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My Luv Affair with MJ..imaginary story10
Sidenote:As always this goes to Michael... This chapter goes to Breyonna want 2 say thank you because she took the time out her day to tell me that she like my story It was late at night and I was taking a shower and then door opens... (Me)"I thought you were sleep" (Michael)"I wasn't sleep...I was just closing my eyes for a second...you taking forever in the shower" (Me)"Sorry...I'll be out in another 10 minutes" (Michael)"I can hop in with you and just save time and water" I know what Michael is trying to do so I tell him before he gets in that I actually want to get a chance to take a shower (Michael)"Im not gonna do anything" (Me)"Promise??" (Michael)"I promise" So were showering peacefully for about 5 minutes before Michael comes from behind me and starts kissing me on my neck (Me)"Baby..stop it" He turns me around and starts biting his lips which makes him irresistible (Michael)"Do you really want me stop??" (Me)"Um..um" (Michael)"Your unsure..how about I help you make up your mind" He pushes me up against the wall and gets down and his knees and starts kissing my belly button until he gets lower and lower and lower and all I could feel was his lips and tongue all over me he made me scream and call his names so many times that I lost count and then he gets up and looks at me (Michael)"So tell me do u really want me to stop" Im still recovering from the last 10 minutes so I can't even speak so Michael makes up my mind for me...he turns off the water, dried me off and he carried me to the bed....we went all over the room...we went from the dresser 2 the floor 2 against the wall and finally on the bed... He started kissing me all over my body and then he slowly entered me for the millionth time that night....he started grabbing me by waist and licking the side of my neck while going deeper than ever...the headboard was hitting the wall and the bed was rocking so hard but then I woke up and realized Michael wasn't making the bed move like that...it was the kids were jumping on it...I opened my eyes they adjusted to the light (Prince)"She's awake" (Me)"What are u guys doing??" (Paris)"You were sleeping for a long time so we wanted to help you wake up" (Me)"Okay im up now so let me brush my teeth and I will be right back out" When I come out Michael had breakfast for me and the kids we all ate on the big comfy bed and were having a good time but then Michael said (Michael)"Oh I forgot to tell you I called you dad and set up the brunch for tomorrow" Choking on my fruit I said "What did you do that for??" (Michael)"Well didn't you say that you wanted to tell him??" (Me)"Yeah but I didn't expect you to actually want you to call him and tell him" (Michael)"Well I know how nervous you get so I called him for you" (Me)"What did he say...what did you say??" (Michael)"Well I just told him that we wanted to talk to him about something and that we wanted to take him to brunch along with my parents and your mom" (Me)" Thank you..I think...so are the kids coming??" (Mom)"No Janet is coming to watch them until we come back" (Prince)"Oooh auntie Janet is coming...its gonna be fun tomorrow" After we finished breakfast Michael introduced me to Bubbles the chimp and all his other exotic animals....then we rode all the rides he had at Neverland Ranch at least twice after we took a shower...I went to bed knowing that I had to wake up and deal with my dad... The next day I woke up to Michael shaking me lightly trying to get me to wake up (Me)(in my head)"Maybe if I just play sick then he'll just leave me alone" (Michael)"Don't try and act like your sleeping I already seen your eyes open...u can't hide our relationship from your father...he's gonna find out eventually" (Me)"Your right...im getting up" He grabbed my shoulders and said "Baby its gonna be okay...im gonna be there so there is no need to get nervous" (Me)"Yeah I shouldn't be worried anyway because my dad has always supported and with u by my side everything should be fine" Im completely dressed already so I start fixing Michael's tie when Janet rings the doorbell and I go to get (Janet)"Hey Mimi...how u been?" (Me)"I been good but im just nervous" (Janet)"Well u look beautiful so don't worry" (Me)"Thank u Janet" We walk into the main hall where Michael is and they greet each other with a hug...I turn around 2 look in the mirror to touch up my makeup when Janet says"Oh mother called me and she said told me to tell you that Joe is gonna be running late...as usual" I turn around and look at Michael like he's crazy "You never said Joe was coming" (Michael)"I thought u would get nervous" (Me)"We duh...I was nervous before...now im just more nervous...thanks Michael" I stomp out the house without saying goodbye 2 Janet and let myself in the car...after about 5 minutes Michael comes out (Michael)"The kids wanted to know why u wanted to say goodbye to them" I ignored him and just plugged in my earphones and stared out the window...we rode in complete silence..when I took out earphones Michael says "Do you want to talk to me now??" I roll my eyes and say "No not really" (Michael)"You know I don't like it when you're upset...is it that your nervous" (Me)"No im mad" (Michael)"Why because you have to tell your dad what's going on between us" (Me)"No im fine with telling my dad but im not okay with meeting Joe" (Michael)"Why??" (Me)"Because.." (Michael)"Because of what??" (Me)"Because I can't stand your father (Michael)"But you've never met him" (Me)"And I don't need to meet him..anyone that tries to hurt you to that degree automatically became a enemy of mine since I was little and will probably be my enemy until the day I die ...he hurt you and your siblings so bad...I just don't know if I can handle meeting him and I don't know if I can actually keep my food down with him sitting across from me...the fact that you tried to 'surprise' me didn't even give me a chance to prepare myself mentally" (Michael)"I didn't know you felt that way" I didn't want to but I couldn't help myself and I started crying...I can't believe I started crying again..this is what twice in two days...Michael just held my hand and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze every now and then while I sat there silently and collected myself while looking straight ahead and not blinking I say "For years I used to hear about how your father abused you and I thought that the tabloids were creating falsified stories until LeToya came with her book...people said that she lied about some things in her....your family publicly denied most of the things mentioned in the book but no one in your family denied the abuse allegations...I remember the day when your interview with Oprah aired and you said Joe used to beat you every time you missed a step or a not wasn't correct...you said he made you scared to the point where you would throw up or pass out when ever you seen him enter a room...you were saying that he used to ridicule you because your nose was a certain size...I also remember that was that day I started to hate Joe Jackson with every bone in my body" I realize that Mike has been awfully quiet and hasn't moved his hand in forever so I looked over and he had tears streaming down his face...I assumed that he's reliving all of those horrible memories...so I reached over and wiped his tears with my fingertips...then I kiss him softly on the cheek (Me)"Im sorry 4 lashing out on you earlier its just I don't how to explain it...but all I can say is that im sorry" (Michael)"Its alright baby...come on because our parents are probably waiting for us" Michael gets out the car and comes to my side to open my door (Me)"Michael can you just...um can you just hold me for a minute" He holds me as I cling to him tighter and tighter...after about 5 minutes we both step away from the embrace refreshed...I look to my left and see my dad parking his car and as he getting out I start running towards him to give him the biggest hug ever (Me)"Hey Daddy" (Dad)"Hey baby girl" So I walk back to the restaurant with my dad and introduce him 2 Michael and everything seems to be going fine...when we walked in my mom and Michael's mother were laughing and having a good time like old friends..I introduce my dad to Ms.Katherine and my mom and dad hug as a hello gesture...even though my parents were divorced since I was about 8 they still had a cordial relationship my dad even became the father figure for Kelis after her father abandon her at the age of 2....we all went into the private dining room Michael had set up for us...we were all engaging in conversation and were about to order when Joe Jackson walked inside and the tension every arose...everyone stopped talking except for my dad...I never seen anyone make him tense up...so we all order and after 20 minutes the food comes and I take the initiative to tell our dads about why they are here (Me)"Well me and Michael brought you guys here 2 tell you that we are dating and we want your support and we just wanted to be honest with u...so what do you guys think??" (My dad)"Oh thak god the way Michael called me I thought you were pregnant or something" Michael started laughing because my dad looked like he finally realeased the breath that he was holding in since I started my sentence (Joe)"How old are you" (Me)"Im 19 sir" (Joe)"Do you know how many years younger you than Michael??" (Me)"Its a 24 year different" (Joe)"The only time that women date men that much older than them is when they are there for money" My mother gasped at Joe's comment (Ms.Katherine)"Joe stop that" (Michael)"Mimi isn't even like that" (Joe)"Hush boy u don't know nothing" Before Michael can defend me again my dad tells Joe never to disrespect me like that he's not gonna make it to see the next day but I tell my dad to relax because I can handle myself... (Me)"Obviously you don't support our relationship" (Joe)"Isn't that obvious...you must be dumber than I thought" (Me)"I haven't disrespected you so don't u dare disrespect me...but you know what I want to know what you think about me??" (Joe)"I think your a money grubbing hoochie" Michael is squeezes my knee under the table...he can see the fury and hate in my eyes and he is trying to signal me to calm down but it doesn't work...I start chuckling and everyone looks at me like im crazy (Me)"Since I know you don't like me I want 2 let u in on a little secret...move in a little closer"...(Joe looks frightened but he leans in)...I start sceaming and I say "I don't like you either okay" My dad is smiling because he always taught me never to let anyone talk down to me or disrespect me so I finish my statement "You abused your kids and cheated on a beautiful wife that gave you 9 kids...u don't even deserve the family u have...u aren't even a real...lets get something straight we don't like each other and we have that established so I'll stay out of your and need to damn sure stay out of mine...are we clear Mr.Jackson??...now mom, dad, Ms.Katherine thank you for your support...I say we go else where and leave the bus boys to pick up the trash" I say that last statement while giving Joe the evil eye...we all left the table and left Joe sitting there looking like a complete fool There is more to come you guys... If u guys felt the beginning scene was to intense or graphic please let me kno... or maybe you want the scenes to be more graphic..just send me a email at squeakee08@yahoo.com
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