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Angst ~Ten~
*The big ten! I'll make this part extra interesting :P Dedicated to, Tammi, Dimplez, Mary Cait, Alicia, Halle, Tiara and everyone else :D And so, everyone enjoy, Angst Part Zehn ^_^ -Lexa* "Time to throw the party." I glared at Bushido's announcement and crossed my arms. "I was joking. It'll be boring without you here." "Aww." Bushido teased. "Who knew the cold-hearted girl could care so much." "Careful or I'll make sure you'll never rap again." I warned, trying to hide my smile. "Because I could-" "Li!" I laughed, looking over my shoulder at Bill. "What?" "We're having an interview soon." He smiled sheepishly and put a hand on his hip. "I need to borrow your eyeliner." I covered Bushido's mouth to keep him from speaking and rolled my eyes. "Sure. But can't you just stop by your place and put it on on the way there?" He shook his head. "Interview is in 10 minutes." He patted Bushido's shoulder and smiled. "Sorry I can't go to the airport with you two. See ya back in Germany though." And with that, he ran upstairs, almost tripping over the steps. * "Do you really have to go?" I pouted, handing Bushido his suitcase. He laughed, smiling as he threw his bag over his shoulder. "Come on, Li, you'll have fun without me for a while. You said yourself that you'd throw a party." I crossed my arms, sighing and looking down at the floor. "Are you ever serious?" There was a long silence before he finally spoke up again. "Li?" "Mm?" I felt a hand under my chin and I instantlly looked up, eyes widening when lips met mine. He smiled, dropping his hand to his side. "Liebe dich." With that, he turned around and walked towards his gate. * "Lila, are you even listening to me?" I snapped out of my thoughts, utterly confused. "Huh?" My English Professor sighed while some others eyed me angrily. "Is there something you would like to say?" I sighed, leaning back. "No, Professer Jameson." I grimaced, feeling like I was back in high school again.' "Good. Now, we'll continue with the lesson tomorrow. Have a good weekend everyone." I sighed, grabbing my bag and walking out the door, only to be stopped by my professor. "Just a minute, Lila. I'd like to speak with you for a minute." Just like high school, I thought, walking back inside. "Sorry, Professor. I've had a lot on my mind lately. I don't usually space out like that. He chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, I know that, Lila. I just wanted to talk to you about how well you're doing with keeping your grades up this year. I know how hard it was the first year when your father died, it showed in your grades also. I just wanted to say how proud I am of you for keeping your grades up so well." I nodded and smiled, throwing my bag over my shoulder. "Thanks, professor. I'm trying my hardest." * "Li. Li. Li. Li!!" I looked up at Aunt Janet, speaking with slight annoyence. "What?" "What's got you so spaced out?" I sighed, continuing to fill out the many piles of paper work. "I've had a long day. I had to go to class right after I dropped Anis off, then I had to come back here, schedule an interview on Ellen, pay some of the bills and now I'm stuck with paper work as always. I'm surprised I actually have time to breath." She gave a sympathetic smile, one other thing I was getting tired of. "I know it's hard but let's try to get your mind off of whatever it is, yeah? What's the Ellen thing all about?" I simply shrugged, pushing a paper aside to work on the next. "Probably talking about dad, the new album I'm working on and stuff like that. At least It's not Oprah." I mumbled the last part to myself, rolling my eyes. She chuckled, nodding in agreement but her smile suddenly turned into a frown. "You know, I over-heard someone say something about you smoking. Is that true?" I groaned, leaning back and putting the pen down. "Once. Only once. And besides that was over a week ago when I did. Haven't done it since then. Just a one time thing." "I know. But I'm still worried. I-" I cut her off, knowing my expression turned slightly darker. "I'm not gonna make the same mistake dad did just because of the stress." She nodded slowly, standing up. "I know you won't, Li. I'll call you when dinner is ready, ok?" I nodded, silently getting back to work. 'I'll never make that mistake.' *I assume you all probably know what 'liebe dich' means but if you don't, it means 'love you'. Hope you all enjoyed =) -Lexa*
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