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sorry again about the big blank spot in part 1. i was very tired. love you michael and friends!!!! god bless! -leila recap: michael asked me to be his girl. me:............*shocked* michael:*smiling* so will you... please??? me: YES! YES I WILL! michael: great! come to my house in 30 minutes,k. me:ok. michael kissed me and left.i layed on the couch thinking about everything that just happened.he asked me to be his girlfriend and i agreed!! i just have t talk to someone. so i call my friend alexis. *dialing number* alexis:hello? me: hey lexis.*excited* lexis: what's up? you sound so happy. me: because you know how long michael and i been friends right? lexis:yeah. me: well he just left my house. lexis: he's back already? me:yeah!! i was surprised. but your gonna loose your hair when i tell you this. lexis:*sarcastically* i am! well i don't want to hear it then. me: i was playing. u wanna hear it or what? lexis: talk child me:ok. so michael came over while sarah,david, and i was playing uno. when i opened the door he was dressed in a coat sunshades and a baseball cap. lexis: it's hot outside and he had on a coat? me: it was a diguise. lexis:ohhhh. now i understand. me: anyway i let him in and he kept asking me i don't know who he is and i was like no i don't. when he took off his hat, i knew exactly who he was. then i jumped on him and he held me in his arms while we talked. so we chatted until retarded little sarah had to come and disturb us. she asked him when was we going to be girlfriend and boyfriend. lexis:*excited* she said that! me: yup. when we started playing uno he asked how come i never told him i watched him on tv. and i told him because i didn't want him to think i was going crazy over him. he asked do i like him and i said yea and he said he like me too. and then he popped the question. will you be my girl and i was like yea. lexis:WOW!!! I CAN'T BELIEVED THAT HAPPENED!! SO WHAT NOW? me: well i suppose to meet him in a half in hour at his house. gotta go. lexis: ok. i'll be right over. bye me: ok.bye i hung up with her went and put on a blue jean skirt with some leggings and a pink tanktop that matched. i let my bang hang and put my other hair in a ball. sliiped on my flip flops that goes with the outfit and sat and waited for alexis to come. i waited a good 5 minutes and she was here. lexis: i told you i was coming. me: ok. whatevr. come in. david&sarah:aunt alexis!!!*running to her* lexis: hey guys*hugging them* me: mom! i'm going to michael's house, k. mom & dad: ok. have fun! alexis and i was walking to michael's house talking until we ran into allia with some sunshades on. alexis& i: hey allia allia:guys i nned your help. john keeps hitting me. me: hold up did you say hit you? allia: yes. at that moment i got into a rage mode. i took her to my house and called michael and told him the situation and him, marlon,jermain, and randy came over. i wnet upstairs put on my jogging shorts and a different tanktop and some steel toe boots. i put my hair in a ponytail and went downstairs. i wasn't going to let john beat on her like that. i've been in a abusive relationship and i didn't let shawn beat my ass. so i'm going over there to kick john's ass! michael:milian. you can't go by yourself. please take me with you. me: i'm going to finish a job allia started. i won't get in trouble because my father is a cop. michael: at least take randy and jermain with you. me and marlon will stay with allia. lexis: girl you need help? me: as much as i can get.*angry* we head to allia's house and that bitch is sitting on the porch. me:jermain,randy, hide behind this house until i call your phone. r&j: ok. me and alexis walk on the porch and he's smoking a cigaret. john: can i help you 2 whores? me: first of all you piece of shit i am not a whore. and 2nd of all GET YOUR ASS IN THE HOUSE NOW! BEFORE I SHOVE MY FOOT UP YOUR ASS! randy and jermain was looking at me going off on john. randy: michael got a rambo girlfriend. jermain:i agree. john:cameron! mitchell! guys help me out! cameron and mitchell comes out the house. cameron: hey alexis! hey milian! mitchell: umh, we wn't bother you. we were just leaving this jack-ass. me: ok. bye guys. guys: bye. me: i don't think i stuttered when i told you to get your ass in the house! lexis: i think i'll take this cigaret.*taking cigaret out his hand* NO THANK YOU BITCH!!! ME:*THROWING HIM IN THE HOUSE* WHY DID YOU BEAT ALLIA?!! HUH?! JOHN:*NO ANSWER*EPPING ON HIS FINGERS* WHEN I ASK YOU A DAMN QUESTION I WANT A DAMN ANSWER NOW ANSWER MY QUESTION!! JOHN:SHE CHEATED ON ME!!!! LEXIS:*PUNCHING HIM IN THE FACE* WITH WHO JOHN?! WITH WHO?! I WOULD CHEAT ON YOUR ASS TOO SUN-OF-A-BITCH!!! ME: NOW YOUR ASS IS GOING TO JAIL! JOHN:*GRABBING MY LEG PULLING ME DOWN AND DROPPED MY PHONE* NO THE HELL I AIN'T!! YOU AIN'T SO TOUGH NOW ARE YOU?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! ME:*PUNCHING HIM IN THE FACE* BITCH!!!!! I NEVER LOOSE MY STRONGNESS! LEXIS:*ON THE PHONE CALLING JERMAIN* JERMAIN: HELLO? LEXIS: COME ON WE NEED BACK UP! JERMAIN: WE'RE ON OUR WAY. LEXIS PUNCHED THE SHIT OUT OF JOHN MAKING HIM PASS OUT. BY THE TIME JERMAIN AND RANDY CAME IN, WE HAD TOOK CARE OF EVERYTHING. RANDY:*LOOKING AT JOHN ON THE FLLOR PASSED OUT* WE THOUGHT U NEEDED BACK UP? ME: WE DID BUT LEXIS GOT MAD AND PUNCH THE HELL OUT OF HIM. RANDY: WOW! I LIKE A FIESTY GIRL. LEXIS: I LIKE A CUTE GUY AND A GUY THAT DON'T BEAT ME OR WILL NEVER CHEAT ON ME AND SOMEONE WHO'LL LOVE ME. RANDY: THAT'S ME! ME:OK. EWWW. CALL THE POLICE*PUNCHING HIM IN THE FACE AGAIN TO MAKE SURE HE WON'T GET UP* after we made the big call, the police finally came. my dad aproached me. dad: sweetie, are you ok? me:yes. i just got a cigaret burn and a bruise on my arm. dad:ok. go to the hospital with lexis. me: ok dad. bye. dad:bye * at the hospital* michael: caramel, are you ok? me: yes mikey. doctor: miss lopez? me: yes doc. doc: well you have a 2nd degree burn. michael: oh goodness. me:jeez. michael: i love you either way.*holding my hand* me: awwwww. thank you. doc: you can go home thoug. me:ok. thank you. so allia is still in the hospital and lexis is visitng her.. michael: am i ugly? me:............ TO BE CONTINUED...... PLZZ VOTE..
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