleep in a geuss room so i got up and strain up the bed i went to the bath room and took a shower to get all from yesterday then i sing half of my song. me: Aahhhh Ooohhhoohhh Yeahhh I'm so confused And I think I'm gonna cry, Tonight What must I do babe You don't know what you mean (ohhhahhh) Tell me something Tell me tell me to leave baby (Aahhhh see yeah) Why must you treat me this way (yeah) I want you to love me. i geuss michael heard me couse he was by the door. ohh boy i rememeber you use to kiss me. then i stop the shower i put the towel around me and walk out the bathroom and room and put on some pink and black skinny jean's and a pink sport's bra and then i put on some black sock and some black hightop's and then i went down stair's amd saw my baby lil'mike. lil'mike:mommy your here. me:yes baby come here and give mommy a hug(lagin and cryin at the same time). lil'mike:mommy why are you crying. me:im just happy your back. lil'mike:oh mommy i have to tell you somefing. me:what is it?. lil'mike:daddy cheated on you and he also(getting cut off by michael). michael:also came with cookies. me:(sit's lil'mike down and get a glass of water)let if finsinsh. lil mike:daddy and that mean lady had sex when we was on tour. my eye's got wide.... .....................tdc................
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