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love and hate part 12
Janet: what the heezy me: no that's not what happened I fell Jermaine: and he caught you his lap Michael: I was sitting Janet: and I guess you got so hungry that your little arms couldn't get the popcorn and went for her ear Michael: Janet I knew you were smart that's exactly what happened Jermaine: cut the crap we know what was goin on mother was right Michael: what you mean Janet: remember that day we were at the table and mother said y'all act like kids in love Michael: yeah... Ohhhh Jermaine: we knew it won't gonna last me: what last Jermaine: all that hate Michael: shut up Jermaine me: fo real, oh yeah Im havin a birthday party next week and your invited Janet: don't get off subject missy me: then I guess you can't come Michael: anyways is it that big of a deal we still hate eachother Jermaine: no you don't Michael: yes I do Jermaine: no you don't, Jay what you wearin to the party me: I don't kno yet Jermaine: wear somethin nice and see if Michael can handle himself me: alright, hey where's Jayden so I can go Janet: he's sleep in my room me: oh then I'll guess I'll wait I went to go throw the rest of the popcorn in the trash and wash the bowl out and I felt hands go around my waist Michael: *whispering in my ear* don't just wear something nice wear something sexy and you might get what you got upstairs me: *whispering* oh please that was just a one time thing *walks away* Michael: *smacks my butt* I love it whe you play hard to get me: Michael I should slap the plaque off your teeth Michael: my teeth don't have plaque you should know that me: ughhhh I can't win for loosin with you we went incthe living room until Jayden came downstairs and we said by to everyone and left when we got to the house me and Jayden played and he asked me this random question Jayden: mommy me: yes honey Jayden: do you like mr. Michael me: I don't know sweety and what's it to you your only five Jayden: but I'm turning six in in a few months me: sooooo go put your clothes on and go to bed that night I went to bed just wondering do I like Michael A week later... I was out getting my dress and decided to do what Michael said and be sexy so I went and got my hair staightened and it came down to my butt and then I went and got this purple skin tight dress with the sides cut out and some 6 inch purple pumps. I got home took Jayden to his dads house for the weekend and went back home to doll myself up then I heard a knock on the door and it was destiny Destiny: damn girl it's hard to believe you had a child me: yea six years ago, you look good to Destiny: thank you thank you I try, but you look good who you tryna impress me: okay remember when Michael came to the club the other night Destiny: yeah and he gave you several hickeys me: it was only five, but anyways last week I went to his house to help his sister with her video Destiny: which was good by the way me: Des stop, Jermaine spilled soda on us and I went to take a shower and when I came out he was soak and wet with a towel around h looking so delicious and then he started talkin about the night at the club and put his hand up my shirt and kissed and sucked my neck I was already turned on then he started grinding that huge monster on me and I was in a trance Destiny: so in other words you did the do with the king of pop me: yes me and Destiny were talking for a while then my house filled up but no Michael and then the doof opened and I saw Jermaine and Tammi then Janet, Marlon, Tito, Latoya, Randy, Jackie and Michael came in with a girl on his arms and it was TATIANA!!!!!!!! Wow intense~Erica
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