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Dreams coming into reality 4
i love this story aha Gabbie Later on that night. Max:its not fair Kandance got to stay home and i didn't Mom:she was sick Max:yeah sure she was. Mom:Max when your sick i will let you stay home but until then your going to school Max:but when i was sick you still didn't let me stay home Mom:thats because you had a test and you needed to pass it Max:just because Kandance gets better grades then me doesn't mean anything Mom:yes it does bring home a A+ test then i might let you stay home Me:yeah but we all know with that little brain of his that will never hapen Max:shut up. Me:make me Max:~puts his hand over my mouth~ Me:eww thats digusting! max:got you to shut up didn't it me:im gona ughh Max:~runs off~ Me:you know what i think Mom:what? ME:you should have just closed up your factory and bought a dog it would have been less work that that pin head we got mom:ohh you know you love your brother Me:sure.im getting tired i think im gonna sleep Mom:you been sleep all day and its only 8:00 Me: i know im just really tired goodnight ma. Mom:night. Dreaming. Me:~calling Alecia back~ Alecia:hello Me:hey sorry about earlier Alecia:ha its alright hey you wanna meet me and Michael at the park? Me:which one? Alecia:the one right next to the school Me:oh that one ok ALecia:ok see you there Me:bye. Park. Me:where is Michael? Alecia:who knows with that boy Me:`~laughs~ Alecia:can i ask you something Me;sure whats up? alecia:do you like Michael? Me:what? Alecia:do you like Michael? Me:umm I don't know i mean he's cute Alecia:oh i was just asking because he likes you Me:he does? i mean He does? Alecia:yeah so that means you like him back Me:ok i do like him he's so cute and sweet Alecia:you should ask him out. Me:no im too nervous too alecia:you both really like eachother so you both belong together Me:im shy though Alecia:don't be just ask him there he is now go,go Me:ok,ok ~walks up to Michael~hey Michael Michael:hey Kandy Me:is that my nickname? Michael:yep i made it up earlier Me:haha i like it Michael:i was hoping you was going to Me:haha Michael can i ask you something? Michael:sure Me:would you like to ~freezes~ Michael:Kandy? hello ~waves infront of me~ Me:i'm sorry i can't do this Michael:Do what? Me:ask you out im to nervous too Michael:you want to ask me out? Me:yes because i really,really,really like you Michael:i really like you too,Kandy do you wanna go out with me? Me:~slient~ Michael:Kandy? Alecia:say yes fool. Me:yes! Michael:~smiles~now were boyfriend and girlfriend Me:yup. Alecia:hey you two. Me:we better start working on that project Alecia:you know what i'll get another partner you two work on it together Me:No you can stay Alecia:no thats ok Me:well if you want to Alecia:ok bye guys have fun Michael:~whispers to Alecia~ thank you Alecia:no promblem. Me:you two must be best friends Michael:we are Alecia was the first person i met when i came to this school Me:same here Michael: where are you from? Me:Atl Michael:oh cool i been there before Me:yeah you know what i always wanted ? Michael:what? Me:for you to sing for me acapella Michael:since were going out i think i can grant that wish Me:OMG Michael:what song? Me:i wanna be where you are Michael:ok~starts singing~ Can it be i stayed away to long? did i leave your mind when i was gone? its not my thing trying to get back but this time let me tell you where im at. you don't have to worry cause im coming Back to where I should have always stayed And now Iâ??ve heard the maybe to your story And itâ??s enough love for me to stay Can it be I stayed away too long Did I leave your mind when I was gone Itâ??s not my thing trying to get back But this time let me tell you where Iâ??m at I wanna, wanna be where you are Anywhere you are I wanna, wanna be where you are Everywhere you are Me:OMG im gonna cry Michael: please don't cry Me:you don't know how much i wanted you to sing for me Michael:well i guess i just made that come true Me:~hugs him~ thanks Michael Michael:~looking at me~ Michael was looking at me i was looking back at Michael he leaned in to kiss me but right when were were about to touch i had to pee.DAMN!!!!!!!! i ran to the bathroom then ran back to my room i tried to go back to sleep but i couldn't because i slept all day.DAMN and i really wanted to finish what was gonna happen next DAMN,DAMN,DAMN Part 5 comin next
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