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I Can't Make It Another Day **1**
*Hello MJ family. This is Halle! And here is part 1...finally. I still haven't gotten off school for Christmas break yet -_- Tomorrow is the last day. Then I will finally have time to write! YAY! Okay so dedicated to Michael Joseph Jackson. All for love, enjoy<3* The guy giggled and flashed the cutest smile. Me: *blushes* Oh sorry, *holds out my hand* Iâ??m Halle Connelly. ??: Pretty name. *shakes my hand* Iâ??m Michael Jackson. I started coughing and almost shaking. Me: You did just say Michael Jackson, right? Michael: Yes, I did. *smiles* He took off his sunglasses and pulled down his hoodie. Michael: See, itâ??s me! I blushed as he smiled at me. Michael: Dang girl, you sure do blush a lot. Me: *giggles* Sorry. Michael: So, how old are you? Me: Oh, getting personal I see. Michael: *smiles* Câ??mon, just tell me! Me: Iâ??m 19. Michael: Really? Me: Mhm, and you are too. Michael: Looks like I got a personal stalker. Me: Excuse me, but every fan of yours knows how old you are. Michael: I was just kidding. Me: Sure you were. I raised my eyebrows and glared at him. Michael: I was! Me: *smiles* Okay, I believe you. Michael: So Ms. Connelly, what were you doing in the Big Apple? Me: Oh okay stalker, um I was trying to get a job. Michael bit his bottom lip, which is the sexiest thing ever. Me: And so what were you doing Mr. Jackson? Michael: Filming a movie. *winks* Me: Oh, impressive. Michael: *shrugs his shoulders* I try. Me: *giggles* Michael: So you looked like you were in a rush. Forgot you had a plane to catch? Me: *rolls my eyes* Long story. Michael: We got time. *smiles* Me: *groans* Okay, Itâ??s not a long story at all. Michael: Than whyâ??d you say that? Me: I was hoping you wouldnâ??t make me say it. Michael: Câ??mon. Tell me! Me: *blushes* *mumbles* I was watching a TV show about you. Michael: *grins* What was that? Me: *speaks a little louder* I was watching a TV show about you. Michael: *giggles* Once more please. Me: *screams* I was watching a TV show about you! *covers my mouth* Oops. Michael: *acts all â??coolâ?* Thatâ??s what I thought you said. Me: *giggles* Michael smiled at me and I was getting hypnotized by his eyes. FA: *clears her throat* Excuse me, miss? I snapped back into reality and looks behind me. I noticed the flight attendant who had helped me earlier standing there. Me: Yes? FA: My name is Mady, can I get you anything? Me: No thank you, *looks at Michael* I got everything I need. *giggles* Michael blushed and he said he was good also. Mady left and me and Michael were â??aloneâ? again. Michael: All you need, huh? Me: *pinches his cheeks* Yes sir! Michael moved my hands away and smiled. Michael: No one has done that to me for years. Me: Oh really? Has anyone ever done this to you? My mind shut off for a second. I donâ??t know what happened. I leaned in and kissed him. What the hell, we just met! I was surprised when he actually started kissing back. I pulled away slowly and Michael had his eyes closed. Michael: No, youâ??re the first. I was shocked. I was his first kiss? Me: Youâ??re kidding, right? Michael opened his eyes and looked at me strange. Michael: No. Iâ??m dead serious. Me: *blushes* Iâ??m honored to be Michael Jacksonâ??s first kiss. Michael: Can I ask you something? Me: Sure, go for it. I reclined back in my seat and took a deep breath. Michael paused and he looked nervous. Me: Arenâ??t you gonna ask? Michael: Yeah, itâ??s weird to ask though. Me: As you would say, â??Câ??mon, tell me!â? A smile appeared on Michaelâ??s face and I could feel that he became even more comfortable around me. Michael: Am I a good kisser? I thought to myself. He was, but I want to mess with him. I made a disgusted face and shook my head. Me: Terrible. You need practice. Michaelâ??s face was priceless. Michael: Really? Me: *giggles* Nah, you were amazing. Michael: *sighs* What a relief. Me: Jeez, is it that important to ya? Michael: Well yeah, I donâ??t wanna be a bad kisser. What girl is attracted to a bad kisser? Me: I donâ??t know, *looks at him up and down* What girl is attracted to you anyway? Michael: I canâ??t tell if youâ??re being serious. Me: Iâ??m not. Youâ??re really handsome. Quite sexy as a matter of fact. *smiles* Michael: *giggles* I think someone has a crush on me. *winks* Me: Youâ??d like that wouldnâ??t you. Michael: Yeah I would. Me and Michael laughed. We started sharing stories about our lives and before you know it we seemed like weâ??d been friends for eternity. Time truly does fly when your having fun. 8 hours laterâ?¦ Me: *waking up* I rubbed my eyes and realized where I was. I was asleep on Michaelâ??s shoulder. Me: *shaking Michael* Get up. Michael: *groans* Jeez, okay Mom. Me: *giggles* Well, I could just leave you on the plane. Michael: *opens his eyes* You better not. Me: Well then hurry up! *grabs his hand* I yanked him up and I grabbed my bags. We walked off the plane into the airport together. We saw two limo drivers holding signs. One said â??Jacksonâ? the other â??Smithâ?. Me: *giggles* Well, I guess this girl doesnâ??t get no limo. *fake cries* Michael: You could say your name is Smith. *smiles* Me: *playfully pushes him* Thatâ??s wrong! I would never do such a thing. Michael: Come with me then! *smiles* Me: No, Iâ??ve bothered you enough for a day. Michael: Are you kidding me? I canâ??t get enough of you. *laughs* Please, let me give you a ride home. Me: Fine. All I could think about was another hour with Michael. Another hour of trying to hide the fact that I have the biggest crush on him.... ________________________________________________________________ Did we like it MJfam? I hope so ^_^ Well Merry Christmas everyone! I love you all. Love, halleeeeeeee(:
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