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BAD Part 6 By Caitlyn:3
*Well, here's the next part to BAD. Sorry, this part is part 6, the last one was part 5. I lost my track of the number of what part is was. Well, I hope you all enjoy this part. This goes out to you guys. Tammi, this one is for you. And also Michael :) I hope you enjoy. ~Mary Cait:3* Daryl finally made it to the spot before 8:30. It was 7: 57. He waited patiently. He hoped she wasnâ??t hurt or anything. He waited till 8:30 rolled around. He looked at his watch. Just on time he was thinking. He heard one of the trashcans move, he jumped some and turned around to see his little sister standing there. A smiled played on his face. She seemed so small now. He ran over there to her and picked her up. Abby gripped him around the neck tightly. Her sobs were faint, but loud at the same time as Daryl held her. Daryl waited so long for this, and he finally has the chance. He as her back now. Abbyâ??s small grip tightened. As if she was scared. He shushed her. He was about to turn around when he felt something like a gun pressed into his back. His eyes grew wide. Man#1: Not so bad now are you, Daryl? Daryl: *O_O* Man#1: Ya know, if I shoot you now, you and your sister both will be going to your maker with a hole in you. Daryl: *Jaw tight* Donâ??t you dare hurt her anymore. Abby: *Hiding her face* Man#1: We never heart her. Shaken her up some, yes. But never hurt. Daryl didnâ??t want his and his sisterâ??s life to end now. Abby had so much she needed to doâ?¦and Daryl had so much he wanted to do as well. And to tell a certain person something. He gripped onto Abby tighter when the man asked him if he any last words. Daryl did something you wouldnâ??t think. He kicked his leg back and kicked it out of the other manâ??s hands. He turned around holding Abby and started running. He heard a loud bang and it hit the ground. Abby tumbled out of his grip. Daryl held his side in pain. Heâ??d been shot! Abby saw this and crawled over to him holding his face. Abby: Bubbaâ?¦ Daryl: Abbyâ?¦get helpâ?¦ Abby: I canâ??t leave youâ?¦ Daryl: Do it! Man#1: Your not going anywhere. One more bullet, that should do it right away. *Holds it to Daryl* Abby: *O_O* NO! She throw herself on top of her big brother. He didnâ??t care, she just wanted him to be safe. She couldnâ??t stand seeing him in pain anymore. The man was about to pull the trigger to his gun when another big bang went off. Abby turned her head to see Tammi standing there. She held her gun with one hand, her face look as if she was ready to kill. The man that had the gun first ran off. Before Daryl blacked out, he saw Tammi come over to them. He thought as he was closing his eyes, that she mouthed out â??I Love Youâ??. His eyes closed. ****** Daryl woke up feeling pressure on his stomach. He opened his eyes slowly to see his sister sitting on his chest. Her face went from a curious look to a big grin. Abby: YOUâ??RE AWAKE!!! She hugged him around neck tightly. He felt pain when her foot his side some. Daryl: *Moaning in pain* Abbyâ?¦I love you kiddo, but move your foot! Abby then remembered he got shot there. She let up on her hug. Abby: Sorry, Bubba. Daryl: Itâ??s alright. *Smiles some* Tammi: *Comes in* Oh, heâ??s up. Abby: Yeah. Iâ??m a big girl, I watched him while he slept. Tammi: Good girl, Abby. Now, do me a big favor and look out for your mother and them. *Smiles* Abby: Alright. *Hops off the bed and runs into the hallway* Tammi: *Looks at Daryl* â??Great,â?? he thought, â??Here comes her yelling at me.â?? He closed his eyes, but he didnâ??t feel pain or hear yelling. He felt something soft on his lips. He opened his eyes to see Tammi kissing him softly. His eyes got wide when she pulled away. Tammi: Iâ??m just happy your okay *Smiles* Daryl: *Blushing* He just wanted to know one thingâ?¦ Daryl: Tamâ?¦ Tammi: Yeah? Daryl: How did you learn to shot a gun like that? To be continued *I know this sucked, but I hoped you guys liked it just a little bit. More to come soon. Bye for now! :3*
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