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Just wasn't meant to be Part 5
Hey hers part 5 hope you guyz enjoy and this it dedicated to everyone on this site and the one and only Michael Jackson :-) Love, Stormi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recap:Michael pulled me to the side saying he wanted to talk to me. Me:what is it? Michael:(sounding upset)what was that about? Me:what was what about? Michael:don't play dumb with me stormi! Me:michael what are you talking about? (folding my arms) Michael:you kissed him! Me:sshh people are gonna here you! And so why do you care? Michael:you know why I care me:(sighing)I thought we agreed we weren't gonna bring this up anymore Michael:well...still you shouldn't just go around kissing guys you don't even know that well! Me:Michael! What are you talking about? I knew Anthony ever since I was a little girl! And he is not just "some guy" to me ok,I went out with him for two years,so what if I kissed him! Has it ever crossed your mind that I still like him? Michael:I...umm..I didn't know all that me:well know you do Michael:well let's just go outside and pretend this didn't happen k? Me:(smiling)k let's go So me and Michael went outside and it was still packed.Anthony came up to me and Michael. Anthoy:(looking at me) are you ok? Me:(smiling) yes I am Anthony:(looking at Michael but still talking to me) ok me:let's dance,Michael go dance with Stephanie go have fun or something Michael:sure thang (walking away smiling) Anthony:let's go (grabbing my hand and going to the dance floor) We danced for what seemed like ever.My sister came up to me. Stephanie:I'm gonna go home I have a headache from all the dancing and music me:aww ok anthony:I can give you a ride home I was just about to leave anyways Stephanie:(smiling) sure thanks kid (laughing) Anthony:haha that was so funny I forgot to laugh (being sarcastic) So Anthony and Stephanie left home but the party was still going on.I got thirsty so I went to get some water.Someone put there hands on my eyes. Person:guess who me:umm....Michael? Person:yea! (letting go) me:dude your crazy (giggling) michael:(chuckling)I know I'm crazy for you me:(playfully puching him) oh shut up michael:(nagging my arm)c'mon come dance with me me:I'm tired Michael:(whyning)c'mon please I'm lonely,come dance with me pleaaase me:(looking around)fine! Michael:(smiling)great c'mon (pulling my hand) Me and michael danced and danced and danced,no one was paying attension to us because everyone else was dancing.Me and Michael were kinda dancing dirty there was a lot of bumping and grinding but I just looked at it as dancing.I must admit I liked it,ALOT.After awhile people started leaving,around 1:00 in the morning everyone left. Michael:you want a ride home? Me:no it's ok I'm spending the night here michael:ok,well do you need a ride home tomarrow? Me:ummm...sure why not michael:(smiling)so what time do you want me to come? Me:say around 11:00 in the afternoon Michael:okay I'll see you later (hugging me)bye Me:(hugging him back)bye Michael left and I went up to amy's room.When I got in there Amy was laying on here bed with her eyes closed.I jumped on top of her. Amy:(screaming)oh my god you scared me! Me:(laughing and getting off of her)that was funny Amy:(playfully hitting me)shut up,so what happend with you and michael? Me:nothing why? Amy:I heard you guys yelling at eachother me:oh my god were we that loud? Amy:no I was just in the next room (chuckling) me:oh hush up Amy:so what happened? Me:well Michael saw me and Anthony kiss and he wanted to know why we kissed Amy:wait,wait,wait you and Anthony kissed?! Me:yea Amy:woah,you don't sound happy,why not? Me:(shrugging my shoulders) i mean I think he's cute but I don't like him like that anymore Amy:but when you and Michael were yelling at eachother I heard you say (imitating me)"has it ever crossed your mind I still like him" me:I said that out of frustration,that doesn't mean I still like him Amy:if you say so,and what was up with you and michael dancing all up on eachother? Me:I don't I was just dancing Amy:girl your crazy (smiling)that's your sisters man! Me:I know,I know, we were just dancing (innocent smile) Amy:(giggling) whatever let's go to sleep I'm tired (yawning) me:me to So we went to sleep I was really looking forword to seeing Michael again the next morning.Who knows maybe I do have feelings for him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TBC.... Ugh I know it sucked but please vote :D
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