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Moonwalker *Episode 2*
~Moonwalker's Birthday~~Of Moonwalker ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary:It's Trisha's 16th birthday,yay! but when she invites the Jacksons and even Michael to her birthday party,but when Michael has something planned up on her birthday,he would have to think, Trisha? or Music? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's summer, yes!,my dad is on his way and my mom and I are going to pick him up at the airport right now,I grabbed my baby-blue jacket and got into my mom's car,I began rolling down my window and I felt the breeze blowing into my face.I ran my fingers through my long; brown silky hair. Mom:You okay Trish?*looking at me* Me:Yeah,just can't wait to see dad *smiling* Mom:Aww,your dad has been calling you, he said happy birthday last night while you were sleep. Me:Really?*sitting up straight* Mom:Yea, he said he has a gift for you Me:.... I was speechless,I can't wait to see my dad,it's been so lonely without him with my mom,since he lives in Ohio,and we live in California,it took him a long time to get here,so when he get's to our house,he'll fall asleep in our guestroom. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At L.A.X. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I stood their right next to my mom, holding a sign that read my father's name: RICHARD BECK!, MY DAD! Their were a whole bunch of people standing on the left of me and behind me and my mom, I saw my dad, he had a peach fuzz and his hair grew out a little. He looked at me and smiled happily. Me:Daddy! I started running, and when I came in front of him, I just in his arms and he hugged me so tightly, I smelled his Calvin Klein cologne, which was my favorite cologne that was on him. Dad:I missed you Trisha *hugging* Me:I missed you more dad *hugging* He let me down and he hand a gift and he pulled it out the his suit-case, he handed me the box, and I began ripping up the wrapping paper, I seen it and it was a diamond incrusted watch that had my name "TRISHA" incarved inside, I gasped and I put it on arm and I hugged him again, my mom walked over and she stood their smiling. Mom:Hi Richard Dad:Hi Karyn Me:This is going to be the best birthday ever *holding my mom's hand and my dad's hand* We went outside and into the car and put the luggage into the trunk, my dad sat in the passenger seat and I decided to sit in the back, When we got home, I took his bags into the guestroom and showed him around the house, this is going to be the best birthday party ever. But today, I have to go to Michael's house to give him an invitation. When I got to Michael's house I ranged the doorbell and Michael opened the door. Michael:Uh, hey Trisha? Me:Hi Michael *smiling* Michael:Uh..what are you doing here? *looking confused* Me:Um, haha, I just wanted to give you and invitation to my party, and I want your brothers to come too. *handing him the invitation* Michael:Oh, okay, thanks *smiling* Me:Your welcome, bye, and see you their *walking away* Michael:Ok, bye *shutting the door* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michael's P.O.V. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I opened the invitation and it read: Your invited! tomorrow to my birthday party! Love,Trisha I took the note and went to go find my family in the gathering area, I walked in and Randy talked to me. Randy:What's that? Jermaine:Ooh, a love note? Me:Noo, it's a invitiation to Trisha's party Marlon:Ooh, I wanna go Me:You can, you can tell her I can't come, because I have to record my album. I didn't want to hurt her feelings but I have to do what I have to do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ My P.O.V. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This was going to be great for my birthday, my mom cooked, she cooked potato salad, ribs, and pork and beans, it's going to be really fun, and Michael's coming, Eekk!, the next day, my mom woke me up, and I saw everyone in my bedroom, Jermaine, Tito, Randy, LaToya, Janet, Rebbie, Jackie, and Jermaine, but not Michael, and my parents were here, they left so then, they sat on my bed and waited for me to get dressed, as I was dressed we began to talk. Jermaine:Happy 16th birthday Marlon:Yeah, your getting old Me:No i'm not Randy:Yes you are, in fact Michael's older than you. Me:Ugh, I know he is LaToya:She's not old, she hot just like me *smiling* Me:Whatever LaToya Rebbie:That's messed up LaToya Jackie:Got that right Me:Janet, where's Michael Janet:He went to go to the studio Me:........ I can believe Michael would miss my birthday party for his stupid music career, I'm just horrified. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To Be Continued ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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