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Hold My Hand: Part 7
*Hey it's Mary Cait :D I had this part to the story done last night, and I was surprised I did that actually lol Well, here is the new part to the story I hope you all like this part. It's not gonna be a great part, but I hope it's a little better. This goes out to all of you and Michael :) Enjoy <3 ~Mary Cait:3* -*Still Reinaâ??s Point Of View*- If I was ever happy to see Mariah, this would be one of them. She was the one to burst open the door that held Jackson. Oh, this should be good! She picked up her dress and walked down the stepsâ?¦or what was left of her dress reallyâ?¦ Mariah: There are some low minded, un-Godly, perverted men that lives on this island! And I would be damned if I chose to live on this piece of rock! Jermaine: *Whispers in my ear* Is she always like this? Me: If only you knew her. Mariah: *Sees me* Reina, your alright! Me: No. Iâ??m just dead and your seeing my ghost, Mariah. Mariah: Haha. You and your jokes. Me: *Curtsies* I try. Mariah: Well. *Sighs**Places her hands on her hips* Anyways, whereâ??s the idiot of a captain of ours? Michael: *From behind the door* Close the door and you will see where I am. Mariah: *Jumps a bit* She went over to the door and closed it like Jackson said. She saw him hanging by the swords I put through his arm sleeves. I giggled. She turned to Jermaine. Mariah: DID YOU DO THIS! *Starts taking Jackson down* Jermaine: Noâ?¦I- Mariah: THEN WHO DID! Jermaine: *Points to me* Mariah: Right.. Iâ??ll believe a dragon who eats little sheep is real before I believe that my cousin did this. Michael: Then you best start believing then, Love. Mariah: Why? God, please donâ??t tell me a 13-year-old did this to you?! Michael: She has a pretty big temper I shall tell you that much, puppet. Mariah: You call me puppet once again, Michael, and I'll leave you hanging here. Michael: Alright. Alright, Iâ??ll stop. Mariah: See to it that you do. When Jackson was finally down, we all began to talk with Jermaine. We found out that he was the son to one of the most famous pirates out there. I looked at Jackson. He seemed to have this look on his face that made me wonder what in the world was this man thinking. I knew it couldnâ??t be goodâ?¦and it couldnâ??t be bright. Let us put it in those terms as well. What? I just donâ??t like him. Thatâ??s allâ?¦ *Shrugs* Well, somehow or another, we got a new crew member. And in my words, I think I might like Jermaine actually. Not quite sure how, but Iâ??m sure I will. We made it back to the ship just in time before the crew did. YES! Mariah and I made it back into our men clothes. Strange, I feel more comfortable in these clothes then in my dress. I guess because Iâ??ve grown so much use to these clothes, that I donâ??t care for my dress anymore. One of those things I canâ??t understandâ?¦even about my own self. Oh, well. We went about our business when the crew came back on. They were shock to see Jermaine, but I can tell theyâ??ll get use to them. Iâ??m just surprised how Jermaine actually joined since he said he hates pirates, like me and Mariah. But I guess weâ??re all odd in our own special way that is. It was that same night, I guess Jackson put me on watch because heâ??s still mad about the whole pinning him to the door thing I bet. I walked on the deck to see Jermaine sitting there looking across from the railing. I walked over and stood beside him staring out into the sea also. It was silent between us actually. I thought it was going to stay that way until he finally spook to me. Jermaine: So, youâ??re a pirate. Me: More the lessâ?¦yes. Jermaine: You seem a bit to young to be one. Me: Iâ??m 13. Jermaine: Still young. Why in the world would you want to become a pirate? Me: That lovely cousin of mine that thought you pinned Jackson to the door with your swords. Jermaine: *Chuckles* Me: What? Jermaine: You rhymed, Reina. Me: Very funny. Jermaine: You donâ??t have that much of a sense of humor do you? Me: More the less. Jermaine: Thatâ??s not normal for a 13-year-old child. Their normally all happy and everything. But, you on the other hand, are not. Me: If you knew my life, youâ??ll know why Iâ??m not all happy like most kids you see going around here smiling and laughing like they do. Jermaine: I can see why. What happened? Me: Has something to do with pirates. And why me and my cousins are with these low life pirates. Jermaine: I see. We were silent again. I thought maybe telling him wouldnâ??t hurt, would it? I turned to him, and with a fake smile and a long sigh I said: Me: Alright, you wanna know about me and my cousin, Iâ??ll tell you. Jermaine: Alright. Spill it. Me: Well, it all started when I was really youngâ?¦ A baby I think, it was like any normal day, Mariah in her room playing on the piano. Her parents were killed when she was a young child. And she said my mother was feeding me. I can remember the song that Mariah was playing, because that would always get me to sleep when I was to stubborn to go to sleep. She would play that note, and everything would be okay. Anyway, as she was doing so and my mother was feeding me. Mariah said there was a loud crash and my screams of terror as she was making her way through the door to downstairs, my mother was already there while she was getting up. She came in, told her some thingsâ?¦then she gave me to her. I donâ??t remember much, only what Mariah said what happened next. But because of those pirates, she has to bullet marks on her shoulder and her leg from where the burnt marks happened. Then she said she jumped from the window and ran down the stair well. She made it to the portâ?¦*Clutches the railing* And then she saw my mother screaming on a boat of pirates that attacked our island. After that, I never really smiled growing up as a childâ?¦Mariah raised me. And thatâ??s why I never want her to get hurt, and why I never want her to get hurt. I donâ??t care what happens to meâ?¦just as long as sheâ??s safeâ?¦.Iâ??ll be alright. So, thatâ??s why weâ??re here. To get revenge on that certain crew of pirates. We know their still out there, weâ??ve heard storiesâ?¦and we wonâ??t stop still we get revenge on them. Thatâ??s why we joined Jacksonâ??s crew. Not our best choice, but I had no say in it. It was all Mariah. Jermaine: I can see where your coming from. And I wish the best of luck to you. *Pats my back* But I want you to know. The pirates your talking about, they take anyone and anything down without giving it a second thought. Grown adults or children. They take anything down. I fear for your safety along with your cousin. Me: Thanks. Jermaine: Your welcome. I was wonderingâ?¦when we make a next stop- Me: *Raises a eyebrow* Yes? Jermaine: Why donâ??t we see if I can by you a sword, and you and I can practice. Me: Really!? Jermaine: Indeed. I think you have the potential of being a great sword fighter. Me: *Blushes* Thanksâ?¦ Jermaine: Welcome. Well, you better get some rest. Me: Canâ??t. Iâ??m look out. Jermaine: Heâ??s getting you back for the sword thing? Me: Yup. Jermaine: Wellâ?¦good luck! *Runs off* Me: Hey! At least you can help me! *Chases after him* Jermaine: I canâ??t! Me: Why not! Jermaine: Not my job! We need this for a few more minutes till I finally caught him by jumping on his back. We shared a laugh till we heard what sounded like the water moving towards us. We looked and saw another pirates ship coming our way! I jumped off Jermaine and started calling everyone to wake up. Wellâ?¦Mariah and I asked to be pirates, and I guess we gotta face the facts of what real pirates have to do. And I guessâ?¦this is one of them. Iâ??m just wondering are we all ready for this! To Be Continued *Well, I thought I stop it there :) Till next time everyone! BYE!*
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