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Our "Thing" Part 22
It's been a long while since I've written though I hope I'll be updating asap. This goes out to everybody at MJSite and Michael Jackson. -norah *10 days earlier* While Michael had turned the other way, he eventually told Rae about him and Blaire. Rae: So you're no longer with her? Michael: She broke up with me because she insists she wants a boyfriend and not a dad. Rae: You must really care about her. Michael: I do but she can't possibly feel the same if she won't at least consider rehab. Rae: If it's of any condolence, she didn't deserve you. Michael: I can't help but feel like I hadn't done enough to help her. Rae: She'll soon realize she was crazy to let you go, I promise. *10 days later* Kendall: Okay, like get to the point!! Rae:*twirling around chair* I'm getting there. Kendall: Do you mind stopping that you're making me dizzy. Rae: I feel dizzy as it is. And always so sick. Kendall:*raises brow* Are you stalling the process of telling me or what, Green? *10 days earlier* Rae was already going through the dresses for the millionth time because well there was nothing that she particularly liked. Michael: Do you need help picking out what to wear? Rae:*sighs* No thanks. *slips on a really bright yellow dress* What do you think? Michael: You look good in anything. Rae:*blushing* Thank you. We should probably get back to the party. Michael: Do you ever think....*voice trails off* Rae: Do I ever think what? Michael: *shakes head and looks away* Nothing. Rae: That's not a nothing look and you know it. Michael: Do you ever imagine what life would be like if we were still together? *giggles* I know, crazy thought. Rae: It's not that crazy a thought. I'm sure life would be pretty much the way it was when we were seeing each other. Michael: Duh! Rae: *giggles* But it was nice, wasn't it? Michael: Yeah, it was. Clearly acting on impulse, he held her by the waist and kissed her. Michael:*backs away* I am so sorry really I am. Rae: It's okay no need to flip out. In fact it wasn't all that bad. At that she pecked him on the lips and it progessed into a really deep kiss. Holding on to her waist, Michael pinned her against the wall and let the kisses move down from her lips to her neck and collarbone. *10 days later* Kendall: *gasps* Wow! So you had sex with him hours after his untimely break up with Blaire. Rae: If you put it that way then I guess you might be right. Kendall: I might be right she says. Don't you feel like he did you just to get over Blaire? Rae: I hope not and no. He said- Kendall: He loves you? That's so original. Rae: That's not the point. For now. Kendall: Well there isn't anything wrong with what you did unless you use protection. Rae: Absolutely. Kendall: You said you feel dizzy and sick and- *gasps* You're pregnant, aren't you? Rae: You gotta help me, Kendall please. Kendall: You had a quicky and didn't use protection. I'm sure I'm helping by letting you know you are sooo dumb. Rae: Thank you for that Kendall really but I was thinking of you helping me make sure-*groans inwardly* What am I saying? Kendall: It's perfectly normal for pregnant ladies like yourself to talk out of their butts. Rae: Michael has his whole career ahead of him. Kendall: You guys are both 23, it's really not that bad. Rae: You're supposed to be helping. Kendall: Just tell the guy the truth, how hard can that be? Rae: That'll be an easy conversation. Besides, things have been great between us and I don't wanna change that. Kendall: Fine then. Get an abortion and kill a possible future leader or doctor or whatever. Or even better, try your best to hide a growing bump for nine months. Rae: I have to tell him, don't I? Kendall: Obviously. You know what? I'll be there with you. Rae:You don't need to be but thank you for listening.*leaves office* Late that night, Michael and Rae were watching old black and white movies. Michael: These are your favorites, why are you so quiet? Rae: Huh? Michael: That's seven questions I asked you today with no answer. You okay?*squeezes her hand* Rae: Yeah I'm okay. Michael took her chin in between his thumb and index finger to look at her face. Michael: You don't look okay. Rae: It's no big deal. Michael: It is if you're eating alot more than usual. Did you think I wouldn't notice? Rae: I can't help it if I'm hungry all the time. Michael:*sighs* I'll drop it for today but it doesn't mean I'm letting go that easily. TBC
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