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Buried deep part.1
Hey its me catera i hope you like it Hey before i get started this is a story about a young woman who's 20 years old she left her home when she was 15 in hopes of making it into the industry well when it happened the world seemed great until her past caught up with her..... **************************************************************** Me:how could this be? HOW DID THEY FIND ME! bodygaurd:i have no idead ma'am i saw the letter when i checked the mail for you this morning Me:(fixing my dress)im sorry for raising my voice rick i just dont know how my parent's found me i know im famous and they probably see me on tv if they have one but they FOUND me i thought well hoped they were dead they made my life a living hell and im afraid there back to destroy me like they once did damn! bodygaurd:(clearing his throat)dont worry about this trust me we have this all under control (hugging me) you will be ok Me:(hugging back) thanks rick and i hope so uhhh do you know where my medication is? Bodygaurd:why do you need it the doctor said you were fine? Me:can i just have it please? i just dont feel good right now Bodygaurd:do you want me cancel the studio session with mr.jackson? Me:uhhhh no i'll be ok i heard about Michael he's very sensitive about his work i think its best if i go (taking my meds) Bodygaurd:better? Me:much better come on lets go Rick my bodygaurd walked me to my limo and we drove to the studio once we got there and walked in everybody was quiet i took of my designer shades sat them in my purse and looked Me:(shaking michael's hand)nice to meet you im glad you chose to record with me (smiling) Michael:its very nice to meet you to ok everyone you ready Everyone took there place while i got my lyric sheet set up and once we were ready we started to sing michael all of a sudden looked disatified Michael:(shaking his head)stop, stop the track please Me:whats the matter i though we sounded good? Michael:i know i know but your not singing with enough soul your actually dead over there Me:oh really? Michael:yes really so if would please get your act together we can record this song right now come on Me:.............go ahead play the track Once we started singing again i put all of my emotion into it i was gonna show him nobody tell me to get my act together no one Michael:(taking him earphones off)that was better much better thank you Me:(painting a smile on my face)im glad you liked it well i have to go i have a show at six Michael:(grinning)well it was nice same time tomarrow to close the deal? Me:yes (walking out the door)bye everybody! everyone:bye! Michael's assistant:sir she doesnt lke you whatsoever Michael:what you mean she dont like me Everyone:she hates you! Michael:Well i just told her what i felt Record producer:exaclty! she's been doing her thing for a while now in the bussiness telling her how you feel is one thing but telling her to get her act together talking to her like a 5 year old is not professional whatsoever Michael:well she needed it i dont accept mediocre work from nobody as im sure you told her im a very articulate artist and i strive for great music whether its mine or im featured on it now does that conclude this conversation Everyone:(getting packed to leave) Michael's bodygaurd:sir you ready Michael:yeah im ready **************************************************************** Me:(walking to my dressing room) Rick:well are you ok you looked very- Me:im great rick thanks for asking Designer:here is your dress ma'am i hope you like it we chose your favorite color with the gold accent's is this what you wanted Me:yes its perfect! thank you so much (hugging her) Desinger:im thrilled you like it your makeup artist is waiting on you through that door and we have your champagne glass in your personal dressing room Me:thank you so very much Designer:no problem anything for you once i got dressed and go my makeup on i walked out onstage with a open mind and heart forgetting today and singing my heart out once i was done i walked back to my personal dressing room where i took a shower and got dressed for the after party at my friend christian house My assistant(tomika):mrs.beane im so sorry i- Me:no its ok i know you have a family of your own Tomika:oh thank you thank you so much but ummm you have a visitor its uhhh the guy who just released his bad album Me:is that how he wanted you to introduce yourself Tomika:uhh yeah (giggling) Me:tomika your a trip let him in (laughing) once he walked in he looked shy i handed him a glass and poured him some champagne Michael:(taking a sip)umm thank you and i would like to apologize for today my so to speak freedom of speech wasnt apropriate i should have spoken in a different manner than what i did Me:its perfeclty fine (pouring him more)you drink fast i see(smiling)but i heard you out and i apologize for my professionalism i should have went about my work in a different manner Michael:thank you for being understanding i think our meeting started on the wrong foot so how about we start over now? Me:it's very nice to meet you michael but i have a party to get to would you mind calling me later tonight Michael:no i wouldnt (taking my number) we walked out of my dressing room my assistant and bodygaurd both looking puzzled why wasnt there tension why wasnt there yelling? Rick:if you dont mind me asking what happened? Me:nothing we talked over our problems with some champagne and we agreed that our manner's were very unprofessional (looking at my phone frowning) Rick:(looking at me)what wrong? Me:its them its her (looking at him) were are my med's Rick:why? there at home why? Me:Lets just go we have a party to attened Rick:(walking with me)you know you you've grown to be a fine young lady since the day we frst met you now dont let nobody mess that up mess up your success all of that you hear me? Me:yes sir thank you Rick:(smiling) let's roll! Me:uhhh rick no dont do that Rick:(laughing)sorry the party one next! hope you liked it!
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