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Don't forget about us Part 2
Hey it's me with the second part to my story I hope you enjoy it and all my other stories. Love, Stormi --------------------- Davina:who's party is it? Selena:well,since I been down here in L.A I have gotton to to know some famous people like Quincy Jones and he invited me to one of his parties at his house. Adriana:so is there gonna be like famous people there? Selena:of course! Davina&Adriana:AHH!!! Me:you guys are so imature there just famous people,what's so special about them? Okay I know I kinda sound crazy but I'm those kind of people who think celebrities are just like regular people.But of course they think I'm crazy. Davina:ugh well there famous,who wouldn't want to know anyone famous? Me:ugh.. me! Davina:well I would Adriana:I really don't care if I know anyone famous but I guess it would be cool to Selena:(interupting us)well as much as I would like to keep this converstaion going we need to get ready for the party it's in 5 hours and I have nothing to wear! Me:yeah me neither Adriana:well hello that's why we go shopping! Selena:ok well let's go get ready and then let's go So we go get ready so I just put on some jeans and a plain red t-shirt I look at the clock and it was exacly 5:00pm.So we got in selena's car and we went to the mall and we went to forever 21 (I love that store lol) I got a aqua color dress it was strapless and it was about kinda short but to short I bought a black sweater to go over it and some black flats with a silver heart necklace the outfit was really cute once we all got our outfits it was 6:45pm and the party starts at 10:00pm.So we go back to the house and we all take showers I put on my outfit and my hair was already naturally curly so I scunched it to make it look like I have big curls in my hair.Once I was done I thought I looked pretty good.It was about 10:30 when we were all finished but we didn't leave till 11:00 cause then real party starts said Selena. Adriana:I can't wait!! (sounding anxious) me:I know! I wonder what famous people are gonna be there? Davina:oh and this coming from the girl (mocking me) "famous people are just like anyonee else" me:(throwing a pillow at her)oh shut up fat head Selena&adriana:(laughing) Selena:oh my gosh we haven't called he that since we were nine The reason we used to call he that is because when we were nine we were playing baseball with the neighborhood kids and some kid hit the ball and davina went foe hit and it hit her right in here head and knocked her out cold I remember for one whole month she had that big bump on her forhead (lol true story it happen to my cousin when we were nine).After we laughed for awhile we finally drove to the party.When we got there Quincy Jones met us at the door. Quincy:(smiling)ah selena good to see you again (hugging her then looking at us) and these are? Selena:(pointing us out to him)this is Adriana and Davina my cousins and this is Stormi my younger sister it's there birthday so they came to visit me for a couple of weeks quincy:(smiling)well it's nice to meet you all please come in We walked in and there were so many celberties I have to admit I was kinda starstruck.There was Lionel Richie,Cyndi Lauper,Diana Ross,And so much more.Quincy introduced us to them and it was amazing I know I said I think famous people are just like any other people but I must say it was pretty exciting meeting all of them,but they all new my sister some how.The party was really fun but around 1:00 in the morning I was starting to get tired but the party was still going.I went outside in the back yard no one was back there so it was very peaceful and very beautiful there was lights around the house and on the deck and the reflection hit the pool and it was very pretty.I sat on a bench next to the pool just looking at it and thinking,but I guess I wasn't paying that much attension because someone sat right across from me on the bench person:tired to huh? Me:(not paying attension to the person)yea person:these parties go on for hours sometimes even to the next morning but I'm not much of a partier. Me:(still looking at the pool)that's crazy but I guess it could be fun if your really into meeting new people. Person:yea...oh by the way my names Michael,what's yours? Me:(looking up about to tell Michael my name but then I realized it was Michael Jackson).... __________________ Tbc..... Sorry this one was boring but the next parts gonna be better and don't forget to vote :))
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