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I Love You, So Much: Part 16
*Hey me again. I hope you all like this part to the story :) I can't believe this story is almost over too :O. I'm actually gonna miss this story when it's done. lol Well, this goes out to you Lexa, you guys, my favorite little girl and Michael :) lol And also Prince, since he's in the story too. Well, enough talk...here we go! ^_^ Enjoy <3 ~Mary Cait:3* *Stillâ??s Michaelâ??s Point Of View* Lexa has been pregnant for 9 months now. Weâ??re suppose be getting a little boy. Iâ??m so excited about this! Iâ??m going to be a father for the first time, wellâ?¦if you count how I help out with Shay. I guess you will say for the second time. I guessâ?¦*Chuckles* anyways. Lexa is due any day now. Shay has been fallowing her mother around since her belly started to get bigger due to the pregnancy. I think itâ??s cute. Normally, Shay is going against her motherâ?¦but actually right now. Sheâ??s not. I was in the kitchen cooking up some breakfast, my specialty, when Shay came down the steps singing. I laughed. And it was one of my songs too. Shay: *Singing â??The Girl Is Mineâ?* I donâ??t understand the way you think, saying thatâ??s sheâ??s yours and not mine Sending roses and your silly dreams, itâ??s really just a waste of time Because sheâ??s mine Because, the doggone girl is mine I love you more the he, take you anywhere Well, I love you endlessly, lovinâ?? we will share So come with me, to one town But we, both cannot have her, so itâ??s One of the other And one, dare you discover Thatâ??s sheâ??s my girl Everything I love Me: I didnâ??t know we get breakfast and a show. *Chuckles* Shay: Ha-ha, Mike. *Comes over and steals a piece of bacon* Me: *Looks at her* Hey! Shay: *Snaps her fingers**Bobs her head side to sides* Hee-eey! *Eats her bacon* Me: Your one strange child, Shay. Shay: I know *Smiles and skips away* Me: Hey, get back in here! Shay: Whyyy!? Me: Because breakfast is almost done. Duh? Shay: Please never say â??duhâ?? again. Me: Duh. Shay: Mike, your one more â??duhâ?? away from getting your singing voice in a lockjaw. Me: Iâ??m shaking. *Chuckles* Shay: Laugh it up Mr. Pop star. Me: Alright Mrs. I donâ??t want no breakfast then. Shay: Iâ??m joking with you. Me: Yeah, now your joking when I tell you your not going to get any food. *Laughs* Shay: Be quite. Iâ??m a growing girl! Me: Yeah. And Iâ??m a growing man. Shay: Youâ??ve already grown! Me: So? Shay: Oh, be quite! *Sits at the table* I laughed again and turned around. I was just to my last pancake when Lexa came down the stairs into the holding her stomach. Lexa: Michaelâ?¦ Me: Yeah baby? *Turns to her* Lexa: My water brokeâ?¦ Me: *O_O* Shay: *Coughs out her bacon* Me: *Goes over to her and rubs her shoulders* Itâ??s alright baby. *Looks over at Shay* Shayâ?¦ Shay: Yeah, Mike? Me: Go get your motherâ??s bag and lets go. Shay: Okay. Shay got up and went to get the bags. I got Lexa into the car when Shay came out. I put the bags in the back and Shay got in the back to. I got Lexa buckled up and Shay buckled up too. I started driving us to the hospital pretty face. We finally made there in time. I got her checked in and everything. Shay waited in the waiting room. I told her if she wanted, she could call Thelma and Prince. She nodded her head as I went into the birthing room with Lexa. We spend a few hours in there when the doctor came in. Dr.: Hello Mrs. Jackson, Iâ??m Mr. Daisy. Iâ??ll be delivering this little bundle. Lexa: Thank youâ?¦*Moans in pain* Dr.: *Gets Lexaâ??s legs in place* Okay, when I say too. I want you to push after Iâ??ve counted to 3 alright, sweetie? Lexa: *Nods* I grabbed hold of Lexaâ??s hand as she started pushing. It was hours, like 3 when the baby was born. But the only problem wasâ?¦the baby wasnâ??t crying. They took the baby quickly away from the room. I was just as shocked as Lexa was. Dr.: Donâ??t worry. Iâ??m sure heâ??ll be fine. Most babies do this, they just didnâ??t get enough oxygen in the lungs while they were being pushed out. Iâ??ll tell you if heâ??s fine or not. We both nodded as she left. I held on to Lexa has she was crying in my arms. Me: Itâ??s going to be okay baby. I know heâ??ll be alright. Lexa: How do you know Michael? Me: Because, if heâ??s anything like you? *Kisses her head* Heâ??ll be stronger then people give him credit for. Lexa: Oh, Michaelâ?¦ She hugged me and I hugged her also. I kissed the top of her head. Hoping that our little boy was going to be alright. We waited for a few minuets till the doctor came back in the room. We both turned to her. Dr.: Mr. and Mrs. Jacksonâ?¦ Me: Yes? Dr. I have some news for youâ?¦ Me: Yes? Dr.: Itâ??s about your babyâ?¦ Lexa: Oh, Godâ?¦what about him is he okay? Me: Yes is he? The doctor opened her mouth to speak. Please tell me the baby is going to make itâ?¦ To Be Continued *Well, there you have it :) I hope you all liked it ^_^...even thought I know it sucked -__-*
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