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Hold My Hand: Part 4
*Hey, it's Mary Cait :3 I'm glad you all are enjoyin' this story so far. I'll work on my other stories soon, just thought about getting some of this story done with right fast. Well, this goes out to everyone on here and everyone who likes this story, and also, Michael! :3 Enjoy! ~Mary Cait:3 <3* -*Michaelâ??s Point Of View*- I didnâ??t trust Harris from the first time I saw him. I could tell by the first time him and Reina came to sign up for my crew, there was something wrong with him. I just let it slide while we went along. The other thing that made me more curious of Harris was when those idiots were attacking him and his â??sisterâ? he didnâ??t even know what to do, he looked more helpless as Reina did. When I asked him to pick up the sword, he hesitated and then picked it up, while if I asked someone else to pick it up, they would get the hint before I could even ask. But I had to say it to him. And last night, when I wanted him to tell me about how he wanted to be a pirate, most never want to tellâ?¦but he was. I sighed. And then when I patted his shoulder, I grabbed the necklace around â??hisâ? neck without â??himâ? knowing it. Before I went to my cabin, I heard Harris singing a song to Reina. He didnâ??t have a males voice, but a female type voice while singing. I had to get to the bottom of it. So, here we are. Me standing over the railing that I pushed Harris over. Everyone yelling at me because I was crazy for doing that. I looked to Reina, she had hate in her eyes looking at me. She came over to me and started hitting my chest with her arms. She small, but I must say, her fist hit pretty hard. Reina: You awful, awful man! Your going to kill him! He canâ??t swim! Wilson: Captain, you just canâ??t leave him there!? Me: No fraid my friends, Iâ??m only doing this so the lad will learn to swim. Reina: *Looking over the rail* Oh, heâ??ll learn to swim like that! I turned my attention to what she was saying, and to my horrorâ?¦Harris was sinking rather then floating up. I took off my hat, cloak, and my boots, gave them to Reina and jumped into the water to save Harris. As I was swimming, I saw his hat in front of me floating up. I looked down, and my curiousness paid off, he was a she! Harris is a girl! A women! I swam down deeper to get her when I saw her eyes closing. I finally got to her, oddly, her hair was pretty shortâ?¦mostly I believe that is why she would be mixed with a man. But, she was beautiful at that. I grabbed her around the waist and started to swim up. I grabbed her hat, why let them find her out now. I swam back up and placed her hat back on her head. Wilson had flung down a ladder for me and her. I swam to it quickly and grabbed a hold of it. I flung her over my shoulder and made my way up the ladder. I got on the deck and laid Harris down gently. Reina came over and started hitting me yet again. Iâ??ll make a note about that. Reina: *Hitting me* Do something! Heâ??s turning blue! Me: *Stopping her* Stop hitting me, William! Reina: I will when you save him, Jackson! Me: Thatâ??s Captain Jackson to you! Reina: Yeah, you gotta earn me calling you Captain! Me: You know what- Wilson: Sir- Me: What!? Wilson: Andrewâ?¦ Me: Oh-OH! I turned back to Harris and started pumping on his chest. Yup, Harris is a girl alright. Donâ??t think about that Jackson, think about saving her at the moment! I got done with her chest; pumping it I mean! I went to her lips and started blowing into her mouth. I did this time after time going back and forth from her lips to pumping on her chest. She finally came around when I stopped pumping her chest one last time and was going for her lips. She coughed up the water. Once she was done, she looked at me with a look that could shudder any man. She sat on her knees and pushed me back. Harris: You idiot! You could have killed me! I told you I couldnâ??t swim! *Looks to Reina* Give me that! *Snatches my hat from her* Me: What are you doing? She went over to the rail that I had pushed her off and held my hat over it. She wouldnâ??t! Me: You wouldnâ??t!? Harris: DO you want to try me! You nearly bloody killed me! Me: THAT doesnâ??t mean the hat has to suffer! Harris: TRY. Me! She let one of her fingers go and everyone went to her, including Reina. I knew what she wanted me to say. I rolled my eyes. Me: Alright! Alright! *Breaths in**Breath out**Looks at her* Iâ??m sorry for pushing you over board, Lad. I was trying to help you out with your fear of the seas, but I only made it worst. Harris: You think!? Me: Well, when we port, Iâ??ll make it up to you. Harris: Whatever. *Throws my hand to me**Grabs Reinaâ??s hand and pulls her along with her* I have my work cut out with this one. *Sigh* I walked the other way to the wheel of the boat, and then we set off to Tortuga. This will be a long journey! And not a happy one at thatâ?¦ -*Mariahâ??s Point Of View*- I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT MAN! He nearly drowned me! And right in front of my little cousin! What if I had died, she would be left alone with these filthy pirates! I was walking back and forth in my room when we had made port in Tortuga, I wasnâ??t about to come out of my cabin. Reina was sitting on my bed, I couldnâ??t change my clothes since my dress was hidden under my bed. And I donâ??t want these men seeing me in it, especially Jackson! I was still pacing around in my room when the door open and Jackson was standing there. I looked at him with hatred. He had a smirk on his face, yet again. Does he ever smile! I was about to say something when he pulled out something from his pocket. MY NECKLACE! I felt my neck to where it should be, and to my shock it wasnâ??t there! How did do that, and I didnâ??t even know about it! Reina: Give that back to him! Michael: You donâ??t have to put up the lie, Harris. *Throws the necklace to me* Me: *Catches it and puts it back on* What are you talking about? What lie, Captain? Michael: I know youâ??re a women. Reina&I: *O_O* Michael: Given you CPR helps. *Smiles evilly* HE DID WHAT!!!? Well, I guess I owe him my thanksâ?¦he did saveâ?¦but heâ??s the reason he had to save me! I sighedâ?¦my story is told. Me: Alright. Iâ??m a women, just like Reinaâ?¦what are you going to do about it? Michael: Iâ??m going to do- Good please tell me he isnâ??t going to kill me!? Or tell Reina and Isâ?? secret! Heâ??s not that evilâ?¦ Is he? To Be Continued *I hoped you all enjoyed this part ^_^ I know it was pretty stupid, but more to come soon. Till then, BYE!!! And I'm trying to put humor in there as well, just like the Pirates movie & some serious moments as well. But again, I hoped you all liked this part. And see you all later! :D*
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