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Michael and Nadirah: Human Nature 13
:) Michael Jackson.... (♠Forever♠) :) Me and Michael were just about to go to the park until we see the girls in the corner from my school coming toward us.... Girl in the corner: I told you this wasn't over Me: please get out of my face, i dont have time for your foolishness. Girl in the corner: no no no you was all talk at school so here i am now what you going to do now huh. I look at Michael and he just gives me a look. She was so busy trying to fight me that she didnt realize that Michael was standing right there. She comes closer to me and pushes me. Me:(♠shoving her back♠) dont ever touch me...how dare you put your hands on me Michael comes up to me and grabs me to get in the car.. I wanted to beat the living crap out of her for touching me. But Michael had to stop it and pull me away. She pushes Michael out the way and pulls my hair. I turn around and slap her in her face. Her friends try to jump in but she wouldnt let them. I guess she wanted to handle it herself. She kept pulling on my shirt until it came off. Now i was in my bra, but i didnt care, all i cared about was beating the crap out of this girl. Im not the one to fight but she took me there.I push her to the floor and now im on top of her , i start punching and slapping her in the face and pulling her hair. Michael picks me and carries me to the car. Im still kicking my feet so i can get my last kick. her friend are holding her back. While Michael was carrying me to the car he turned his face to look at the girl. She looks closer at him and starts to scream. Girl in the corner:(♠screaming loudly♠) OMG ITS MICHAEL JACKSON OMGGGGGGGGGG GET HIM Michael held on tight to me and runs back to the car he gets in and tells the driver to takes us to the nearest park.The car was driving pretty fast so we thought we lost them.... well we thought wrong, they were chasing the car down and man they ran pretty fast. Everytime we turned around to look at them it seemed like even more people were chasing us. We couldnt escape them so Michael just told the driver to take us to The Place, since nobody knew where that was. After awhile them and we finally get to The Place. Me and Michael get out the car and find a place to sit. Michael:(♠serious♠) what is wrong with you Nadirah , why would you stoop to her level. Me: Michael did you not see her push me Michael: so what just let it go, she did that so she can get you to fight her, you should have just ignored her Me: i dont like nobody putting their hands on me Mike, and im sure you know what im coming from but i couldnt just had let that go, im sorry you had to see that but well..... it is what it is Michael:(♠looking away from me♠) I put my hands on you..... Me:(♠smiling♠) ofcourse and thats because i want you to.. and well Michael I Love Y....... Michael looks at me and grabs my hand and holds it tight. He looks into my face... Michael: I LOVE YOU 2 Nadirah Me: you do wowww, when did you realize you do Michael: when i first seen you, you were so beautiful and nice and funny, i always wished i could find someone like you and well here you are... God must really love me because he put you in my life.. You are the lady in my life. I love you so much Nadirah its hard to even explain,you make me feel so good inside. When i feel sad all i do is think about you and i feel better and i know we only knew eachother for a few days but mannnn you are really special to me and I Love You I Love You So Much Nadirah I was was so speechless that Michael felt this way about me. I didnt even know thats how he really felt. I always prayed to God that he could he put a boy in my life that appreciates me for who i am and would like me and well here Michael is. I lay on Michaels lap and he is just staring at the sky, we lay there in the grass for awhile until it started to get dark. We Start heading to the car and he drives me home. Michael gets out of the car and alks me to my door.... Michael: Man what a day... Me: yeah i know very interesting Standing there in complete silence Me: well i guess i'll be going now... I Love You Michael Jackson Michael: I Love You TOO Nadirah Jackson(♠smirking♠) Michael gives me kiss goodnight and walks back to the car, i shut the door and go to my room and just lay on my bed thinking. Is my dream really coming true.. I couldnt believe this was happening to me. I close my eyes and imagine my future with Michael....I drift off to sleep in my imaginations. It is the year 1977 and me and Michael have been going out for 2 years now. We gotten pretty serious over the years. My dad wasnt to pleased about me dating him But he had to suck it up because he knew i really liked Michael. Michael just released "Going Places" which was hitting up the charts like crazy. Jennifer and Jermaine are still going strong and they have gotten way more serious then me and Michael. Sometimes i think they are getting way to into it sometimes... but you cant blame them they are in love just like me and Michael. Me and Michael are 19 now and havent really talked about what our future is going to be like. I mean we did but never really gotten too deep into it. He even mentioned the word "Marriage" which i was very surprised about..Didnt think he felt that good about me...... Today i stayed home the whole day... Michael didnt call me yet so i was little bit worried about that. So i decided to call him to see what was going on. As soon as i was about to pick up the phone the phone rings. I pick up the phone so fast because i thought it was Michael. Me: hiiiii baby i miss you Voice: illllll baby please dont call me that Me: oh hi Jennifer whats up Jennifer:(♠laughing♠) awww im sorry did you think i was Michael didnt mean to ruin your moment. Me: yeah sure you are just like those other moments i had right but anyways wat you do today Jennifer: ohhh nothing just spoke to Jermaine about some decisions and stuff like that Me: decisions like what Jennifer: welll ummmm me and Jermaine have a decision to make a very important one Me:(♠yelling♠) DECISIONS LIKE WHAT GIRL She takes a pause on the phone i say hello to see if shes still there. I ask her is everything all right and what decisons they have to make. She begins to speak and tells me what was going on....... Me:(♠shocked♠)YOUR WHAT!!!!!! I drop the phone....... To Be Continued........ :)
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