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Buried Deep part.5
thank you sooo much to everyone who votes im really happy you like it well hear i go **************************************************************** ???:your dad! who else i mean you should remember me the one who gave it to you every night? i remember that dont you why why did you leave me? huh we could have been great together you and me and your mom and your- Me:what the hell do you want me for i never came looking for you so why are you looking for me? huh? why do you wanna come and get me just to ruin my life just let me be! please! Dad:shut the fuck up!!! all you do is complain thats one of the things i couldnt stand about you and your stupid ass sister oh yeah make sure you wear somethin sexy for me i'll be there l8ter Me:(hanging up quickly) RICK RICK!!!!!!!!!! (running down the hall) Rick:(running into me)whats wrong!!!! Me:my m--my- uhmmm my dad hes coming back for me!!!!!!!!! ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!! we need more security something!!!!!!!! please!!!!!! (bout to cry) Rick:ok catera calmm down you know nobody i mean nobody can get to this house and you know we keep maximum security outside the gates all the time nobody is going to get to you if i have something to do with it ok? Me:ok,ok.............. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! IM GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!! HE- Rick:(covering my mouth)you will be ok!!!!!!!!!! if it makes you feel better i'll stay at your window with a gun in hand does that sound better Me:really? Rick:actually i was kidding but since your serious i guess i'll do it now come on Me:thank you really this is nice Rick:you overreact wayyyy to much Me:really? see i- (looking at the clock) oh my gosh!!! i forgot!!!!! Rick:what now Me:i have a date with michael!!!!!! (running into the my bathroom) Rick:i just dont understand you (shaking his head) once i got into my bathroom i took me a shower brushed my teeth and did the usual makeup nice outfit and all of that and when i looked at the time i hurried up and put on my heels and sprayed on my perfume Michael:(ringing the doorbell) Me:(running downstairs)I GOT IT RICK!!!!!!!! Rick:(biting his sandwich)what you expect me to get the door or something Me:(rolling my eyes)shut up Rick:just sayin Michael:hey you ready? Me:(grabbing my purse)yes! i mean yeah im ready you look nice Michael:you look very fancy and nice and you know Me:(laughing)yeah i get it Michael:(opening the car door) Me:(getting in)thank you Michael:you welcome so on our way there i listened to him talk about how going on tour was for him and i was enjoying him talking until i started daydreaming about his teeth and how white they were Me:(talking to myself)his teeth are so white and straight bet he never had to get braces Michael:(getting quiet)my teeth? Me:oh im sorry i didnt know i said that loudly Michael:(laughing)its ok i bet i was boring you anyway right? Me:no no of course not Michael:well im glad but were here Me:(getting out)huh no paparazzi Michael:nope i said we were going to the pizza parlor across town so there all over there Me:pizza parlor? Michael:well anything to get them out of our business Me:true true Waiter:une table for deux Michael:Oui Merci Waiter:Je dois dire que je t'aime à la fois et j'espère que votre visite vous apporte retour en tout temps(showing us our seats) Michael:well i think were going to come back plenty more times(winking)right? Me:(laughing)yeeahhhh Waiter:(smiling)bien, voici le menu que je serai de retour dans quelques minutes Michael:Merci Me:uhhhh wow! Michael:well i dont mean to brag but i do know a couple of languages i learned them while on tour Me:but what were you two saying Michael:i'll tell you uhhmm you wouldnt mind coming to my house after would you i mean im not trying to do anything or nothing its you kno- Me:(laughing)yes why wouldnt i Michael:because i just didnt want you to think i was tryin- Me:no i never would think that (looking at the menu)now can you uhmmm order for me Michael:(giggling)of course Waiter:vous êtes prêt à l'ordre? Michael:Oui sir et je voudrais le germon de poulet et le steak avec des champignons estragon et un côté de la salade César Waiter:et à boire ? Michael:uhmmmm votre meilleur vin veuillez Waiter:venir à droite Me:(looking crazy) Michael:(giggling)dont worry you will get the hang of it its a very easy language to learn (smiling) Me:well right now i wanna know why that conversation was so long and what did you order me (giggling) Michael:see hear it comes i know you like steak and mushrooms and wine so i got it for you Me:(eating some of his chicken)ohhhh thats good Michael:(eating some of my steak)imma have to say the same Waiter:Call me, si vous avez besoin de quoi que ce soit d'autre Michael:Ok merci Me:all i heard was call me was that waiter making a move on you? Michael:no of course not he said call me if you need anything else Me:ohhhhh (cutting me a piece of my steak)you know im having a great time Michael:(eating)huh??? oh yeah (wiping his mouth)me to sorry Me:its ok (giggling) so after all of that french and food he paid for our food and we left to his house i immediately thought about my dad and where he was and what if he harmed one of my workers or anything i guess michael saw my face because once we got to his house he immediately asked what was wrong Me:oh nothing im just thinking about some things Michael:(unlocking the door)like what? Me:(walking in)well its no- oh wow its a kingdom in here!!!!!! Michael:like i say i dont mean to brag but ceiling is pure gold so is the stairwell railing and the floor is pure marble and well like i say i dont mean to brag Me:(running upstairs)oh wow! look at these rooms they look like apartments!!!!!! Michael:(walking upstairs)glad your having fun!!! (laughing) Me:(laying on his bed)oohhh this is sooo soft and pretty!!!!!! Michael:and this is also my room (laughing) Me:(lauhging)oh sorry Michael:no no its ok (laughing) Me:(sitting up)wow this is a really nice house you got here Michael:yeahhh i could tell you liked it Me:(laughing) Michael:so tell me what you were thinking about in the car (getting serious) Me:its nothing really Michael:you sure Me:yeah so what abou- Michael:(falling to the floor) Me:oh my god!!!! ???:you didnt think that i wouldnt find you did you? *the lights cutting off* ahhhhh sorry it was long and sorry bout all the french i kinda like that language thats why i chose to put it in the story tell me if you didnt like it and i will try not to put it back in there thxxxx for reading tho hope you like it :)
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