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Angel (Pt.1)
Alexis is a girl that has everything. The looks, singing voice, and wears things that Aaliyah wears when she performs "Try Again". She is also rich. Michael Jackson soon appears to her as the "Bad" era Michael and he won't get his wings unless she changes her ways. -------------------------------------------------------------- Dedicated to Dimplez, Michael, and All the readers!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------- Alexis woke up at the sound of her alarm and went take a shower. She had school so she had to make it quick. She hoped out the and put on her favorite outfit. She calls it the "Aaliyah" outfit. She was making her way downstairs and saw her mom and little annoying brother downstairs in the kitchen. (Mom) "Well, good morning sweetie" (Alexis) "Mom, what did I tell you about that?" (Mom) "Iv'e been calling you that since you were little" (Alexis) "Well, I'm not anymore. Okay?" (Mom) "Fine whatever" (Alexis) "Bye" *walking out door* She got in her car, which was a Range Rover and arrived at school. As soon as she got in the building her friend Dimplez. Stormi, and Miyah were standing there. (Dimplez) "Hey Girl!" (Alexis) "Hey guh" (Stormi) *laughs* "Omg, do you see that nerdy kid over there?" (Miyah) "He wears braces" (Alexis) "I would hate to be him" (Dimplez) "You guys are mean......I LOVE IT! (Stormi, Miyah & Alexis) *laughs* (Stormi) "Come on, let's get to class before we give Ms.Ginger a heart attack" We all went to class and sat down. A boy was staring at Alexis. (Alexis) "Take a picture..It'll last longer" (Boy) "Maybe I will" (Alexis) "No, I have to fix my makeup first" (Boy) "Your serious?" (Alexis) Uh,yeah" (Boy) "Wow...and btw my name is Andrew" (Alexis) "Whatever" *turns back around* (Andrew) *taps Alexis's shoulder* (Alexis) "What now!" (Andrew) "Your pretty" (Alexis) "Ok" *turns back around* Stormi sat next to her. Dimplez and Miyah sat away from them. (Stormi) *taps her shoulder* (Alexis) "Omg touch me- (she stoped) "Oh Hey Stormi!" (Stormi) "Why are you talking to Andrew?" (Alexis) "Omg, he started starin' so I was like "take a picture It'll last longer" and then he was all lik- (stormi cut her off) (Stormi) "Ok, I get it" (Alexis) "Ugh, this class bores me, let's go" (Stormi) "Alright come on *getting up* (Ms.Ginger) "Um..where are ya'll going?" (Alexis) "Away from this boring class" (Stormi) *walking out door* (Alexis) "Bye" *walking out door* Dimplez and Miyah made there way out to. (Dimplez) "I was so ready to get out that class" (Miyah) "Me to" (Stormi) "Look, she's coming" Before anyone could answer... Ms.Ginger came up to them. (Ms.Ginger) "Ladies, who do ya'll think ya'll are just walking out my class because ya'll bored. (Alexis) "Well, I'm Alexis, this is Dimplez,Stormi, and Miyah. And it was really boring so we walked out. (Ms.Ginger) "Get back in there, right-(bell rang) (Stormi) "Tootles" *waving* They went to there next class and the class after that. And it is now recess. (Alexis) *At her locker putting lipgloss on and mascara* (Stormi) "Tonight we should go to club "Ice" (Dimplez) "That sounds fun" (Miyah) "I can't, my mom is having guests over" (Alexis) "Have you ever hear of Sneaking out?" (Miyah) "We can't let being rich get to our heads" (Alexis) *rolls eyes* "Miyah It'll be fun" (Miyah) *sighs* "I'll see what I can do" (Dimplez) "Good..." (Stormi) "Um..wait are we old enough to get in?" (Alexis) "Of course!" (Dimplez) "yes, I'm so siked!" The bell rang for them to go home. They all got in Alexis car because they were all dropped off by there mom. They decided to go to Alexis's house. (Dimplez) "Wow your room is huge..and the closet is like a mall" (Alexis) "Well, we are all rich so, yeahhhh..." (Miyah) "Let me call my mom" (Dimplez) "K" --------------------------------------------------------------- *Miyah's Phone Conversation" (Her mome) "Hey sweetie" (Miyah) "Um..me and my friends are going to the movies..so I'll see you later" (Mom) "But, guests are coming...your not getting out of this one" (Miyah) *rolls eyes* No, I'm going to the movies...next time, kay?" (Mom) "No, I said your coming here" (Miayh) "But mo- (she cut her off) (Mom) "No Buts you will do as I say" (Miyah) "sighs* Whatever Mom" *hangs up* ---------------------------------------------------------------- (Dimplez) "What did she say?" (Miyah) "No" (Alexis) "That's too bad" (Stormi) "That sucks" (Alexis) "I know" (Miyah) "Well, bye guys *walking out the door* (Stormi) "Bye" (Alexis) "Alright time to get our party on!!!" (Dimplez) "I love my outfit" (Stormi) "Same here" They all went downstairs and with her mom knowing they left and went in the car and drove to the club. There was a line and they waited untill finally they got up there to the Bodyguard. (Bodyguard) "Name Please" (Alexis) "Alexis Jones" (Bodyguard) *checking list* "Go ahead in" They went in and grabbed drinks and went on the dancefloor. "Bottoms up" was on and we was dancing the night away. They sat at a table by the bar and started talking. (Dimplez) "We gotta go" (Stormi) "Already?" (Dimplez)"Yeah It's 10:00" (Alexis) "Dang, let's go" *walking out club with everyone else following* They got in the car and Alexis dropped them off at they house. *5 weeks later* Alexis was at school walking around by herself cause she needed some fresh air. She was sitting ny herself on the bench. She suddenly felt someone sitting next to her. She turned and there was a guy. Curly hair, pretty brown eyes and wearing an outfit with buckles. (Alexis) *turns around to see that guy* "Omg dude! you scared me! (Guy) *laughs* Well, Hi to you to" (Alexis) "Ok where did you come from?" (Guy) "Excuse me?" (Alexis) "I mean, I have never seen you here...you new?" (Guy) "You can say that" As that moment, Miyah, Dimplez, and Stormi came over. (Dimplez) "Who are you talking to?" (Alexis) "This guy sitting right here" (Miyah) "I see no one" (Stormi) "Me neither" (Alexis) "Omg! There is a dude right next to me!" (Dimplez) *sarcasm* "Your not weird at all" (guy) *talking to Alexis* "And did I tell you, your the only one who can see me?" (Alexis) "What! That's crazy" (Dimplez) "Um, let's go guys before she starts talking to trees" They leave. (Guy) "I'm Michael Jackson" (Alexis) "Who in the world is that?" (Guy) "I can't believe you never heard of me...I'm still and one of the most greatest entertainers of all time. (Alexis) "Um..so why am I the only one who could see you?" (Michael) "I'm dead hun, I can't get my wings unless you change your ways. (Alexis) "Whatever dude" -------------------------------------------------------------- ~Tammi vote!!!!!!! Hope you liked it!!!!
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