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Life Beyond This ~*4*~
*Part 4. Whoa, I type QUICK! And this is a semi-long part. haha. Dedicated to Krazy Kelz ;D ahhaha. I just made that name up for ya Kelz. And also to Michael. All for love, enjoy♥* Michael slowly started to lean in to kiss me when his father walked in the room. We both pulled away from each other and acted as if nothing had happened, well as if nothing was about to happen. Michael: Um, uh, so you wanted to hear me sing? Me: *nervously smiles* Uh, yeah. Michael: Let's go to my room. Me: Okay. Michael pulled me along but his dad had to stop us. Joseph: Michael? Michael stopped dead is his tracks and slowly turned around. Michael: Yes? Joseph: C'mere for a second. Michael: Um, okay. I started to walk back with Michael until yet again we were stopped. Joseph: Alone. Me: *whispers* Where is your room? Michael: Up the stairs and the 5th one on your right. *smiles* Me: Okay, see you later. I ran out of there as fast as I could. That was the most awkward situation I have ever been in, in my life. I sat down on Michael's bed and placed my head in my hands. Me: *talking to myself* Were you really going to kiss him? You just met him! For god's sake woman, get yourself together! I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes. I hummed Michael's song "I'll Be There" to myself. Ever since I heard him singing it on that tape this morning I haven't been able to get it out of my head. I was daydreaming of kissing Michael, of course. It was all going good until I felt someone's lips on mine. I was kissing back and then I opened my eyes. Michael: Hey girl. *smiles* Me: *smiles* Michael, you kissed me. Michael: *lays next to me* Yeah, was I your first? Me: *nods my head* Yes sir, and I bet I wasn't yours. Michael: Actually you were, and you're really good too. Me: *blushes* You too. Michael looked me in the eyes and then down at my hand. He slowly moved his hand over and grabbed mine. Me: You're making me want to kiss you again, and we aren't even dating. Michael just winked at me and I fell for his spell. I was the one who leaned in for the kiss this time and I was enjoying it. After a little make out session with Michael, we decided to go back downstairs. Me: *getting off the bed* C'mon Mike. Michael: *grabbing my hand* Wait. Me: What is it? *raises an eyebrow* Michael: Well since we both like each other, do you want to um, be my girl? *smiles big* Me: Yes Michael, I do. I gave Michael a quick kiss on the lips and we went downstairs, hand in hand. Jackie: Well if it ain't the two not lovers. Marlon: Damn it man, they are holding hands again. Tito: Get some Mike! Jermaine: *laughs* Oh yeah! *high-fives Tito* Michael: Oh shut it guys. Janet: So, *smiles* are you two dating?! Randy: She's got a banging body Mike! Me: Let me be the one to say it, *smirks* Hell yeah we're dating. Cam and Anthony both ran up to me and hugged me. Cam: *whispers in my ear* You're prince charming? Me: *whispers back* Yeah, my prince charming. I smiled thinking to myself about Michael. He's just so amazing. In my eyes, he is perfection. Anthony: Um, and not to be a party pooper but- Cam: Man, don't tell her! Anthony: Better now than never. Me: Tell me what? Anthony: You're mom called. My jaw dropped. I grabbed Michael's hand and held it tight. I wasn't leaving him. I was NOT going back to that house. Me: What? How? Cam: She called our mom, and somehow she got the Jacksons' number. Me: *sighs* She want me back? Anthony: No, she wants you to get your stuff. Instant anger filled me. Me: *raising my voice* She wants me to get my stuff?! Cam: Yeah, she said she doesn't want to be reminded of her horrible daughter. Me: And to think that I thought she missed me. I thought she would be worried. But no, she finds me just so she can tell me to get my stuff! *screams* I hate her! My anger then turned to sadness. I'm unwanted. I held back the tears as Cam and Anthony led me to their car. Michael: *running after me* Can I come with? Tears ran down my face and I turned around. Me: *shrugs my shoulders* Sure. Michael: *wipes the tears from my face* Ay, what's with the water works? Me: I'm unwanted. My own mother doesn't want me. Michael pulled me in close to him and held on tight. Michael: I want you. I love you. I started crying because of Michael's caring for me. Me: I love you too. *kisses him* Michael: *smiles* But I love you more. Me: *giggles* So sweet. Cam: *getting in the car* Let's go love birds, we don't got all day. Me: Technically we do, but oh well. *giggles* Me and Michael got in the car and we drove off to my old house. When we pulled up the driveway I saw the window that I used to stare out everyday. It's weird seeing it from this point of view. Memories came back to me, some good and some bad. I stepped out of the car and took a deep breath. Me: *mumbles* Here goes nothing. Michael saw the worry in my face and held my hand. Michael: I'm here for you babe. I walked up to the front door with Michael by my side, and Cam and Anthony following me. I rang the doorbell and knocked quietly on the door. Thoughts ran through my head as the time passed. Tick-tock, tick-tock. No answer. I rang the doorbell once more and it instantly opened. There stood my father staring me in the eyes. A single tear ran down his face as he pulled me in for a hug. Dad: Honey, I missed you. I hugged him tight and muttered the words, "I missed you too". My dad gestured for us to all come in. We sat on a couch in the living room and all silently stared at each other. My dad was the first to break the silence. Dad: So, *twiddles his thumbs* Who is this Halle? Me: Michael. Dad: How'd you meet him? Cam: He's our friend Uncle David. Dad: You look familiar. My father started tapping his cheek with his index finger. He murmured a few words to himself and then snapped his fingers. Dad: Got it! Michael Jackson, from the Jackson 5, eh? Michael: *nods his head* Yes sir. Michael held onto my hand and tapped his foot on the ground. I could tell he was nervous. I kissed his cheek and whispered, "There is no reason to be nervous". Anthony: They are dating, if you can't tell. *laughs* I gave Anthony a death stare and he shut up. Anthony: Done talking now. *leans back* Dad: Dating? Wow, I guess you're mom didn't want you out in the real world because your a dude magnet. *smiles* Me: *giggles* I guess. Dad: Michael? Michael: Y-yes sir? Dad: I won't get to see Halle often anymore. Take care of her, okay? Michael: *smiles* Of course. Dad: If I find out you hurt her, I'll find you. And I'll make sure you don't sing or dance ever again. Me: *whines* Dad! You're so embarrassing! Dad: *smiles* Yes! The "dad you're so embarrassing" line! I thought I'd never hear it. Me: Glad I could help you dad. *giggles* *rolls my eyes* As we all laughed the evil demon had to ruin the mood. Mom: Hello. We all looked at her as she stood with a look of anger in her eye. I stood up and looked at her. Me: Mother. Mom: I have nothing to say to you. She walked away and I stood there shocked. Really? Nothing to say? I ran up to my room and locked myself in. Hm, deja vu. I went to lay on my bed until I was greeted by the sight of boxes. Me: *mumbles* She really does want me gone, doesn't she? I picked up a box and started packing. After I had filled four boxes, I heard a knock at my door. I stood up and opened the door slowly. I saw Michael's smiling face and he kissed my cheek. Michael: May I come in? Me: Yeah, yeah. I let Michael in but then quickly closed and locked my door once more. Michael pushed the empty boxes off my bed and sat down. I looked at him a crossed my arms. Me: Michael pick up the boxes, I'm not in the mood. Michael: What's wrong? Is it your Dad? Your Mom? Me: Mom. I started packing another box and I noticed something. I don't have much stuff at all. Me: Gosh, I don't even own anything. Michael: Yeah, how'd you live here? Michael stood up and started looking at my collection of books. Michael: *scanning my books* Fairytale, fairytale, fairytale, fairytale- Me: *giggles* We get it Michael. Michael: You read all these? Me: Yes, got a problem with it? Michael: No, I think it's cute. *smirks* Did you even imagine yourself with a prince charming? Me: Yes, *giggles* But no need to imagine anymore. I walked up to Michael and placed his hands on my hips before placing my arms around his neck. Me: I've got my prince charming now. Michael: Aw, so sweet. Michael started kissing me and this kiss was very, VERY passionate. I let the kiss go on until I felt Michael's hands finding their way up my shirt. I pulled away quickly and gave Michael the "look". Me: No sir, there will be none of that. Michael gave me the puppy dog eyes. Me: No means no! *smacks his hands* Bad hands! *giggles* Michael: Oh let me go wash the bad off them. Michael ran to the bathroom and washed his hands. As he did that I packed up the last item in my box and sighed. Done. Michael: *walks out of the bathroom: I'm clean! Me: *smiles* Good, but you still got a dirty mind. Michael: I'd clean that but, it's impossible. Me: I know babe. Help me with my boxes? Michael: Yes, my princess. *winks* Me: Oh don't be making fun of me prince charming. *glares at him* Michael: Who said I'm making fun. *winks* I shook my head and picked up two boxes. Michael got the other three (these boxes aren't that big). As we walked down the hallways I saw something run past my feet. I took a second look a realized it was my dog, Spike! Me: *yells* Spike! Michael: *screams* Dog! Michael dropped the boxes and ran back into my room and closed the door. Me: He's scared of dogs? Aw how cute! I put my boxes down and picked up Spike. Me: *kisses his head* Aw, I missed you baby! Michael: *walks out the door* I wasn't gone long. Me: *turns around* I was talking to Spike. *giggles* Michael: *nervously smiles* Oh. Me: Freak. *smiles* Michael: Oh, love you too. Me: *laughs* I can't believe you're scared of dogs. *shakes my head* Michael: Um, yeah, I am. Michael quickly picked up his three boxes and walked away. I was confused and I turned around to see where he was going. But then I saw...my mom. Mom: We need to talk. _______________________________________________________________ Poop, that wasn't as good as the last part. But was it still good? Eh, up to you to decide. God bless. Love, halleeeeeeeeee(:
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