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The Geek and the Bad Boy*5*
Here's part 5 just how I promised! Enjoy!!!! Janet was clapping for Michael and I for being together. Me:*blushing* You uh sure do find out things as soon as they happen, don't you Jan? Janet:Not always. Only exciting things like this. See what had happen was my instincts had told me to go see what yall were doing. Me & Michael: Your instincts huh? *raising eyebrow* Janet:*giving up* Okay. I'm sorry I was just so curious. And Naomi ypu know where to find me. In my room. Me:Okay. I'll be there in a few. Janet left and it was just Michael and I again. He stared me down. I had on pink hot shorts*a.k.a. my pajama shorts* and a white tanktop that shows off a little clevage. He stared at me non-stop until I said something to him. Me: Michael, does something have your interest? Michael:*biting bottom lip* You have big boobs, seriously.*staring at them constantly* Me: Michael! *hits him on the arm playfully* Michael: Ouch! Okay sorry babe. Me: Mhm yeah whatever. So now that we are a couple, what can we do together? *wrapping arms around his neck* Michael: Well we can take it to the bed? *biting lip* Me: No Michael. Not quite yet. Michael:Okay well how about I take you out tomorrow night.*pulling me to him* Me: Sounds great.*kisses him* Our kiss got deeper and I noticed that his hand was inching up the back of my tanktop. I broke the kiss. Me: Mikey I have to go back to Janet. Michael: *whining* Why? She can wait. I was getting caught up in the moment. Me:Please? For me? Michael: *tapping foot* Okay. Go ahead before I change my mind now! * tapping my butt* Me: You big flirt. Leave all of theeeiis alone* walking out* I left Michael there shaking his head side to side. I got back to janet's room and she pulled out a whole bunch of movies. Me: Whoa! What's this!? Janet: Movies. We can go down to the movie theater downstairs. Come on! Me: But don't we have to pick one first? Janet:*selecting a random one* How about this one? I looked at the cover and it said "Stay Alive"* I know this movie wasn't out then but i'm watching that right now* then I looked at her. Me: Are you insane!!?? I heard this movie is totally haunted. Janet: That's what makes it better. Now come on!!! *pulling me* Me:OMG She is totally wacked dude! Michael: *walking behind me* Tell me about it. Me: Michael? Wher you going? Michael: With you guys. I want to watch a movie. So tell me what are you guys going to watch?*looking curious* Me: Stay Alive. Michael: *eyes widening* Cool!!!! Sounds so freaking awesome already!!!! Let's go. Michael, Janet, and I went to the theater with popcorn. We had our own seperate bags of popcorn. I sat down first and Michael set on my right side and Janet set on my left. When it got to the part the girl was walking through the house and all of a sudden saw all this plastic hanging up and then saw Elizabeth the haunted lady that was in the video game. When Elizabeth took a chain and swung it around and rooked the girl with it I got scared and put my head into Michael's shoulder. He was eating popcorn in excitement. Me: Umh Michael? Michael: *focused on movie and putting more popcorn in his mouth* Whoa.. Me:*taking a peek at the movie* This part looks much better than what was up there. I started to watch the movie so more and my fear went away all of sudden. I got so interested in the movie when Elizabeth looked in the mirror she died and burned to shreds. Me:*standing up and spilling popcorn* YEED!!!! Janet& Michael:*giggling at me* Me: What? *looking down* I didn't noticed I spilled popcorn all over me. Me: Oh. Thanks for telling me. Them: You welcome.*smiling* When the movie was over Janet and I was walking up the steps and she told me something I didn't pay any attention to at first. Janet: You know Naomi, Michael wants to gobble you up. Me: Huh? Janet: He wants to eat you. Me: I don't want to..*thinking about what she said* Ohhh.. Janet: He pays attention to your body language so much. Me: Is that a good thing? Janet: Of course to him. In a REAL GOOD WAY.... Me: Right. Look imma go and put on another tanktop,okay? Janet: Okay. I took another tanktop with me to the bathroom and changed and washed my face. I was about to head out but Michael was standing there at the door and he pushed me against it and layed his body against mines. Michael: You know you might want to listen to Janet. She's not lying to you. Me: You hear everything, don't you? Michael:*kind of grinding his body against mines* Yes. And that's not all i'm going to hear.... Me: ................................ TBC..................................................................... STAY TUNED CUZ PART 6 WILL BE HERE SOON!!!! HEY THAT RHYMED!!! LOL*- CARAMEL
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