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Just wasn't meant to be Part 2
Hey here's the second part I hoped you guys liked the first part and this is dedicated to Halle because she was the first person to compliment me on this story :) so I hope you guys enjoy! Love, Stormi ___________________________________ Recap:I called my friends over to my house to see Michael,and I said he was hot and he heard me. I got off the phone I opened my bedroom door I looked up and saw Michael. Me:(jumping back)oh you scared me michael:(giggling) I'm sorry I was just..uuh..looking around the house me:(raising an eyebrow)umm ok then (walking away then turning back) oh hey Michael:(looking at me) yea? Me:my friends are coming over right now,would you like to meet them? Michael:(smiles) sure that sounds great me:(smiles) k I walk downstairs and I look out my window and I see Mariah,Amy,and jasmine Mariahs sister.I run outside before they could come in cause they love Michael Jackson and I wanted to make sure they wouldn't freak out. Me:(catching up to them) Mariah:you ok? Me:yea but before you guys meet him I want to make sure you guys don't freak out jasmine:why would we freak out? Me:you'll see, come on let's go We started walking to my front door I opened it and I heard Michael and stephanie laughing in the kitchen.So we walked in michaels back was facing us. Me:ahem. Michael and stephanie turned around and looked at me.I turned and looked at amy, Mariah and jasmines face it was priceless. Me:you guys I want you to meet Michael,Michael I want you to meet Jasmine,Amy,and Mariah Michael:(holding out his hand for them to shake)it's nice meeting you guys Mariah:(shaking his hand) you to (turning around and looking At me mouthing "oh my god") me:(giggling) Amy and jasmine:(shaking his hand) me:ok well we'll leave you to alone (to the girls) let's go to my room them:k Once again I could feel Michael staring at me,I turned around and I saw him look away fast I giggled again.When we got to my room we started talking. Jasmine:damn your sisters lucky as hell me:I know mariah:he's even hotter in person us:laughing Amy:stormi I have an Idea you should have a big party for your birthday,We can have it at my house I have a big ranch we can invite a bunch of people and have a DJ we will decorate it and it would be so much fun Mariah:we should totally do that me:yea and no adults allowed! Us:(laughing) me:Amy ask your parents Amy:I already did they said yea me:wait how would you know I would want this? Amy:I just know (smiling) So we made invetations for my party since it was Friday.We invited the whole entire school,see we weren't stuck up or anything like that we talked to everybody and had no problems with anyone so everyone liked us.Later on they went home and I went downstairs and seen Michael. Me:where's my sister? Michael:she went to the store really fast me:oh ok (I sat on the couch) michael:(sitting next to me) umm so tell me about you,how old are you? Me:well um I'm 16 gonna be 17 next month(smiling) michael:(thinking damn she's sexy for a 16 year old)that's cool Me:yup...how old are you? Michael:23 me:oh cool (akward silence) so umm how long have you known my sister? Michael:umm about 2 years. Me:that's cool (another akward silence) umm I'm thirsty I'm gonna go get something to drink,you want anything? Michael:no I'm good (smirking) me:ok? So I walked to the fridge and I was looking on the bottom shelf for a water bottle.My butt was sticking up in the air,I didn't think nothing of it because I thought Michael was in the other room.I could feel someone watching me so I turned around and saw michael.He was staring at my butt and bitting his lip.I quickly stood up. Me:uuuh what are you doing? Michael:oh uuuh I'm sorry...I was just...uuh umm me:(smiling)it's ok don't be embarssed Michael:(blushing)I'm sorry me:it's ok It was kinda akward but then stephanie came in. Me:(releived)Stephanie your back! Stephanie:yea 3 weeks later..... It's one week away from my party and I picked out a dress and everything.Michael had been coming to my house every single day,and it's fun having him around he's actually pretty funny.So today I took home my dress I was wearing it the bottom of it was black then there is a little strap seperatting the top half and bottom half the stap was white then the top half was pink,It was really cute.When I got Home my sister and Michael were there,me and michael always flirted but now around my sister I thought he was kinda cute but I kept telling myself "no stormi stop he's with your sister".My sister had told me to go try on the dress so I did.I thought I looked pretty good it really hugged my curves,I liked it.So I went downstairs and michaels eyes went so big. Me:so what do you guys think? (bitting my bottom lip) Stephanie:oh my god stormi you look beautiful in that dress! Me:really? Michael:yea! It looks GREAT on you (smiling) me:(blushing)thanks,well I'm gonna go change back into my regular clothes. Stephanie:ok I have to go back to work for the night,Some ones coming in for a late recording session (kissing Michael and then hugging me) Michael:if you want I could spend the night with stormi to like watch her so you don't have to worry Stephanie:well if stormi doesn't mind (looking at me) me:no I don't mind (smiling and looking down) Stephanie:well ok then goodnight you guys Stephanie left then I went to put on my pjs.Michael knocked on my door. Me:come in Michael:(looking around my room) nice room me:thanks Michael:(sitting on my bed) so umm...what should we do? Me:I don't know Michael:do you know how dance? Me:what? Michael:well your parties coming up and don't you wanna know how to dance? Me:yea I guess so Michael:ok come here( ge grabbed my hand pulling me off my bed) let's start off with fast music me:ok So me and Michael danced it was so much fun,we were laughing and then a slow song came on.I looked up at Michael. Michael:ok put your arms on my shoulders me:(putting my arms on his shoulders) Michael:ok like that (then he out his arms around my waist) I put my head on michaels chest and were dancing the song soon was over. Michael:that was fun (looking at me) me:yea (looking down) michael:(lifting up my chin then started kissing me) I was kissing him back I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help myself,we weren't making out we were just kissing.I could feel his hands moving around my back.Then I heard my door open but I wasn't paying attension. Person:OH MY GOD!!! _____________________ Tbc.. Sorry it was long but I hoped you guys enjoyed it,if you want more please vote :)
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