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Hold My Hand: Part 9
*Hey It's Mary Cait, I hope you guys like the new part to this story. And I'm making a new one as we. Not really alot to tell actually, but I hope you all enjoy this part and well, here we go! :D Enjoy <3 ~Mary Cait:3* *Jermaineâ??s point of view* I really donâ??t know how I did this, but I ended up being a crew member for Captain Michael Jackson, known as one of the worst pirates in the seas. I sighed to myself. Now I have to deal with other pirates that came aboard this ship. I turned my attention to young Reina, her life as been hellâ?¦just like Mariah. These girls, they arenâ??t like any you would think you see around here all the time. Some wouldnâ??t even think of going aboard a pirate ship for anything. They want revenageâ?¦and I donâ??t blame them. Reina, sheâ??s been effected more. I guess it sucks when your cousin has to raise you. We all stood with weapons just in case those pirates did anything funny. The captain of the ship made his way over to Reina and Mariah. The grip Mariah had a Reinaâ??s small shoulders, itâ??s a grip that tells me sheâ??s scared. I gripped my sword as he walked more to them. Barbosa: What say ye boys know about those pirates. Reina: They took my motherâ?¦ Barbosa: Aye I see. Ya want to know about those demon pirates donâ??t you? They nodded their heads. Barbosa started walking the other way. Then he started telling the tail of these so called demon pirates. Barbosa: Those pirates were not your ordinary day old pirates. They were at once, but thatâ??s before they stole cursed treasure. And do to that, they turn to the undead when they are expose to moonlight. Now, you want to know about them when they attack Port Royal 13 years ago, well, me father told me about that. I never paid mind to all the stories about the pirates that I wasnâ??t aiming on taking over. But he told me, that they were looking for a women with the bloodline that could get rid of the curse. The blood line of a Harris. They heard tell of that women they kidnapped all those years ago was indeed a Harris. They raided the village, silently looking for her. They came across one house, a house they heard music being playing. Like from a grand piano. So they kicked in the door to see this beautiful women holding a newborn baby girl. She screamed and rain up the stairs. They fallowed her. She ran into the room where the music had stopped, but that didnâ??t stop them. They kicked the door down to see there was another girl there. She held the baby in her arms about to go out the window. Knowing the eldest might tell on them, the captain shot at them. The bullets he fired hit the small child on her right shoulder and leg, not sure which. But she got away, with the baby. Some of his crew was about to head for the girls, but the captain stopped them. He thought they had all they need. So they kidnapped her. And people say, the little girls want revange on them. But who will believe two girls will get the that over pirates. Just then Mariah does something I couldnâ??t even explain why. Mariah: Why donâ??t you try to understand from our point of view. Weâ??re stronger then we look you know. Barbosa turned around to her yet again. Barbosa: What are ye talking about? Mariah: William and I are those girls you were talking about. Barbosa: Thatâ??s impossible. Mariah: No. Then look at this. She pushed down the shoulder of her shirt on the right shoulder to see a burn mark that only a bullet could leave, then pulled up her left pants leg to see another one like that. I could see a faint one on her cheek like it went through the same thing before, but you couldnâ??t tell. Everyone gasped looking at that. Barbosa got close to where he was in her face. Reina looked as if she could kill him if she wanted to. And I know she did. Barbosa: Tell me. Whatâ??s your name lass? Mariah: Mariah. Thatâ??s my name. Barbosa: Mariah, what? She looked down as if she was regretting what she was about to say. Mariah: My name isâ?¦*Looks up* Mariah Harris. To Be Continued *Well, I'm going back to my old writing way. It makes it more quicker. I hoped you all enjoy, till then BYE! :D*
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