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Amber and Michael (pt.3)
These few chapters take place in the "Bad" era. ------------------------------------------------------- A few weeks later it was agrument after argument after agrument. Amber: "Michael, you never spend time with me or pay attention to me!!" All of a sudden, the phone rangs. Michael: "I got it!!" He answers the phone. Michael: "Hello?" ???: This is your ex Michael: "Ok, why are you calling me Miyah" Miyah: "Aw, baby you know why" Michael: *click* Michael: "Back to us" Amber: "The best thing for us- Michael: "Is to see other people?" Amber: "Michael, I'm fustrated right now i don't wanna continuously arguing with you" I already have an headache" Michael was so tempted to kiss her but, he knew it wouldn't make the situation any better. Michael: "Amber, I can't let you go" Amber: (sighs) Michael, it's the best..you wanna argue or be happy?" Michael: "Is that a rhetorical question?" Amber: "Ugh, Michael I'm being serious" Michael: "I know- (Amber cuts him off) Amber: "Bye Michael" Michael: "But..I love you" Amber: (walks out the door with everything that hers) Michael starts softly singing "She's out of My life". Amber left to her mom's house. Amber: "Mom, I'm done with Michael" Mom: "Omg why? ya'll made such a cute couple" Amber: "Mom, don't say that" Mom: It's true hunny" Amber: (starts crying a little) "I broke up with him because he been too busy for me and I got so fustrated...I need some medication" Mom: (laughs a little) (gets up and get medecine) Amamda comes out the back room. Amanda: "Hey sista!" Amber: "Hi" Amanda: "I thought you lived with Michael?" Amber: "I DID but now I DON'T cuz we broke up" Amanda: "Aw sis" *With Michael* (his point of view) Amber left me, Miyah's been calling me, and I have pain in my chest for no reason. Am i missing Amber that bad?? Do I need to move on?? I think so. I called a girl that I saw somehwere and immediately she came to my house. Her name was Jazmine. Jazmine: (kissing Michael) Michael: (Kissing Jazmine) *With Amber* (back to her Point of view) My mom came in the living room with some medecine. Amamda: "What's wrong with you A" Amber: (taking the medicine) "Just a little headache...that's it" Mom: "The phone is ringing" Amber: "I'll get it" Amber: Hello?" ???: "Stay away from Michael, you hear me?" Amber: "Who is this??" ???: "This is Miyah Michael's girlfriend we were dating since "Thrller" Amber: "But...then...that must mean...then you..but how?" Miyah: "He was obviously cheating on you with me" Amber dropped the phone with anger and went to Michael's houuse. Amber: (bangs on the door) Michael stops kissing Jazmine and opened the door. Michael: "AMBER?" Amber: "Don't "Amber" me you cheater! Michael: "What are you talking about?" Amber: "You cheated on me with Miyah?" Michael: "No" Amber: "So, now your calling me a liar??" Michael: "Amber, I- Amber: "Save it" Amber walks away furiously to her mom's house. Mom and Amanda: "Christmas Party!" Amber: *mumbles* Freaks Amanda: It'll be fun..cuz' mom ain't goin'" Mom: "Fine, I'll just stay here and do nothing" Amber: *mumbles* You do that anyway" Mom: "What was that?" Amber: "Um..nothing" Amanda and Amber go to the pack room and get ready for the Christmas party. *with Michael* Michael: (pulls away) Jazmine, I can't be with you anymore" Jazmine: "Fine Michael" (walking out) Michael realizes to call Amanda. *With Amber* Amanda phone rings. Amanda: "Hello?" Michael: "This is Michael" Amanda: "Oh Hey" Michael: "Ok, you can't tell Amber we dated...God she's gonna kill me..I'm such a cheater" Amanda: "I feel bad" You going to the Christmas party?" Michael: "Yeah, Cuz' my brothers going and stuff" Amanda: "Ok, this is a secret, ok?"\ Michael: "Ok" *click* Amber: "Who was that?" Amanda: (lying) A friend I met" Amber: "Oh...(straightening her hair) Amanda was ready, so was Amber. They kiss their Mom and left out the door and arrvied to the party. Amber: "Beautiful" Amanda: "I know" Everyone stopped and stared, even Michael's brothers. Michael obviously didn't arrive yet. If he did he would be starin' to. Someone pulled Amber to dance and it was Jermaine. Amanda danced with Randy. Amber: "Um, Jermaine, what are you doin'?" Jermian: "Just play along" Amber: "Ok" Michael finally arrived and saw me dancing with Jermiane. Jeaously was opon him. Michael came with Miyah. Amber: *to herself* Miyah?" I left Jermaine to run in the back somewhere, I quickly grabbed Amanda. Miyah: "Michael, come dance" Michael: "I don't wanna show off" Miyah: "Idc" Michael: "Fine" They started dancing. Jermaine came to see what the deal was. Jermaine: "Amanda, Michael's girlfriend right?" Amber: "What?" Jermaine: Well, last week they were hugging kissing you name it" Amber: "But...he was..and i was...CHEATER!! Amanda: "I could explain!!!" Amber: (crying and goes find Michael) walks over to Michael..irritated face came upon Miyah's face. Amber: "THIS IS HOW YOUR GONNA PLAY ME? Michael: "Oh God, you found out about- Amber: "Michael, how could you?" Michael: "No,Amber listen...i'm going insane, We were agruing..things got bad- Amber: "So you decide to cheat on me?" Michael: (doesn't know how to explain) Amber walks away Michael follows. Michael has her pinned up against the wall. Amber: "Get away from me...don't touch me, don't even look at me!" Michael: "I'm sorry" Amber: "SORRY? Do you know how bad I wanna throw you on the ground and hurt you? Kick you, slap you, punch you, and so much more" Michael: (lays on the ground) "There" Hurt me" Amber: "YOUR NOT EVEN WORTH IT!" Michael:"I SAID SORRY, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!" Amber: "I WILL MURDER YOU! Michael: "RIGHT BACK AT YA'" Amber: "YOUR SUCH A BUTTHOLE! Michael: "LIKE YOU AREN'T!" Amber: "OH, SHUTUP!! Michael:"MAKE ME!!!" Amber: "OH, I'LL MAKE YOU ALRIGHT!!" Michael: (gets closer to her face) "Amber,I miss these funny agruments we used to have" Amber: (getting closer to his face) "Me to" Michael: (pulls her in for kiss) What will Amber's recation be to the kiss?? What will happen??
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