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Zero Or Hero, Reina?: Part 1
*Hey it's me. And here's the next part to my new story. I hope you all like it. This goes out to all of y'all and Michael as well. And also I just wanted to say, RIP to Leslie. I know I wasn't here when she came on, so I don't know her at all. But I can tell she'll be greatly missed by all of us. So, RIP to Leslie. I know you with God now. I'll be praying for her family. ~Mary Cait:3* *10-years-ago* Mariah sat rocking her and Michaelâ??s new born child. She had given birth to a girl. A girl she named after her sister. Reina. And a name that has always fancied her. Jessica. Also she as her fatherâ??s last name. Jackson. Michael came in to their cabin. He smiled at her. Mariah smiled at him. Michael: How is she? Mariah: Finally going to sleep. Michael: Good. Iâ??m surprise with the ship rocking, it hasnâ??t made her sick yet. Mariah: Michael. If sheâ??s anything like her father, the sea wonâ??t bother her. Michael: *Coming closer to Mariah* And if sheâ??s anything like her mother, the sea will bother her. *Kisses Mariah* Mariah: *Kisses back* They were interrupted by Reinaâ??s crying. Michael looked at his daughter and picked her up. He hummed a song that he once heard Mariah and Reina both sing a few years ago. Mariah got up and went to Michael. Wrapping her arms around him while her head rested on his shoulder. Mariah: Michael. *Smiles* Michael: Yeah? *Still bouncing Mariah: I love you. Michael: I love you, more. Reina: *Makes baby noise* Michael&Mariah: And we both love you, baby girl. Little Reina looked up at her mother and father and laughed a baby laugh before falling asleep slowly in her fatherâ??s arms. Michael looked at his girl, and Mariah looked at him. They walked over to her crib and set her down in it. They watched her fall asleep more and slip into the world of her dreams. Not knowing this sweet innocent child will one day grow to me just likeâ?¦ Her fatherâ?¦ *10-years-later* It was a normal day on the Moonwalker, Michael and his crew had lost the Pearl, but he didnâ??t forget his other favorite boat. The sun shined on the water as the ship sailed slowly through it, the sea gulls flew over head about to swoop down and catch their selves some fish. But also if you look up in the crowâ??s nest of the moonwalker. Youâ??ll see a young girl standing on the outside of the basket. Holding onto one of the ropes to the crowâ??s nest. She looked out to the horizon. Girl: *Singing* And really bad eggs. Mariah: *From on the deck**Calling out to her* Reina Jessica Jackson, get down here! You know how I hate you being up there! Reina: *Calling down* Yes, Mama. *Looks back to the horizon* Drink up me hearties yo-ho. Down on the deck Mariah waited for her daughter to come down. She crossed her arms over her chest. Mariah: Whatâ??s that girl up too? Mr. Wilson: If sheâ??s anything like Michael, sheâ??s going to do something you wouldnâ??t think of. Mariah: Wilson, pleaseâ?¦ Mr. Wilson: Iâ??m just sayinâ??, love. Mariah: Sheâ??s not that much like her father. At leastâ?¦I donâ??t think she is. Mariah and Mr. Wilson both looked up to the crowâ??s nest to see Reina tighten her grip on the rope she held in her hand. Mariah: She wouldnâ??tâ?¦ With that said, Reina jumped from the crowâ??s nest with the rope sliding and swinging down. When she was half way to the deck, she let go and landed on her feet. She put her hands in the air just like a V with her fist balled. She had a smile on her face doing that as well. Reina: And she sticks the landing! Mariah: And sheâ??s in big trouble! Reina turned back around to see her mother standing there with her hands on her hips. Reina: I told you I was going to be down Mama. Mariah: *Coming over and grabs the back of Reinaâ??s shirt**Pulling her with me* Come with me. We â??ave to speak with ya father about this. Reina: Oh, mamaâ?¦ Mariah: Now! Reina: Okayâ?¦okayâ?¦ Mariah drug Reina to her fatherâ??s quarters. Michael was just looking at the map, and the compass that shows you where what you want most is. He was deep in thought when he heard the door open. He looked up and saw Mariah holding Reina by the back of her shirt. He sighed. â??Now what has she done?â?? he thought to himself. He got up and walked over to Mariah giving her a kiss on the lips then looking at Reina. Sternly as he could. Michael: What have you done this time Reina? Reina: Nothingâ?¦ Mariah: Donâ??t you dare lie to your father. Reina:â?¦ Mariah: *Sighs* She did something completely dangerous Michael. Michael: What is it? She didnâ??t go near the gun powder or the cannons again did she? Mariah: No. Michael: Then what did she do? *Raises a eyebrow* Mariah: She knows how I feel about her being in the crowâ??s nest, and when I told her to come downâ?¦little miss danger here grabbed one of the ropes with the nest and jumped down from the nest swinging and sliding down from them. Michael: Thatâ??s it? Mariah: *Giving him the look to back him up* Michael: I mean, thatâ??s it! *Looks at Reina* Reina Jessica Jackson, if you ever do that again. Iâ??ll be force to punish you. Do you understand me? Reina:â?¦ Michael: Answer me. Reina: Yes, father. Michael: Good. Reina: Can I go now? Mariah: I donâ??t know, can you? Reina: May I go? Mariah: You may. Reina got out of her motherâ??s grip and went back to the door to go back on the deck. She turned back around to her mother and father. Reina: Oh, by the way motherâ?¦ Mariah: *Turns to her* Yes, sweetie? Reina: Fatherâ??s the one that taught me how to do that. *Smiles**Goes out the door* She closed the door behind her and leaned up against it to hear. She giggled. Reina: 3...2...1 *Points to the door* Mariah: MICHAEL! Reina giggled once again to herself and walked on the deck filled with busy crew members. Sheâ??s always loved being on this boat. Sheâ??s loved sailing on the sea with her mother and father, and even watching her father fight with pirates. Even thought he didnâ??t allow her out of their cabin when the fights happen. She would always watch from a distant. Mr. Wilson says sheâ??s been paying Michael and Mariah so much attention on how they are with being pirates, he believes that piracy has rubbed off on her. She couldnâ??t wait to be a pirate. But what she doesnâ??t know, her being a pirate will come sooner then she thinks. She walked over to the railing and got her fatherâ??s telescope out. She looked to see if there was anything in the water. She looked some more till her eyes fell upon a ship just north of them. She looked at it long and hard. She saw it was black, and the sails were rotten with age. Then she remembered the stories her father told her how he his old ship. He just never mentioned how though. As young Reina looked at the ship. One thing came to her mind. Reina: *Puts the telescope down**Gasp* Thatâ??s the pearl herselfâ?¦I have to tell father. *She ran off back to her mother and fatherâ??s cabin* Before Reina could reach the cabin, the sound of a cannon hit the water beside the ship making it shake. She hit the deck in cover. Everyone was scrambling about making sure to get ready for a battle. And battle, it was going to be. To Be Continued
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