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I Love You, So Much: Part 15
*Hey Mary Cait again :D I know I've been post since earlier today, but I hope you guys don't mind. Well, since I'm done with Mr. Magic, after I get done with this part to this story. I'm making a new story. So, I hope you all like this part, and i hope you guys will like my new story :) So, here we go! Enjoy <3 ~Mary Cait:3* Michael and I stood in the doctors room I was in. He held on to my hand as we waited for the doctor to get back. Whatâ??s wrong with me? The doctor finally came back into the room with a smile on his face. Whatâ??s he so happy about? Thereâ??s something wrong with meâ?¦and heâ??s smiling?! Dr.: Well, Mrs. Jackson thereâ??s nothing wrong with you. Michael: Then why was see having those bad pains in her stomach? Dr.: Well, because I think you should sit down Mr. Jackson. Michael: No. Iâ??m fine standing. Dr.: Well, sir, your wife was having those awful pains in her stomach becauseâ?¦ Me: Yes? Dr.: Because your parents Mrs. Jackson. Me: *Mouth wide open* Pregnantâ?¦Iâ??m pregnant! My mouth was beginning to close when I heard a loud thud on the floor. I turned around quickly to see Michael out cold on the floor. The doctor told him to sit down, and what does he do? He does listen to anyone. And this is what happens. Half of the doctor visit I was trying to wake Michael up. When I finally did get him up, I was really happy mostly because I know he was awake, and twoâ?¦I like seeing him as happy as he was. He was jumping around for joy just like a little kid would do when their in a candy shop. When the doctor told us we could leave, we did. Now all we have to do is pick Shay up from Prince, and then go home and tell her the good news. Wonder how sheâ??ll take it. -Princeâ??s- *Shayâ??s Point Of View* I was in the kitchen with Uncle Prince. I was watching him put some apples and grapes into the blender along with ice cream and milk. What? Iâ??ve done this since I was a little kid. Prince: Alright, you ready for Uncle Princeâ??s special apple and grapes smoothie? Me: Yeah! Prince: Alright. Just gotta find out where I put the lid. I looked beside me while he was looking for it. Heâ??d lose his hair if it wasnâ??t attached to his head. I rolled my eyes and smiled. Me: Uncle Prince. Prince: Yeah? Me: Is this what your looking for? I thought out doing a magic trick. I told him to bend over some so I can do this. I acted like I was trying to find something behind his ears. I made it to his left ear and when I pulled away the lid to the blender â??magicallyâ? appeared in my hand. He looked at me shocked and wireded out. Prince: How did you? *Takes the lid**Looks where I was sitting* It was right beside you the whole time? Me: *Giggles* You know me so well, Uncle Prince. Prince: You act just like your mother. Me: I know *Laughs* Prince: Ya know, I might not let you have some of the smoothie then. Me: No! Prince: *Chuckles* Iâ??m joking. Me: *Rolls my eyes* He finally got the smoothie done. And when we were in the living room watching TV, there was knock on the door. Uncle Prince got up and answered it as I kept drinking my smoothie watching the movie on TV Uncle Prince and I were just watching. I had to stop when I felt hands go on my eyes. I smiled and laughed. Me: Michaelâ?¦ Michael: *Uncovers my eyes* Howâ??d you know it was me? Me: I know you *giggles* Michael: Right. Mama: Baby, say goodbye to Uncle Prince. We gotta go home so we can tell you something. Me: *Confused* Oâ?¦kayâ?¦ I handed my glass to Uncle Prince. He hugged me goodbye. We left; in the car I couldnâ??t help but wonder what was going on. I hope Iâ??m not in trouble. -Neverland- *Michaelâ??s Point Of View* We finally made it home. I cannot believe Iâ??m actually going to be a father! I love Lexa so much more now. I kissed her on the lips before all three of us got out of the car. We all entered the car. We told Shay to have a seat on the couch. Lexa and I stood in front of her. Me: Shay, we have something to tell you- Shay: *Panicing* I DIDNâ??T DO IT! ROXIE SAID EVERYONE WAS DOING IT! Lexa: No! No! Me: Shay, your not in trouble. And what do you mean everyone was doing it? Shay: Aahhhâ?¦nothing. Lexa: Weâ??re talking about that â??nothingâ?? later, missy. Shay: Yes, maâ??am. Lexa: As Michael and I were trying to tell you. Shay: Yeah? Me: Shay, you know how much you said you want to be a big sister right? Shay: *Nods* Lexa: Well, *Goes over to her**Sits next to her**Places her hand on her stomach* Shay: *O_O* Me: *Chuckles* Shay: You mean it Mama? Lexa: *Nodding her head* Mmhmm. *Smiles* Shay started jumping up and down out of happiness. She kept on saying, â??Iâ??m going to be a big sisterâ? over and over again. I knew this was going to be alright. I sat with Lexa on the couch watching Shay keep on doing that. My life canâ??t get any better. At leastâ?¦thatâ??s what I thoughtâ?¦ -9 months later- To Be Continued *I hope you guys liked this part =3. Gotta make a few more stories until I gotta go to bed lol Till thenâ?¦BYE =D*
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