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Danielle And The BAD Boy: Part 3
*Hey itâ??s Mary Cait! =) And I hope you all are having a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Well, this is the next part to this story. I hope you like it ^^ Enjoy! <3 ~Mary Cait:3* Great, as if my life wasn't going wrong to begin with! Mr. Anderson pairs me up with the guy I can't stand the most! After this class lets out, I'm talking to him. Mr. Anderson put in a movie for us to watch for the rest of the class. I was watching it when a note hit my leg. I bent down and picked it up. I saw Jackson looking at me with a smirk. I sighed. Guess I'm not getting reid or him, or not letting him leave me along either. I opened the note to see what it said. And answered back. We kept answering back and forth, this was what we wrote to each other. Michael:"Hey Baby ;)" Me:"What the hell do you want?" Michael:"What? Kind I show some love, girl?" Me:"You? You probably don't know what real love it." Michael:"Aww, don't be like that. We're partners." Me:"Not for long." Michael:"Why?" Me:"Cause I'm asking Mr. Anderson to change us!" Michael:"Come on, babe, don't do that." Me:" For starters, I'm not your baby or babe. And second, why should I? You've been acting like a burte since you got here!" Michael:"Your point? So, I'm fallowing you after school." Me:"Why?" Michael:"Cause I don't know where your ass lives girl." Me:"And you never will!" Michael:"Come on. Please?" Me:"Fine." Michael:"Thanks, babe." I balled the paper up at his last words in the convo. I turned around and threw it at him. I turned back in my seat and went back to watching the rest of the movie. My life as shot to hell. Well, we're just partners...not like he's going to do anything stupid. The bell rung. Well, I guess my hell starts now. I gathered my books and started out the classroom with Michael fallowing me. Here we go. One day of school down...just a few hundred to go. & "So, this is your house?" Michael asked me as we started to my porch. "No. I'm just coming here to steal everything." I said as we made it to the door. I knocked on it and Halle opened the door. She saw Michael and smiled. She looked at me. "Wow, Danni," She started. "First day back and you already gotta boyfriend!" Michael chuckled. I blushed and glared at him. He shut up right away. I turned back to Halle and crossed my arms. She looked at me like I saw crazy. "What?" She asked me. "He's not my boyfriend. He's just a butthole I got partnered up with for a History project." I told her. "First day and already a project?" Halle said eyebrow raised. "Teachers a dick." Michael said. "I like him!" "HALLE!" She's not helping one bit. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Michael's hand and pulled him along with me. This is the most stupidest day ever! We made it to my room. I went to my bathroom I keep in there and started wash my make-up off. Michael was walking around my room looking at the pictures in there. He came across a picture of me, Holly, Halle, mom and dad from a few years ago when we were at the beach. We had someone take a picture of us near a tree. He sat on my bed and picked it up. I came out of the bathroom and found him holding the picture. I don't know why...I just freaked. "What are you doing?!" I sheriked. Michael jumped and turned to me still holding my picture. "I-I-" He stummered. I snatched the picture from him and turned to face him. I got up in his face. "Lets get one thing clear here! I don't want you touching my things, going near anything in my room! And I don't want your filthy hands fuckin' touching *points to the picture* THIS picture do you understand me, Jackson!? Do you!?" Michael slowly nodded his head. I sighed and place the picture back on the desk beside my bed. I turned to him. "Sorry, Michael. I just don't like people touching that picture...that's all." I told him feeling sorry. "It's alright...I understand." He said. I could tell he kinda didn't like being yelled at. He didn't fuss back...wow. We started working on the project. And I have to say, he isn't such a bad guy once you get to know him a little bit better actually. I learned something about him. Just like how my sister raises me, he raises his sister that's blind. I thought that was really cute. He's such a sweetie! "So, she's five?" I asked him. "Four. She'll be turing five a month from today." He said with a smile. I could see him being a great father one of these days. "Oh. That's cute. I'd like to meet her." I said. "Maybe you can." Michael said. "How?" "Tmrw, come with me to my house after school. Then you can see her." Michael smiled. "I gues...you know...I thought you were like this bad boy who doesn't give a fuck about anybody." I said. Michael's smile faded as he turned to me. Maybe saying that wasn't such a good idea. "What do you mean?" He asked sternly. "Michael, I mean when you came here today...you acted like a asshole towards everyone. And you acted totally perverted towards me...and now look at you, your acting totally normal!" I said. Michael just looked forward. "You would too if the only person that knows you is your sister." "Michael...don't you have parents that can help you out?" I asked him. "Nope." "What? Why not?" "C'mon, Mike...tell me?" "I said NO!" He snapped. I jumped back some. He was being so nice a while ago...now he's back to being mean. I just want to know what's wrong. "Look...thanks for having me here. I'll talk with you tmrw at my house." He said getting up. "Okay..." He walked out of my room. I heard the front door open and close. Holly came into my room a little later. "What was that for?" she asked me. "I'm not sure..." I said. And it was true, in a way. I don't really know what's wrong with Michael...why is he acting like that? What could have made him turn into that? To Be Continued... *I hope you all liked it :D I'll try to make a new part tonight or soon. Well, till then...BYE!*
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