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a friend of mines *7*
sorry about how boring part 6 was. i should've added more but i fell asleep beside the computer.. silly me! well this chapter is going to be wayyy better. god bless!!!!! love you michael! and guys about the apple head thing it was something i heard from one of his cousins on youtube. sorry to add that.. sleepy people sometimes add un neccesary things..-caramel*leila* recap: i was driving my mom's lambo to head to Motown records. i arived 10 minutes later. i went to the front desk to see this girl sitting behind the desk. chewing gum and texting on her phone. me: umh excuse me umh i'm hear to visit mr.quency and michael jackson. may i please be told to what room and floor their on? girl:*stops texting and looking up* oh! i'm sorry. you must be miss Lopez. hi i'm alexandria. and their on the 3rd door in room 259. me:nice to meet you and thanks. alexandria: welcome. would you like for me to exscort you? me: if you're fine with it. alexandria: i am. me: well let's go. we take the elevator up to the 3rd floor and we are convosating about ourselves on the way. me: well how long have you been working here? alexandria:for a year. i'm Mr. Quency's neice. me: you are? alexandria: totally. me:wow. so do you like any of the jackson boys? alexandria:yeah. you? me:i'm michael's girlfriend. alexandria:wow!! that must be a pleasure. me: it is. so which one you like? alexandria: jermain. me:OMG!!! NO WAY!!?? Alexandria: yes way. i have always been shy to talk to him when he comes in. he's so cute. me: well how about this. before i leave here i'll get him to say something to you...okay? alexandria:*turning around hugging me before knocking on Quency's door* thank you very much friend. me: you're welcome. when we're done hugging, before she knocks on the door michael is standing at it leaning against the doorway. me: oh hey sweetie. michael:hey lovely one. Made a new friend?*smiling* me:*putting hands in my pockets* uh yeah. michael:well come in. me:*walking in* alexandria: umh i think i should be heading back to the front desk. no telling who else might show up. bye umh i never got your name? me; oh yeah. it's Milian. sorry. michael: seems that your uncle wants you to come in too. alexandria:ok. we go in and Jermain and Quency are laughing over something Marlon said. Quency: Hey Millie!!*getting up and hugs me* me: Hey Mr.Quency.*hugging back* Quency:*letting go*please call me quency. me:ok. quency:you've grown up real fast. haven't seen your father in a while. how is the family? me: well dad was gave the key to the city. and him and mom are great. sarah and david are older now. and michael's my lovely boyfriend. quency: that's great! michael is a very talented boy and kind of shy at moments but i gotta feeling that you 2 are meant to be. by the ways happy birthday millie. michael told me.. i thought it was tomorrow. sorry. me:quency it's fine don't panic okay? quency:ok. oh got you a present. *he pulls out of his desk a small red box and hands it to me* me:thank you.*opens box* in the box was a pair of diamond earrings. me:*shocked and hugging him tightly* OH! THANK YOU QUENCY! YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE!! quency; *laughing* i wanted to. and plus you're a very nice girl and i've known you since you were born. you're welcome. but do you think you can give me some air because i can't breathe.*giggles* me:*letting go* oh yeah. sorry. quency:it's cool. michael: baby i wanted to do something nice for you for your birthday.*turns me around to face him* i'm in love with you. you feel up my sky when it's grey. and all the old memories of us at the beach playing together. i want you to be my permanent girlfriend.*pulling out a small box* will you take this ring to be my permanent girlfriend? *guys don't think we're getting married. it's called a promise ring.* me:*eyes watering* yes michael! yes! *kisses him* michael: thank you. you don't know how much this means to me.*holding me in his arms* me: you're welcome. Quency,Marlon,Alexandria,and Jermain:*clapping* me:umh michael can i talk to Jermain for a minute? michael: go ahead. me:jermain. come outside the room with me for a minute please. *us going outside of the room* me:jermain, alexandria has a deep deep crush on you and she wanted me to talk to you. well she didn't wanna do it herself because she's shy around you. jermain: well i like her too. me: really? jermain: of course. i've been liking her since she started working here. me:well okay. talk to her today before you leave okay? jermain:okay. *we go back in the room to see Marlon on the floor* me: what happened to him? michael: he's acting retarded again.*crossing his arms* marlon:*raising his head* i'm not retar... hey Milian...*blushing* me: umh hey Marlon. why are you on the floor??*giggling* marlon: i was having another moment. michael: more like a retarded moment. marlon: shut up. quency: alexandria, you might know jermain from him signing in or something. but i wanted you to officially meet him. so alexandria this is jermain Jackson. jermain this is Alexandria Jones. alexandria: *looking down and blushing* ummmh.. hi. Jermain:*taking hand and lifting her head up* are you shy?*smiling* alexandria: yes.*still looking down* Jermain: don't be. i'm nice. i don't bite. if i did i would only bite Marlon.*staring into her light brown eyes* alexandria: how sweet*blushing* marlon:*just now understanding what jermain said* hey! i heard that. michael; pretty late aren't you? marlon:*rolling eyes. well trying to anyway* whatever. me:*giggling* quency: michael, you can leave now. you too marlon and milian. i'm about to go to the vending machine and get a quick snack. michael: ok Quency. bye.*grabbing my hand* me;bye. *giggling* Michael and i got out of Motown and skipped down to the parking lot like 2 little kids. michael:*looking at my mom's lambo* wow! you drove this here? me: uh yeah. now come on and get in! michael:*getting in and still shocked* ummh okay. we get in the car and one of Diana Ross's songs come on. me: i love Diana Ross!!*turning up the radio* michael: she's very incredible with her music. after singing the whole way to my house, i park the car and we go in the house. michael:*grabbing me* did you really mean yes when i gave you the promise ring? me: of course. why would you ask that knowing that i love you? michael; i don't know. i was just thinking making sure you meant it.*sitting on the couch* me:of course i did.*going to the kitchen* michael:*following me* did i tell you how nice you look today?*biting bottom lip* me: thank you. you look hot today.*taking birth control to stay on track and knowing what michael's plans are* michael:well maybe i need to be cooled off.*picking me up* me:*giggling* michael! really. i have feet. the cigaret burn been healed! i CAN walk! michael: not fast enough*laying me on the bed* let me please your body. it's calling only for me. me:*unbuttoning my shirt* i like when you're like this. he gets on top when we're all the way undressed. he goes in and it feels soooo good!! i relaxed and let him do what he wanted to. when it got to the real good part he climaxed inside of me as he went real fast. i was grabbing the sheets almost pulled them off the bed the way we were at it.i screamed and moaned. he moaned loud and stuff alot when he hit a good spot. when we were done, we layed in the bed looking at each other like that was great! until i got a call. me: hello? alexandria:hey milian. this is alexandria. me: how did you.....? alexandria:michael. ok. guess what? me:what. alexandria: Jermain asked me to come to his house tonight!!!!*excited* me:good for you!!!!!! is this what you wanted?! alexandria:yes. thank you for what you did. i really appreciate it. me;welcome. i'll call you later okay? alexandria:alright. bye!! me:bye!! michael: who was it? me: alexandria. she said you gave her my number. michael:*blushing*oh. right. sorry. me:it's okay.*sits on him with my legs wrapped around his waist with his dick in me* uuh! michael:*shaking a little because it feels so good the way i'm sitting on hhim* d-damn b-baby gir-l. give me more p-please. aah shit. aah! me:*rolling around on him* mmhhmm. delish.. TBC.......... SORRY IF IT'S TOO BORING.. PLZZ VOTE!- CARAMEL$
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